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fed up 2 said:
:p If the fed has not folded then why ask when members are getting there money back!.
Because the Tony and Yvonne have resigned and they are the people that are holding the members monies and equipment ...most of the equipment was bought with sponsorship from seaham that was given to the members ...

Just answer the questions asked :clown: ...when are they getting everything back
You say we do not know who you are.. Fed up 2??.so how come you know a lot about the past FED and their equipment.... seems to me you are taking what is said out of forget it is the members who now vote in the committee and we have every bit of faith in them that we appoint.... :angry:
Well even though there trolling , there not impersonating people like they have done
Fed up 2 might like to read the posting rules.
My, Oh, My, we really are trying hard aren't we ! There are two sets of traps at blidworth that jointly belong to Ron Hardy and myself. Approximately 15 years ago we offered the fed. the chance to have the track as the main fed. track which they said at the time they would like, as they were having problems at swallownest. We also at the time offered them the chance to use our large set of traps for all their meetings around the country. The second part of the offer was never taken up because no-one wanted to tow them about. The first part of the offer was partially taken on by putting a few opens on at blidworth but when it came to the part where the upkeep of the track was concerned myself and Ron Hardy did it so the offer was never fully taken up. So the gossip of it being a fed track was not quite right.

I'm more than capable of looking after myself, thank you, and my son has other business with Tony, which has nothing to do with this site or whippet racing, and it's none of my business either.

I was always out of pocket when working with the fed and was always happy to be so, as hobbies always cost money, you're not supposed to make money from it. As for trusting Yvonne and Tony I don't think I need explain anything as it seems they are doing a good job of proving some of us right on their own.

even though they are trolling! you and Gary would no alot about that ?
impersonating people / I'am not impersonateing anyone
Vicky you might like to read the posting rules??


Did it not say in W.NEWS

Drunken/Aggresive behaviour RULE3 General Rules N.W.R.F you have to no the rules now your on the committee LOL :clown:
why don,t we use this site to promote whippet racing, instead of dragging it down .It would be great if we could all play on a level playing field and everybody play fair but you will always get somebody trying things that are banned or close to it .

it.s not right but it,s hard to stop the N.G.R.C and other bodys dealing with drugs are professonal and have plenty of backing but whippet racing has,nt that back up so until we do the drugs testing will not work ,so lets stop going on and on about something that as already happened and find ways of preventing it happening again lets find ways of helping the new commitee[who ever they my be] and get whippet racing back to were it was a great day out and plenty of friedly banter
impersonating people / I'am not impersonateing anyone
Vicky you might like to read the posting rules??
Oh believe me, i've read them lots!!!

You have been asked on two occasions to make your self known to a moderator & we have still had nothing back - do we take it you are a troll & purposely disrupting the community?
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:cheers: Here here Jeffb I agree with everything u say!
fed up 2 said:

Did it not say in W.NEWS

Drunken/Aggresive behaviour RULE3 General Rules N.W.R.F you have to no the rules now your on the committee LOL :clown:
Gary never accepted his ban ..would you

I also found it quite amusing that the report your on about was tucked away in the fed bend champs instead of been up in reader writes where everyone could see it....

The way i see it is that no members are going to see anything returned from Tony and Yvonne cause if its not knackered or spent it soon will be don't hold your breaths ...i say good riddance

@fed up 2 ....your post is the world's greatest proof of reincarnation; no one could get that dumb in just one lifetime. Your ineffective imitation of good posting style only serves to illuminate your lack of substance, good taste, and decency.

Thank you. We were all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view In closing, I suggest the next time that you feel an urge to embarrass yourself and bore others, that you summon all your might, and resist.

Now lets all put this behind us and get back to some good racing ..and rebuild the NEW NWRF so we can all enjoy it
That was before you took it upon yourselfs to ban me and the dogs ....
how could i get a ban from someone like yourselves, :clown: who dint even stick to there own rules :clown: if you did then you would of had a 2 year ban ,your keen enough to answer things other than questions like when are you handing over all fed belongings and when do you intend to hand over monies due to wendy freeman and dont try saying you have already to dave or Margarete because they have never received it, you are making things worse by not cooperating with the new committee ,why not try to do the right thing ,instead of bringing all bodies concerned into disrepute ...................
dee what do you mean :its a good answer to ritchies origanal post:?? :cheers:
The original whippet new letter in reads writes that Yvonne put in for Jill hardy answering some of her question she asked when Ecstasy fail a test..

you could look it up in Nov 98 whippet news ....if you got one as you were not racing then:

or use the link provided its a bit clearer than the previous copy on here

copy of nov 98 letter
:cheers: Mutley very funny lol, you wanting someone to put there name

thats a bit funny pink only 3 posts and you just happen 2 know this do you smart arse,guess who just shot em selves in the foot :p
Gaz was trolling last year as lamping Larry , which was all done in fun ...nigel and the other moderators knew it was gaz as they were told by him via email ...the trolling you all are doing off a couple of PC is malicious trouble causing also very immature
The latest Greyhound Star has just come out, and I would suggest some people look at the front page. It also states that after reading the article, for further details you go to