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Does anyone else have a non barking whippet? I am not complaining but I just wondered if it was a whippet thing or is my girl unique. When someone comes to the door you are lucky if she even raises her head to look. The Jack russell is running around like a idiot barking not Megan.

Yesterday someone camed to the door, rang the bell Megan who was sitting on the chair by the window looked at them. They rang it again and she carried on looking at them. The other dog was in the garden with me and we didnt hear the bell. She eventually went away and sat in the car, came back 5 mins later and again nothing. Eventually she phoned me to see if I was in :lol: When she came in Megan at least got up to say hello and then went back to her chair. :lol:

The only time we hear her is when she is playing with the other dog and she has something she wants. She will give a pathetic WOOWOO WOOO not even a proper bark.

Having such a laid back non barking girl is worrying us a bit incase she is a one off and we get a nasty supprise when we get another whippet (w00t)

Sada doesn't bark if anyone comes to the door. The only time she barks

with me is when she brings a toy that she wants to play with.

My 16 yr old daughter and my sister both walk Sada when im

at work and they have both told me that she barks at people when they go

by, i dont know what thats all about though.

She has a really big bark, when she does it. :lol:
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Both of mine don't bark in the house but do when they are out playing.
My little girl is a barker. When someone comes to the door or when a doorbell rings on the television. :D

But my big boy never ever barks. Don't think I've ever heard him let loose with a woof. But he'll bay and scream if he spots game when he's on lead and is restrained.
Zephyr never barks at the door, but just recently he has taken a big dislike to a very nervous Siamese who slinks across the garden looking very shifty,and he goes bonkers barking at it (w00t) - it's such a surprise for us as he hardly ever barks normally. :)
(w00t) barking dont get me started on that my two especaily blue barks for blooming wales and england i think :lol: weather its the door going or just hearing somone talking they cant see. blue even barked at poor little old women on a walk the other day she was terrified till i got hold of blue and showed her its all talk with him she actualy fell in love with him :blink: hes very load barker to .now ollie only barkes now and again blue is definatly all bark and no action tho .but somtimes i think its a good thing that he barks at strangers on our walks as when the winter nights come in and i have to walk in the dark and ther are sum dodgy people around he scares them off for me (my hero :huggles: ) :thumbsup:
We used to have a none barking greyhound but our whippet does and it makes us jump as we're not used to it :lol:
My old dog Chip hardly ever barked - in fact it freaked me out when he did. But Oscar and Kobi my two whippets now are both definitely barkers :clown: they are great when anyone comes to the door... :thumbsup: and especially if they see any dogs out of the window... :- " :lol:
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Gelert was like that; we taught him to 'say please' and he found it really difficult; he'd have to do quite a few silent ones, with only the sound of teeth closing before finally managing a pathetic woof for his treat. When he got to about 5 he did start giving a single bark when someone knocked the door. On the other hand he did used to sing and whine a lot though, and still does if he's on his way somewhere exciting. His great nephew is more of a barker, though still only a Rwoof-woof when he wants something in particular.
wish just one of mine didnt bark,all 5 of my dogs bark if the door bell goes or they hear a car door been shut or at another dog over on the park :wacko: it sounds like bedlam in here sometimes :eek:

i think they just do what the other one does as molly always barked then millie came along and soon joined forces with molly in the noise front as did phoebe and kiplin even little finley as his 10 pence worth when the others start :b oh well they make good alerts for me :thumbsup:
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Who sent in the video a while ago with a mad whippet barking at a cabbage in the kitchen, it was hilarious :lol:
Puzzle is almost 9 months old and I've only ever heard him bark once. His whole family is very quiet too. His mom never barks and his dad only really barks when you ask him to, and it's takes A LOT of convincing!

His one brother, however, barks up a storm every time I've seen him. Go figure!

My older whippet peggy barks if shes sees any dogs on the tv she'll jump off the sofa and go straight to the tv also she'l bark when she wants me to through her ball

My other whippet will bark at collies when out walking only because she was bitten by one AND also bark esp Peg at race/coursing meets
Izzy only ever barks when she wants to play, even then its not a big bark! She doesn't deign herself to answer the door, thats what we humans are for.