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Arthur's Story

RIP Arthur

Hilary you gave over 100% for Arthur and these idiots with their sharp comments obviously don't think before they speak and I suspect they would lack the thought,patience and dedication that you put into Arthur to cope with such a poor troubled soul like he was. He's at peace now and your conscience should be too. :huggles:

Jac xx
Poor you....I hope writing his story has helped you too and thank you for sharing it with us.

Please don't let Arthur and your decision haunt you. You did the right thing...Arthur would never have been cured of all of his behavioural problems, I'm convinced of that.

Yes..just point all those narrow minded and judgmental folk in Deb's direction. I'm sure she'll be as good as her word and sort them out :b :- "

Best wishes :luck: :huggles:
I'm sorry that you have had to go through this. Take Care and RIP Arthur.
I think you made the right decision. I doubt anyone could have tried harder or done a better job of helping him. Some of them have been to badly damaged to help and it is better for them to go to sleep with someone they love and who loves them that to go on to a life of misery with a succesion of stangers.
So sorry you had to make such a tough decision. We try to make our babies lives as wonderful as we can, but sometimes that also means letting them go no matter how much we'd like them stay....and I think some forget this at times :(

RIP Arthur
I to read Arthur's story with a tear in my eye.

You made the best the best decision you could possibly make and gave Arthur the best life possible during his time with you unfortunately nothing could overcome the fears and anxioties of his early life

I to live with a dog with seperation anxiety but his barking is a minor problem compared to Arthur's

Hilary I have absolutely no Doubt you've done right thing.

I wouldn't even acknoledge the people who posted the Incorrect,shallow,unfounded comments on the ZZ. :angry: :angry:

Arthur is now at Peace, Run Free little one :wub: :wub:

I for one Know you Gave Arthur all the dedication you could and you should be Proud of Yourself :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
You knew Arthur better than anyone else, and a very hard one to face but you made the right decision.

I’m so sorry that you have received negative remarks at a time when you most need support.

It’s so sad that Arthur suffered abuse in his early days causing so much irreparable damage and long term problems that could never be overcome.

You did your very best for him.
Hilary I am so sorry for what you and your family have gone through. Wish I could think of words to make you feel better. I am sitting at work reading this with tears in my eyes. Hope it helps to know that people care :huggles: :huggles:
Hilary what a sad story, I too am sitting in tears reading this topic, Im so sorry Arthur had such a bad start in life, but despite all his troubles im sure he was deeply loved by you and his two dads, in my opinion you have made the right decision, for everyone, but mostly for Arthur, Im so pleased to hear that Oliver and the gang are getting on better, I cant believe that people have been so rude on your website, how ignorant and heartless. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy :huggles:
hilary, in life theres always someone who thinks they know better than you.well they lived with the dog you knew him better than anyone.poor arthur was so damaged that there wasnt a lot you could have done.the kindest thing you could do was to let him go.if anyone deserves the blame and the nasty retorts its the thug who mistreated poor arthur and made him aggressive to other animals.all you tried to do was help.some folk make my blood boil. :angry: how dare they post comments like this and make you so upset.if i were you id dump them in the trash can where they belong. you made the right decision hun. R.I.P Arthur.
Hilary, I'm so sorry that you have had these attacks. You've made the right decision for Arthur, Oliver and everyone, and well done for the happiness you gave to Arthur during his life. I know its not easy living with a dog with problems- it began to affect me greatly when I had Ella- trouble is people just start spouting off and they don't have a clue how much you've given and given, and how the final decision is made with enormous care and thought. And how dare anyone comment without even being in your shoes, and knowing more about the whole situation than everyone else.

Don't let them get you down. :huggles:

You did the right thing, at least he wasn't passed from home to home getting more and more insecure. I see it with horses, a horse has a problem it is sold on and on with the problem getting worse and the horse leading a sad sorry life (unless I was to come across them)

Arthur is now safe secure and happy knowing that what time he did have you did your best for him, that's all anyone could ask for.
Hilary I believe that you did the right thing by Atrhur.We all want the best for our animals and sometimes the kindest thing we can do is let them go peacefully knowing that they won't be hurt/damaged any more.My thoughts are with you.
Hillary, you definitely did the right thing, there is only so much you can do. You cannot live your life constantly worried that a dog will hurt somebody, and having your other dogs' lives made miserable. And passing a dog like that on somebody else would only cause him a great pain, and sooner or later they would come to the point when they could not go on. I have also been in position like that in the past; making excuses for the dog, and hope his behavior will get better, but in the end you cannot continue while everybody around him is being negatively affected.

So many posts above said it all and better than me.

I am sorry that some pathetic fools have added to your grief by their nasty uninformed comments.

RIP Artur

Hi Hilary,

This must have been an awful experience for you and you tried so hard with Arthur. His aggression certainly seemed out of control. You made a very brave desicion. I also had tears in my eyes and felt very sorry for you and Arthur. I'm sure you done the right thing.

RIP Arthur
Thank you everyone for all your supportive comments, :huggles: and especially thank you to those who may not have agreed with me but had the sensitivity not to say so. :thumbsup:

I loved Arthur deeply and the decision was taken out of that love and not a selfish desire to keep him alive at all costs, which some seem to think I should have done.

When the garden is ready for Arthur's ashes to be buried, probably sometime next year, I will take some photos of "his" plant and share them with you. :)
What on earth is the matter with some people. Where do they get off thinking it is okay to attack someone in a time of grief. With the execption of the mongrels that beat Arthur as a pup, everyone else involved in Arthurs life has tried to move mountains on his behalf. Arthur was a ticking bomb, and in the end you had no choice. As always Hilary, you done the right thing by Arthur. You can hold your head high. This is more than you can say for the witchhunters.

RIP Arthur
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:( what a sad story, Hilary, and what a lot of wonderful support you have here on K9. Everyone has said all the things I would have said and more...

You have nothing to reproach yourself for, and everything to be proud of.

You made the hardest decision, and those witchunters had no right to make such unpleasant comments when they were not the ones who lived with Arthur.

You knew him best. And you did what you knew in your heart was the best thing for him.

RIP Arthur

Chin up, Hilary :huggles: you are wonderful doggy-mum. Stand proud :flowers:
Your decision took real courage and love.

I have to go give my dog a hug.