Didnt I tell you its the best feeling in the world being a granny. I cant believe its another race you won - the who can be a granny/granpa first race. Ours is due in 2 weeks time. All the best to you and your family.
Thank everyone for the pms txts etc. Anyone who knows me understands what this means to me. Every Dad idolises their daughter so for those who dont have one i feel for you. Nothing like a daughters love for her Dad.
The hospital have decided shes fit enough to be let home this morning which is quite amazing...maybe its the way things are now in Maternity Units. The Ulster Hospitals is a brand new state of the art one with a Home-form-Home ward in it. All leather settees and decorated like a modern home....has anyone ever been to this sortve maternity unit ?
Anyway to those who hate me posting..tough tit !! You just have to get used to it.
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