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Bedlingtons in somerset


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Hi folks.. does anyone know of a good bedlington breeder in somerset , or rest of south west, and what is the general opinion of them as a family pet. I'm whippet-fanatic but my son's family have decided they are interested in the beddi so I 'm trying to help them with some good advice. thank you in advance!
We had a pedigree bedlington some yrs ago.He was one of my fav.ever dogs,But,we had a lot of trouble too,the hunting instinct was very high,he was a real killing machine,& would go down rabbit holes,go after foxes,squirrels,& killed two cats ( they were in our garden ) but I don't want to put you off,because he was a great dog in lots of other ways.

I've currently got a young beddy x whippet,might be worth considering seeing as you like whippets,get a rough coated one as they're very hardy,I will be getting another one for sure.

Here's a link to breeders,there's one in Exeter

You have to click on breeders,left hand side
Johnniepk talking some sence, i like beddies but far better with a bit of x whip through them..
Have a look on Champdogsforum they were really helpful!