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so sorry Julie,but youve done the right thing and youve done it at the right time too.Sams tumour was very fast growing and my vet said to me hes not got long and i said how longs that and he said not long so i knew then wnat he meant.sure enough a couple of weeks later and i knew it had to be done.doesnt make it any easier but its better to die with dignity and free of pain than suffering and prolonged humiliation.i hope Baggins meets up with my Sam they can go hunting and play together :huggles:
So sorry to hear your sad news. :( He was a beautiful cat. :wub:

RIP Baggins. :huggles:
So sorry to hear about Baggins Julie. :'( He looked lovely. Such a difficult thing to do but you know you did what was right for him. Thinking of you all. :huggles:

RIP Baggins. :wub: