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Are Whippets Good Pets


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Hi first time on k9 , i need advice thinking of getting a whippet are they as good a pet as every one makes out.
Naaaaa never get a whippet as a pet... :clown:

you need two or three or...????? (w00t) :teehee:
hello and welcome to k9.... :thumbsup:

whippet are terrible pets....

they steal food

they sleep all day

they take over your sofa

they take over your beds

they stick their boney legs in your ribs

they make you buy loads of collars and coats

they try to sit on your lap while your on the laptop

so all in all they are the best pet in the im sure everyone on here would agree they are great :teehee:
Hi first time on k9 , i need advice thinking of getting a whippet are they as good a pet as every one makes out.

They are in fact better than everyone makes out :thumbsup:
hello and welcome to k9.... :thumbsup:
whippet are terrible pets....

they steal food

they sleep all day

they take over your sofa

they take over your beds

they stick their boney legs in your ribs

they make you buy loads of collars and coats

they try to sit on your lap while your on the laptop

so all in all they are the best pet in the im sure everyone on here would agree they are great :teehee:
Thanks 4 that supose it was a silly question ,just need advice before i buy one,

how much hair do they shed

are they ok to be left for up to 4hrs (max)

thinking of getting a cage are they happy to use one

is general health ok ,any problems
Hi Phillk65, I got my first whippet 2 and a half years ago and it was the best thing I've ever done!! I've now got 2 as everyone will tell you on here they are very addictive :wub: They are very underated. They are the sweetest and funniest of all dogs ( not that I'm being biast :- ) Not a day goes by without them making me laugh. Hope this helps :thumbsup:
hello and welcome to k9.... :thumbsup:
whippet are terrible pets....

they steal food

they sleep all day

they take over your sofa

they take over your beds

they stick their boney legs in your ribs

they make you buy loads of collars and coats

they try to sit on your lap while your on the laptop

so all in all they are the best pet in the im sure everyone on here would agree they are great :teehee:
Thanks 4 that supose it was a silly question ,just need advice before i buy one,

Welcome to K9

how much hair do they shed (not much)

are they ok to be left for up to 4hrs (max)(yes but not as a new puppy because they will need attention and toilet)

thinking of getting a cage are they happy to use one (if you make it a nice place to be they will use it)

is general health ok ,any problems They don't hail much but that also depends on how you look after them with good exsecise and diet

Have to agree with Hely also they are quite horrid, a bit naughty o:) I needed 7 just to be sure :wub:
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They don't shed much, they like a crate if you get them used to it gradually, four hours alone is okay, they do like company though. It is all down to training really on that score.

Health, whippets are very healthy dogs, they like warmth but will happily go out for a run in the cold. They are not too keen on getting wet.

They are a good dog to have as a pet. Affectionate, don't bark a lot, happy with a good run daily, spend quite a lot of time asleep as adults. Can be destructive, pinch food, chew things, all the things the average puppy will do.

Great fun all round.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NEVER EVER buy one whippet, its an absolute NIGHTMARE------YOU NEED AT LEAST 8 and things go REAL SMOOTH.! 8)
:- :- now now come on you lot stop lulling this poor unsuspeting future whippet owner into a sence of security ,i think you may like to take a look at this thread so you no what your letting yourself in for ,ooo by the way im upto 4 whippets at the moe :-;hl=destruction
O NO better not show that to them to the misses or i'll never get one .
:lol: seriously thou you couldnt wish for a more loving loyal companion ,what they destroy they make upp for with love and affection and id never be without my lot for the world :wub:
hello and welcome to k9.... :thumbsup:

whippet are terrible pets....

they steal food

they sleep all day

they take over your sofa

they take over your beds

they stick their boney legs in your ribs

they make you buy loads of collars and coats

they try to sit on your lap while your on the laptop

so all in all they are the best pet in the im sure everyone on here would agree they are great :teehee:


souds like just like the type of dog i;m looking for
Welcome to k9 :thumbsup: Whippets are the best pets in the world!!!!! Get at least 2 though :teehee:

Emma xxx
I've had my bitch now for 15 months, she is 18 months, and the most perfect pet ever, I have had dogs of various breeds all my life, but nothing is like a whippet, she has taught me about 'counter surfing' (nothing is sacred however far up it is) Wall paper stripping (getting slightly higher up the wall every week asshe grew) theft of everything not put away (my fault obviously) or and she did jump into the middle of my Mothers dining room table last week

But perfect does not come in to it, to exercise them, cuddle and play with a whippet is second to none! :thumbsup:
I've got two whippet pups aged 15 weeks and agree they are fab. However I will say that I am home all the time at the moment and am sure it has made a world of difference to how they've settled, knowing their place in the family and their training. Both are happy sleeping in the cage at night and are fully house trained. Both will still have a crafty chew on anything if I'm not looking and you have to accept, as with all pups, that they will destroy something that you wish they hadn't. We also have a medium sized very secure garden with six foot fences!

For our family, they are perfect. When bigger they will do long walks (our inlaws live in Whitby so we do some moor and beach walks) BUT can cope with just a trot around the block on some days if that's all we can do. They do have these alarming scraps but will settle again quickly. They don't bark everytime someone comes to the door. They eat the remote control at every turn - we have to use our memory to know which button is for what, because they ate the front off. They give the best cuddles. They DO chase the cat even though I thought they wouldn't if they were brought up with him from a pup.

So, a mix of gorgeousness and crashing reality, but I wouldn't swap them for the world. ;)
Oh, forgot to add, they make you very tidy - because the minute you leave anything out, they will eat it or steal it. If we lose anything in our house, the first place we look is the dog's bed....dvds, hats, gloves, remote control, shoes etc...
Have split my sides looking at some of these pictures and have to say Jazz is brilliant, just tissues that she likes to shred, but then as I read on I started thinking back to when she was a puppy and remembered she chewed a playstation controller (which can still be used, phew!), an ipod player cable, which fortunately for her was not on at the time and now cannot be used and a footrest on our leather sofa, which I have to say was ejected out by my Husband to rest his feet and found itself in line with her mouth, so she started chewing, it was a while before we noticed and I blame him for putting temptation her way! Also just remembered, the other day she chewed the heels off a pair of boots, luckily for her they were from Primark.

Anyway we obviously have not been put off because we have just brought another Whippet bitch puppy who is 5 months old, I am watching her like a hawk. The lady who owned her before us told us she hardly chews anything and to give her lots of chews to discourage this, which we do, however she did also say she was nearly completely house trained, just a small wee occasionally but we are finding little brown messages in every room of the house! I know this is the puppy stage and we will beat this eventually! I also found our new addition (Kadie) head first down the kitchen bin because the lid had been left open.

So to answer the original question which has been answered really well by many of you, they are a delight to own in temperament especially and I agree very addictive, so that in my book cancels out any other little faults they may acquire along the way. Good luck in your decision

Donna X.
Well from a person who is scared of dogs....

I was attacked by two rotties when I was 11 and it has made me nervous of dogs ever since.

We got an ex racing greyhound when DS was 3 and he showed me what lovely dogs Greyhound, whippet, lurchers and Iggies can be.

I have 1 whippet and one whippet x

You'll never stop at just the one ;) I am working on number 3 :-

Oh and yes as hely said..... they do all that but then look at your with their gorgeous faces :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Lots of good advice on here. After having had many different breeds of dog in my lifetime Whippets are definitely my first choice now.


Being so short coated they are very easy to get clean after a muddy walk.


I may have been lucky but Ruby was just so easy to house train. I crated her at night at first and she still regards the crate as her night-time sleeping place but it is left open. She still goes in her crate very happily if I need to go out without her. I try to stick to a 4 hour max if I have to leave her during the day but being in the crate I know she will just sleep and not be getting into any mischief.

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Pauline & Ruby
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