We have a cockapoo puppy who is nearly 10 months. She sleeps in the utility room in a crate with the door open (used to be crated until a couple of months ago) and has always woken early and barked a lot for our attention. We used to go to her as she seemed desperate for the toilet. A few weeks ago she heard our neighbours go into the garage right by her room after bedtime and started barking. We went to check on her and let her out etc. Since then she's been doing it 3/4 times a week, barking about 15-30 mins after bed. Plus in the mornings anytime from 530 (we want to get up at 630/7!). It's getting worse so we've decided to ignore her as I don't know how else to resolve it. We can't have in our room. I don't think she needs the toilet anymore and has just learnt that it gets our attention. Last night she was put to bed at 10, started barking at 1015 and barked loudly and pretty much constantly for 45 mins until she eventually went quiet. Started barking at 6 this morning and ignored till we get up at 630. Will this work? Or this there something else we ought to be doing? Any help would be brilliant, thanks.