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nobody said "bigger dogs" would definatly be winning, just said that straights are really for "smaller dogs" if your honest you will agree, eg 32lber runs off with 16-18lber over 150 giving 14yds away????????????? just saying everything cant be onesided as for most of the year it is i think. i have scratch dogs mainly at the moment so dont give nowt away ;) . come on fairs fair i reckon. :b
I think I must be a thick git :( but what is 280m in yards :) . I wont be racing my 2 dogs on the bends as I think they to small ;) . Also Robbie goes to fast into the first bend and he scares the crap out of me.
I think its 306 yards (sounds a lot when you say it in yards :0 )
Crack O Dawn used to trial over 300yds at Armadale Dog Track near our house. He loved that distance but he was 32lbs. They have changed to an outside hare now too. So anyone in Scotland wanting an outside hare to train over and just under the 306yards go to Armadale in West Lothian. Good Luck to all at the Bend Champs.
Not all big dogs get the trip on the bends - Mark Edmonson will happily admit Stormbird faded on longer distances, so wether its too far is more a reflection on the individual dog rather than the distance per se.

Plenty of lightweights have been succesful on the bends as a review of the supreme winners of BWRA/NWRF champs shows and those lightweights that are good enough are able to compete with the heavyweights at yard per pound on the bends as Jade has shown. At her best Little Madam ran some amazing times and comfortably beat the heavyweights, Little Mary was able to beat the heavyweights over 350yrds to get supreme, Moorfield Miss effectively won the Whippet News top ten veteran by running 2 or 3 times, week in week out at Kinsley at 7 and 8yrs old. If these dogs could run as they did I can see no reason for todays lightweights not to be able to compete.

280m would be considered a short run for most running dogs and whippets are no different. Coursing whippets run to a height rule which means most are "lightweights" and they, along with greyhounds, saluki`s deerhounds, lurchers etc are expected to run much further.

280m is physiologicaly/biochemicaly a sprint distance - it can be acheived by a whippet anaerobicaly and so isn`t any different from 150m as far as the dog is concerened in this respect.

280m is only long compared to the usual 150yrds that the dogs are expected to run, but I feel this is more a case of 150yrds being too short a distance to race rather than 280m being to long. 150yrds isn`t really much of a test for a running dog - even a sprinter
OK can i just say people are proving both sides of the coin some say big ones cant win some say lil ones cant win but read back and both big and lil ones have all had there time if they are fast enough!!

The thing is there will always be differences in opinions and at the end of the day its up to you if you run in an event or not!!

And if ya like racin you will carry on goin and runnin if ya dont you will stop and find another hobby!!

I`d be interested to see the evidence that heavyweights can win at yard/pound over 150yrds; the evidence to the contrary is really overwhelming.

There will be different "opinions", some based on fact, others on predudice, and racers will decide wether to run or not on their preference: but that is the key;people are likely to vote with their feet and just not bother running at all if they don`t think they have a chance. Whippet racing is in decline and the BWRA and NWRF are in big trouble as the status quo is unsustainable.

Racers do have a choice in the races they run, or what they do with their whippets, and its foolish to believe a 150yd yd/lb overall is the epitome of all whippets.

Perhaps my new hobby ought to be competitive whippet racing.

Obviously we all understand that some dogs run better over different distances and are not saying that 150yds/lb should be the only race format.

At our club we race from 100yds at half a yd/lb-220yds in weight groups at 1 and a half yds/lb and both formats have been won by heavyweights,middleweights and lightweights theres some proof for ya! but hey these are ONLY club dogs so do we class as "competitive whippet racing".

As for the decline in whippet racing and this is my own personal opinion could it be because we have tried too many changes,were the old ways better there certainly were more dogs racing back then??
results 11 sep no limit another wonder andrews girl 1169 40lb gypsy queen 1160 supreme scratch gypsy queen 1160 yards lb hts soppit moppit 1280 24lb sun princess 1198 my cinderella 26lb miss mellish 1190 tazmin 1208 32lb midnight boy 1180 supreme yards lb sun princess 2nd miss mellish there was a hare break down that delayed racing but this did not spoil a good nights racing and hope askern have a good championships :D
:angry: Hmmm lost my quicktime player somewhere. Lol never mind I will just unjumble thursday nights results . . . (sorry to whoever wrote them but they are a bit jumbled and I am struggling to make head or tail of what is what). Sun Princess really looked like she enjoyed the bend at this track and it really is sods law that the lure and trap stuffs itself up when people make the journey down to attend the club. Oh well ... :b
Results 11/9/03 (200m at 2ft/lb this time)

No Limit

1 Wonderwall (it was dad winning tonight wasn't it ?) 11.69s

2 Andrew's Girl

40lb Scr (solo)

Gypsy Queen 11.60s

Sup Scr

Gypsy Queen 11.60s (how's that for consistent times eh)

Heat 1 (I don't know if these are all right)

1 Stoppit Moppit 18lb 12.80s

2 Ventura 16lb

Heat 2

1 Sun Princess 24lb 11.98s

2 Connors Lass 24lb

Heat 3

1 Miss Mellish 26lb 11.90s

2 ??? (sorry I don't know)

Heat 4

1 Tazmin 22lb 12.08s

2 ??? (yet again)

Heat 5

1 Midnight Boy 32-3lb 11.80s

2 Buffalo Soldier 27-8lb(???)

Semi 1

Sun Princess

Semi 2

Connors Lass

Semi 3

Miss Mellish

Semi 4

Midnight Boy


1 Sun Princess

2 Miss Mellish

3 Connors Lass

4 Midnight Boy

:8 et voila
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sorry for getting the results mixed up but i was trying to remeber them as there was no programe plus im new to the computer
Ahh 'tis no problemo u r doing well for a computer newbie just to be posting !!!

As for the remembering ... I must just have a better memory than u ;) :p #

Joke ... :b ???
hi fleesh yes it was wonderwall who won,life in the old dog yet ey ;)