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Azue Blue X Midnight Run

god it flies by decca doesnt it? mine will b 3 weeks on wed :blink:
poppys pups are 2 weeks old now their eyes are starting to open ,the owners of the 2 dark bitches have been to see them and named them mary & kit.boy & girl left pm me if interested thanx decca
think we need some new pics decca and weights :thumbsup:
Lush lookin pups, the white pup with the black patch over its eye is my fave!
poppys pups pics on facebook,all eyes are opened now, all looking good :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
There you go decca

have they all got new homes now ..which is the white boy & girl



Thanx again dee,the white girl the 1 with the black patch on her eye :thumbsup:
they look a canny size decca do u know wot weights they are? :luck:
i dont weigh them till 4weeks old,when they start to feed them selfs i'll weigh every couple of days,more pics on facebook :thumbsup:
some of us rarely go on facebook decca come on get pics on here :thumbsup:
:wub: More puppies, they're all lovely :luck:
pups started their solids today they ate the lot good start,the pups are hills science plan,month old tomorrow looking good :thumbsup:
pups are 5 weeks tomorow,3 girls sold, boy still waiting for a home,all eating well and running around li

ke crazy & wormed up to date:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
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