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Bath Result

dawn Posted on Jun 1 2004, 07:50 PM   Just looked to see how Sally went on in the group and notice Chis Amoo has a new breed out


Its probably the (cotton)reel thing.

He`s had Irish Wolfhounds in the past and done well with them before .

but Dawn



I know he has had Irish Wolfhounds but not Irish woolfhounds!!!!


Its done Russ! :sweating: :sweating:
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A sad thing about friends entering under friends is that the person entering the dog EXPECTS to win under their friend, and the person judging feels they are jeopardising either their friendship with the person or their reputation as an honest judge. I do enter under people I know but I do not expect to win. I expect them to apply their knowledge and give an honest opinion.

I have a friend who used to be a trainee judge. Here in Mackay our open shows don't attract very many dogs (possibly 100 or so) so it is very difficult for trainee judges to get their numbers up. One day my friend had a judging appointment locally and I told her I would be there. She said the same thing, "Do you have to enter under me? It puts me in a difficult position." and I said "Yes I do. You need the numbers. And your position shouldn't be difficult - you're not judging me, you're judging the dogs. I'm bringing out every whippet I've got - and I expect you to do what you think is right with them - not what you think I would want (my dogs to win) or put me down because you're worried about what people will say if you put me up. You place the dogs where you think they should be and I will not end our friendship over what you do and I will still enter under you next time."
Thats what youd hope peps would do when judging Lana .

Here we have so many shows to go to there really is no need at all to show under very close friends ,

I consider many peps in whippets to be my friends (I hope) and would expect them to enter under me as I always (!) judge the dogs to my best ability , . It`s peps who Im very close to and those who I travel with on a regular basis that I wouldnt like under me .

In fact their is only 1 couple who i wouldnt show under and they wouldnt show under me ,

So Debbie your ok at the moment ! ;)
I agree with you to a degree Aslan but even if you put your friend up and genuinly think their dog is best it still gives out the wrong impression in my'll start a lot of tongues wagging! and like Jax said over here there are more than enough champ shows in most areas of the country.I would get 100% more pleasure winning under a judge who didn't know me or my breeding from Adam! Im just glad Phil & I didn't end up going to Bath!!!
'cause I'm a tight person I didn't buy a catalogue. .............

Nope that's not it :) 'cause Lyd is a tight person and she entered the show for me and she didn't buy a catalogue for either me or her I don't have one.

So could someone who isn't a tight person please tell me who Sarah Pirie was handling in Open dog? She either came 4th or 5th.

I'm trying to find out if I was correct in who I thought that it was.
I agree with Jax and the rest it does not look good when people travel to shows with the judges and then go on to win a top place. I have also known some cases of a Judge staying overnight with an exhibitor and the exhibitor still showing under them. We all know what the doggy world is like. You scratch my back I'll scratch yours. Why do do you think a large propotion of dogs become champions? If the ordinary Joe Bloggs was showing the same dogs they would be tossed out the ring. These days it's not what you know but who you know and what favour can you do in return for a place ( sorry folks just how I feel when I see some of the dogs and bitches that have been made up lately) :alien:
I reckon these days the wheeing and dealing is more insidious than people who are friends travelling to shows together. That's pretty out there in the open. I reckon there's more wins being had by people who are setting it up for themselves behind the scenes - phone calls to friends and friends put the word in, direct emails to judges, visits overseas seeking out judges telling them how 'good' their own dogs are and how 'bad' everyone else's are, even payments monetary or otherwise.

It's a sad state of affairs but it's also a sad part of human nature and of any competition and will always be with us. One can't dwell on this sort of behaviour too often otherwise one would never show again.

And I'm afraid - win, lose or otherwise - I can't live without my dog shows! So I have to concentrate on the good in people and believe in honest judges and honest fellow exhibitors. I know that I get beaten by the dishonest ones but I have to just bite my lip, move on to the next show and keep hoping that if I stay good and true that one day I will have that dog of a lifetime that wins BIS after BIS. :luck:
I agree with you Aslan the love of showing a nice dog far outweigh the nastier side of showing and like you life would be empty without dog shows and whippets. It's just a pity that know one knows who their real freinds are at the ring side. My lip and tongue are permenantly sore with biting them. Not to metion the sores on my back where the knife goes in!!!!!!!!!!! :oops:
BeeJay said:
who isn't a tight person please tell me who Sarah Pirie was handling in Open dog? She either came 4th or 5th. 
I'm trying to find out if I was correct in who I thought that it was.
It was Ch Shoe Buckle - I think she normally handles him, haven't actually checked in the catalogue today but I'm pretty sure my memory serves me right!

