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Ban The Rottie Poll...


New Member
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Sorry if this has been posted already. Cross posted with permission. :grin:

Due to recent events the gutter press that it is (The Mirror ) has begun a poll to ban the Rottie.

Can any members who - like me - do not want to see the demise of this wonderful breed due to the actions of some very negligent owners please hit NO on the poll (link provided below).

We must blame the deed not the breed.
done, im with u on deed not breed. i do however think that there should be some sort of restrictions on the type of people that can own these so called " status dogs"

i dont know maybe some sort of manditory training and a license?

i gotta say i have only ever met one bad rottie and that was down to poor training by a weak owner, i been snapped at by far more yappy type dogs than rotties, staffs and alsations put together.
It's good to see that the No Vote is ahead at the moment - not the breed's fault that there are stupid irresponsible people about
In most cases its owners to blame. Did you see the case over Christmas where the little one was killed.....a 15 year old left in charge of 3 children and the rottweiller.. (w00t)

very tragic indeed but not really the dogs fault.
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Done :thumbsup:

I noticed in Dog World last week just a few lines telling how a Staffie ( another breed often demonised in the press for the stupidity of idiot owners) and a Rottweiler cross pulled a young boy out of a river where he would certainly have drowned without their help, and stayed with him until help came :huggles:

Why isn't more publicity given to stories of the bravery and love these dogs can show to people, rather that scaremongering and hate campaigns :rant: It makes me bloody sick :(

Liz and the Monellis
Done :) :thumbsup:

I was always brought up to believe there's no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners...... how true :(
done :thumbsup:

definatley a lovely breed of dog in the right hands.
I don't know much about the breed at all to be honest on how they natrually are, but I thought id add that I know of one rottie, and she is lovely. I walk to my local park with my whippet, and this rottweiler is probably one of the most friendly dogs there, she runs and plays with all dogs, she plays with mine all the time and mine just loves playing with her and getting her to chase her. I don't know the people personally but I can tell they are responsible with her.

Although, I have seen alot of people around here with rottweilers and staffies that are for image, which can be worrying as you don't know if the dogs have had any proper training. But I don't have nearly half the experience on knowing about dogs as other on this forum, im only on my first dog. I do find it very upsetting that so many children have been killed by dogs though

The bad experiences ive had with dogs was my dad was bitten by a lhaso apso and they are tiny little things!
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Janimal said:
In most cases its owners to blame.  Did you see the case over Christmas where the little one was killed.....a 15 year old left in charge of 3 children and the rottweiller.. (w00t)
very tragic indeed but not really the dogs fault.

From what I heard the dog was never walked and just left in the back yard all the time with minimal contact from the family. They used to shout at it when it was crying or barking for attention. :(

I have always said; any breed can be dangerous in the hands of an irresponsible owner. Powerful dogs like this can do alot more harm quicker though. Owners should be targeted, not certain breeds of dog.... otherwise the idiots just move on to the next breed of dog that becomes the "in thing" for them to have.

Pleased to see you are all voting No. :thumbsup:
this is my brother with my 1 year old rottie 8 months at the time and another pic with my sister and my rottie george. Weve had rotties since i was a baby and im a teenager now and never had one even growl at enyone. we also have georges sister mildred who is ov the same temperement. here is the picz




I think the same as a lot of you............its how they are taught not

the breed as a whole.

And there is no denying they are beautiful looking animal :thumbsup:
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wiggy-junior said:
this is my brother with my 1 year old rottie 8 months at the time and another pic with my sister and my rottie george. Weve had rotties since i was a baby and im a teenager now and never had one even growl at enyone. we also have georges sister mildred who is ov the same temperement. here is the picz




Good looking Dogs - Welcome to K9!

Rotties are great dogs as long as you understand their power, they are well bred and sensibly cared for

Yours look lovely Wiggy Junior - so are your siblings :wub:
I've voted NO too!! :thumbsup:

Those are lovely pics :wub: :thumbsup:
Rottweilers vary, but I have met some that had absolutely delightful gentle temperaments and I dont think they would suddenly turn ferocious with little cause. Caution should be always be exercised with dogs (of any breed and temperaments/training) and young children and they should be supervised.
Here is my brothers dog Bronson...a big boy... :wub:

[SIZE=21pt] :thumbsup: DONE :thumbsup: [/SIZE]
I voted No too, although it is a very sad thing and my heart goes out to all those involved.

I too think there should be lincense or some sort of training on owning a rottie. Also potential owners should always make sure they are buying from a reptable breeder who has a good reputation for her soundness of nature in her breed history.

Rotties are always given a bad name but all the show ones i have met are so well behaved it goes to show what a bit of training can do.
im not a fan of rotties but after being friends with wiggy and co for 16 yrs , i have seen the kindness and gentleness in a breed i didnt expect, they had the oh so gorgeous jordy :wub: (R I P fella) before george and mildred and he was a credit to their care and training , george and mildred were bred by denika on here and she is known to have sound and good tempered dogs , its breeders like denika and owners like wiggy who need congratulating :thumbsup: