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Bean Has Left For Her New Forever Home

kim & Tilly

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Just to up date you Bean has just left on the trip to her new (hopefully) forever home.


The couple (K9'ers) came to Bristol, from the London direction, to have a look at her and see how their dog got on with Bean.


We took them all out for a walk and Bean and (their dog) got on great. Running and play together. :huggles:


Tilly was her usual bullying self, and wasnt impressed with Bean for daring to play with someone else, she kept knocking her over and pinning her down :(


After the walk it was back to my house, they all got on better, Tilly was still a bit of a bully though. Amy my daughter walked Bean to their car and put her in Bean seemed fine, if a little aprehensive about what was happening.


I waved her off while she looked out the window at me, my heart was breaking, and i wanted to stop the car before it drove off :'( but i have to stick with the decision i made.


I wont post who has her i will leave that up to them...all i will say is that they are wonderful people and i know they will look after Bean and spoil her rotten.... :huggles:


Love you forever Beanie Boo :wub: :huggles:
I know how you're feeling Kim, but you've done the right thing. You'll feel awful for a few days and wish you hadn't rehomed her, but knowing it's for the best will make you feel better.

So glad thing seemed to have gone well. Fingers crossed it all works out. :thumbsup: :luck:
That must have been such a hard thing to do - but I really hope Beanie will settle in well in her new home, and Tilly will be happier as an only dog.

:huggles: Well done for being brave enough to do the right thing :huggles:
Zephyr said:
That must have been such a hard thing to do - but I really hope Beanie will settle in well in her new home, and Tilly will be happier as an only dog. 

:huggles: Well done for being brave enough to do the right thing :huggles:

I feel so :'( :'( :'( :'(
i know it must be hard but chin up , you have given her a good start and ensured she will be in a nice home now :huggles:
What a hard decision for you to make :( (I can well imagine your heart is breaking).....

on the other hand I do hope this works out for Bean - lots of luck :luck: :luck:

and for you Kim :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: keep your chin up. :)
:luck: to Bean and her new family.

How does Tilly seem now that she has gone?
you made a hard decision and must be proud of yourself for putting your dog first , i hpe you will see her and we get to see her too , big hugs to you all :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
:luck: Wishing Bean lots of luck in her new home :luck: :luck: :luck:
Rae said:
:luck:   to Bean and her new family.
How does Tilly seem now that she has gone?

Tilly is fine, she just flopped down in the middle of the lounge, and went to sleep

I thought she would be looking for her, but its like 'thank god place to myself' 8)
wishing bean all the luck in the world with her new family :luck: :luck: :luck:

youve done a very brave thing kim,you should be proud of yourself :thumbsup:
:luck: Good luck in your new home Bean :luck:
:huggles: :luck: :huggles:

from all of us........ :wub:

:huggles: :luck: :huggles:
becpeters said:
:huggles:   :luck:   :huggles:

from all of us........ :wub:

:huggles:   :luck:   :huggles:

Thank you Becks/Simon, i feel such a failure :(

I just wish Tilly and Beanie were ok, but sadly i guess these thing happen?!!

It does hurt anyless though, knowing you have done the right thing :'(

The house is so quiet, bean was such a :clown: always into everything, i miss her madness in the morning.

Sorry :b
Hope everything works out for Bean. :luck: Dont beat yourself up Kim, best to have her safe and sound than to come home one day and find one or both seriously injured. :thumbsup:
Best of luck to Bean in her new home - well done Kim for doing the right thing - and lots of hugs to you. :huggles:
Thinking of you, hope the heartache eases a bit, and it sounds like Bean has gone to a super home. Good luck to her in her new life :luck:
Hi Kim - so sorry to hear that it had to come to this. Having met Bean, I can imagine just how hard it was for you to part with her, but hopefully you will be able to retrieve your relationship with Tilly now. All credit to you for taking such a brave step - there are lots of people who would hide their heads in the sand in such a situation, just because facing it would be so painful.

The last thing you should do is beat yourself up for being a failure - some relationships work and some don't - there was no way you could have predicted such an outcome at the start. Take a deep breath and try to move on.

Hope to see you and Tilly on another Bristol walkies before too long.

With best wishes from Eleanor and Fly