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Attitudes towards designer dog breeds

Sorry but in my humble opinion they are just mixed breeds..with daft names and stupid price tags..nothing wrong with mixed breed, i have a rescue collie x GSD and a total mutt, both fantastic dogs but they are just that..MUTTS .. designer makes me laugh..what ever tags people put on these dogs they really are just mixed breed mutts and people are very silly paying BYB stupid amounts of money for one when they can go along to a shelter and pick up a mixed breed for half of what these dogs cost, I accept that pure breeds must be bred by responsible breeder to keep blood lines and breeds going strong, but breeding mixed breeds when so many dogs die in shelters is just irresponsible..there is not a shortage of mixed breeds, whatever price tag or fancy name they have...
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Raven Oaktree I totally agree with you! Well said! :thumbsup:

Rescuing a cross breed is far more rewarding than making one yourself by mixing 2 breeds together just because you want them to look a certain way!

in my opinion, breeders who are doing this on purpose should be banned from breeding altogether. It just shouldn't be done, for profit or at all!
I agree however some are good for allergy purposes such as labradoodles. That being said, to make a crossbreed and then sell for a much higher price is crazy! Especially when there are so many lovely dogs looking for homes but are over looked :(
Designer mutts do have their place in history many of our humble pedigree dogs started out this way most are cross originally

cockapoos for example pre date the labradoodle 50 years or so as do JRT's (excluding the Parsons Russel of course)

Most people are prejudiced against pedigrees opt for designer mutts because they have chosen their pup badly in the past and had bad experiences so from just one alone are prepaired to slander all pedigree breeders with the same brush.

The whole pedigree are badly bred is fueld by many poorly informed owners just go on to make poorly informed decissions.

Their are very good cross breeders out there who breed with a goal in mind and have the same standered as many reputable pedigee breeders but most are sadly BYB's.
I agree however some are good for allergy purposes such as labradoodles. That being said, to make a crossbreed and then sell for a much higher price is crazy! Especially when there are so many lovely dogs looking for homes but are over looked :(
some are great for allergy suffers..but that still dosent make them designer or warrant the price put on their heads..a cross breed is still a cross breed. ;)

Designer mutts do have their place in history many of our humble pedigree dogs started out this way most are cross originally

cockapoos for example pre date the labradoodle 50 years or so as do JRT's (excluding the Parsons Russel of course)

Most people are prejudiced against pedigrees opt for designer mutts because they have chosen their pup badly in the past and had bad experiences so from just one alone are prepaired to slander all pedigree breeders with the same brush.

The whole pedigree are badly bred is fueld by many poorly informed owners just go on to make poorly informed decissions.

Their are very good cross breeders out there who breed with a goal in mind and have the same standered as many reputable pedigee breeders but most are sadly BYB's.
imho anyone who breeds a dog should do it to very high standards..but they really are just mutts..cross breeds for people with more money than sense
I agree however some are good for allergy purposes such as labradoodles. That being said, to make a crossbreed and then sell for a much higher price is crazy! Especially when there are so many lovely dogs looking for homes but are over looked :(
some are great for allergy suffers..but that still dosent make them designer or warrant the price put on their heads..a cross breed is still a cross breed. ;)

Designer mutts do have their place in history many of our humble pedigree dogs started out this way most are cross originally

cockapoos for example pre date the labradoodle 50 years or so as do JRT's (excluding the Parsons Russel of course)

Most people are prejudiced against pedigrees opt for designer mutts because they have chosen their pup badly in the past and had bad experiences so from just one alone are prepaired to slander all pedigree breeders with the same brush.

The whole pedigree are badly bred is fueld by many poorly informed owners just go on to make poorly informed decissions.

Their are very good cross breeders out there who breed with a goal in mind and have the same standered as many reputable pedigee breeders but most are sadly BYB's.
imho anyone who breeds a dog should do it to very high standards..but they really are just mutts..cross breeds for people with more money than sense
Sadly another common belief that has become fact. If you have a dog allergy its not just fur that can cause reactions but also skin, saliva, urine or poop can have problems for sufferes.

This is why it really pays to research The Labradoodle trust has some really good info debunking the common ideas people mistake as fact with these types of dogs.

Another thing to consider is genetics when you cross to breeds with such different coat types it does not garanetee a none shedder depends greatly on who is carrying what genes if the dog is carrying strong shedding genes then they can pass this on to their pups so if your getting one of these dogs you really need to know your coat types and what makes a none shedder to get your moneys worth.

Both labradors and cocker spaniels are natourious shedders with boundless amounts of energy they are not the dogs people think they are.

My advice is if you want to get a designer mutt wait till after christmas when all the rescues are full to the brim with failled pressies you will get one a fraction of the price as what you would pay first time round.
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I did say some for allergy purposes, of course you are correct; there are many things that contribute to allergies. But I have seen through relatives that it can help, if only partly.

I don't believe there is anything wrong with cross breeding, what annoys me is that there are already so many dogs that need homes and there are so many people breeding dogs who really shouldn't!

All dogs they deserve a lot more respect than they are given, if they were we wouldn't have so many dogs in rescue centres or debates like this. I am pleased to see so many people on this forum who are passionate about animals, although it makes us cross it does give a boost to the day. :thumbsup:
I think cross breeds are ace but I do think people rave about them a bit too much and make a lot of false claims.

Same with rescue dogs

And pedigree dogs but just dont give dogs enough respect rsearch should extend more then just the club page the KC but it often does not and thats why people make poorly informed decissions over which breed to buy and end up regretting it.
I did say some for allergy purposes, of course you are correct; there are many things that contribute to allergies. But I have seen through relatives that it can help, if only partly.

I don't believe there is anything wrong with cross breeding, what annoys me is that there are already so many dogs that need homes and there are so many people breeding dogs who really shouldn't!

All dogs they deserve a lot more respect than they are given, if they were we wouldn't have so many dogs in rescue centres or debates like this. I am pleased to see so many people on this forum who are passionate about animals, although it makes us cross it does give a boost to the day. :thumbsup:
Ive never owned a pedigree dog, all of mine have been rescues, so they have all been mutts/crossbreeds...all my dogs have been awesome dogs :) . . If its a specific breed of dog you want there are breed specific rescues and of course there are some very good breeders around. One of my dogs was a rescue anatolian shepherd..omg such an amazing dog, i loved him so much. He had huge issues because of the treatment he had had before he came to us but his true nature shone through to people once he had built up trust. If we ever get our dream place..a bungalow with a bit of land i would go to a breeder to get a good anatolian so he could be socialised from a puppy, other than that i would always choose rescue. Because of the population of unwanted pets in out rescue centers i don believe that crossbreeds should be allowed to breed, not for the moment anyway. I understand that pure breeds need to be bred to keep lines going but i think breeders should be heavily regulated to ensure only the healthiest puppies are born. ..but honestly , while thousands of dogs are pts, and thousands more wait for homes i think its a disgrace that people are still adding to he population
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