On the note of all this, I think it's terrible that the DCC winner was telling everyone before the event, in any case if I was the judge and knew this I would be appalled and certainly wouldn't be a friend any longer. Even she just thought that he liked her dog, in my mind it still takes an awful lot of arrogance to tell everyone before the event :oops:

I wonder what the entries will be like next time he judges?? (w00t) Although Idid think he was very good with the dogs, I was a bit worried as he was such a big man he may be a bit heavy handed, but he was really good and he also took a lot of time over the dogs (well over mine), so I felt I got my moneys worth anyhow, even if we did leave empty handed (except for the Mr Whippy! :p )
Thanks Joe that's who I thought that it would be.
JAX said:
:- " Yep , my prediction was right  :D
Sally had been telling peps for weeks she was getting the ticket (apparently !)Onion has been unlucky to be up against stiff opposition at most shows .

I personnally dont think it looks good for the judge when she travels with him  to shows ,  :oops:

OK hes used her dog as well as he`s used Rascal  and I know that some peps do do that sort of thing ,

Years ago, Roma Whright -smith( who I used to travel with on a regular basis ) came under me at H A of Scotland ( it was my 1st time giving tickets ). When she told me she`d entered I asked her `did you really have to enter under me ? , she replied , well shes good enough to be made up , , so I replied , well if she`s that good why do you have to come under me then ?

When friends come under you , you really cant win , If you place them its cos your friend s and if you dont they dont like it  and to be honest you really have to be careful not to knock them because of it . :- "

By the way I gave Roma 2nd and the R C C and the bitch DID get made up  :))

When Roma judged Crufts years ago , Mayzee was doing really well and I DIDN`T enter her and several peps came up to me that day and said `OH you`ll have a good day with Roma judging `

See what I mean  ;)
I dont understand all this. Surely a judge is a judge....What has friends got to do with this.


I have NEVER EVER heard of a dog winning unless it was the worthy winner. :- "

Is this something that is an "English" thing? (w00t)

PS. I take VISA & AMEX, but prefer CASH :- "
Hi cartman

Welcome to the real world of Dog Showing--------just landed on the planet have U ! ! ! :oops:

Hope u r keeping o.k. :b

Heather and the Khabaray Whips
Heather, Thank you, all fine here. & U?

Now this thing with the judges..............are you implying, this has happened befor...? :teehee:

That has never happened here. Ohh Shock Horror...... 8)
And I'm afraid - win, lose or otherwise - I can't live without my dog shows! So I have to concentrate on the good in people and believe in honest judges and honest fellow exhibitors. I know that I get beaten by the dishonest ones but I have to just bite my lip, move on to the next show and keep hoping that if I stay good and true that one day I will have that dog of a lifetime that wins BIS after BIS. 

Yes Lana . thats exactly how I feel too .

Are you SURE we arnt from the same genetics ! :eek: ;) :huggles:
Cartman :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " Yeah sure it never happens anywhere. Jill :teehee:
If BK knew who was going to get the DCC why the h**l was he so slow judging the dogs, ponderous or what -_-

I was steaming, I think its disgusting, if you know you are going to get the ticket have the good grace to keep your gob shut and dont spoil what little faith we have in breed specialist.
Karen said:
I was steaming, I think its disgusting, if you know you are going to get the ticket have the good grace to keep your gob shut and dont spoil what little faith we have in breed specialist.
My thoughts exactly , Karen .

Mind you Sally was sure she was going to get the ticket at a couple of other shows in the past and was most upset when she didnt . :oops:

I like Sally, but to travel around with some one , give them Best of sex when she was judging and then get the Dog CC from them is all a bit too much for me .

( if she`d got the Bitch C C then at least she might have got her made up , as it is Onion is no youngster is he ?)