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I agree with you Judy, the size limit is ok as it is.

As regards the name thing - we were allowed to have Mighty Mouse although there was once a champion Mighty Mouse. I think because we also have Whiphaven at the front of the name, and people wouldn't be confused, it was allowed.

As regards Archie and his weight (I'm not sure of his height) - I think as I remember seeing him, he would go down to 32lbs. Joanna, you might be shocked that I say this, and I remember starting racing with show whippets, and saying "yuk, look at those pin bones sticking out - I'll never have my whippets that thin". Our whippets were both weighing in at 22lbs, and when we eventually got used to seeing the thinner whippets, and got to appreciate the fitness and athleticism of a fit whippet, we slimmed ours down. One raced at 19lbs, and the other 20lbs. So if mine can come down by 2-3lbs, Archie could well come down by 4lbs. Of course if you want to show him as well Joanna, you will need to keep some meat on him!

Hannah, it's good that you are making a provision for larger whippets in club racing, it must be heartbreaking to have one go oversize and never be able to give them a run.
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June Jonigk said:
I agree with you Judy, the size limit is ok as it is.
As regards the name thing - we were allowed to have Mighty Mouse although there was once a champion Mighty Mouse.  I think because we also have Whiphaven at the front of the name, and people wouldn't be confused, it was allowed.

There was never a WCRCh Mighty Mouse. Steve & Gail Legg used to have a Mighty Mouse back in the eighties but he wasn't a champion. You might be thinking of WCRCh Mighty Fly. But yes, the "Whiphaven" bit would have made a difference anyway.
Joanna said:
We are looking forward to Archie competing with larger whips for fun. Despite him being show-bred, he LOVES it. It would be a shame for him to have to trial forever. We would probably get fed up too. It would do no harm for the WRCA to acknowledge whoppets and officially introduce a weight category to include them. Perhaps 32-38 lbs with no height restriction would cover most aspects of the show bred whip! What fun we would all have........we could also provide more support at opens (and wine!!!!!)
You've hit the nail on the head there Joanna, FUN! We started with Connor(Arranmore), big show bred dog. We struggled to keep his weight at under 32lb, but he club raced for 5 years and loved every minute of it. He's now retired and probably about 35lb. :- "

IMHO Whippet racing should be fun! :thumbsup:
We are planning to change Archie's diet, and I was assured by a Mr Malcolm Clarke at Crufts, that Red Mills Racer would help to keep weight off, and make him go faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My cat loves it! We'll see what happens. He has slimmed down, but his muscle is building and weighing heavy!

I have also come to the conclusion that if I get another substantial show bred boy, the two whoppets could be in the same class and win every meeting!
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Joanna said:
We are planning to change Archie's diet, and I was assured by a Mr Malcolm Clarke at Crufts, that Red Mills Racer would help to keep weight off, and make him go faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My cat loves it! We'll see what happens. He has slimmed down, but his muscle is building and weighing heavy!

I have also come to the conclusion that if I get another substantial show bred boy, the two whoppets could be in the same class and win every meeting!

Muscle weighs heavier than fat. Personally I don't think that you'll get him down to under 32lbs Jo and still have him able to run. He's the wrong build and has too much bone. But you might :)

Not all show breds go over weight, but they won't be as fast as the racing breds. Woody is Ousebank x Nimrodel and he's about 27-28lbs. He's got good bone but he's narrow and between 20.25-20.5" tall. I've had a lot of fun racing Woody and he has too. His only problem is that he gives up if he gets too far behind the other dogs. If he'd carry on and run to the end then I'd have open raced him more. Just 'cause he loves to race. :wub:
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With regard to racing names - presumably this is when you apply for a passport? Do you just choose your own name and hope that you're allowed to have it?

Just wondering how the name thing works... :)
~Helen~ said:
With regard to racing names - presumably this is when you apply for a passport? Do you just choose your own name and hope that you're allowed to have it?
Just wondering how the name thing works... :)

Yes basically. But some people have kind of registered affixes which they've paid for the exclusive use of. Strike, Time, Fire etc. You can use those words or I think other spellings of them in the name.

But you could run the name past Judy first who will probably be able to tell you if it's been used before. I expect that she's got most of them down in her database. Joyce Keable will be able to say for definite as she's the registrar (pm'd you with her phone number).

You can apply for the name beforehand Joyce will send you a form.