A friend of mine has two Jack Russels, she can't trust them with her grandchildren as they snap at them and have even bitten them on occasion. Her daughter also had a JR which she had to rehome last year when she had her latest baby because it was extremely snappy every time she had to deal with the baby.Comments like this about Jack Russells are so hard to read for me!
You must have been very unlucky to have never met a nice one...I believe my dog would totally Change your view because she's the most loving, sweet natured dog I could ask for...even with young kids she's brilliant and tolerates anything
she's great off-lead, she's great being groomed and she's great with other dogs as long as they're nice to her, and she's never even growled at anyone, human or canine ...Maybe I'm just lucky to have found the loveliest Jack in the world!
I do believe that dogs are like people and some are nice and some not.
I still would not have any type of terrier from choice, but if one had accidentally entered my life, like Dudley did, I would probably adore it as I do him.