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Any Thing is possible

What a plonker

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So then as the topic says in this sport (if thats what you call it) any thing is possible, like a dog running 6.97 on a straight track over 160yrds if anyone can do better let me know coz my three legged, one eyed 15year old bitch done it last week. Taking orders for pup now, no name. there are three bitches two dogs and a gender bender. itv digital is giving a $  prize for anyone who's dog (three legged etc) can run any faster coz i've collected mine already.

Fluke, pathfinder, Daylami, and Snowfire can't  need not apply because they cant run on four never mind three

      lots of love Minge
???  ??? HI ,I DONT KNOW WHAT  THIS PERSON IS ON ABOUT BUT I BET HIS DOG HAS A SCORCHED BACKSIDE............BURNED EVEN. ???  ???  ??? you aint related to the DINK ARE YOU :D   :D   :D   :D
WELL..WELL.. what have we here a person of interest :D   :D   all i can say is was it a MICKY MOUSE watch u times with or was MICKY MOUSE wearing your watch DICK HEAD :p   :p
maybe you have one that can run that fast,theres always one

some mothers do have em,dink
well after a lot of thought about your post minge ive come to the conclution that your trying to ie get at lucy and arnie or is it dessie your just trying to pull down   :angry:   :angry: lets look at a few facts first dessie was one of the most remarkable bitchs in her time not only was her racing career one to none on both bends and straights winning numours titles, she then went to brood producing some of the best animals to grace the track for the past 5 u may have forgotten about HOME ALONE this little bitch won her first RCH at the age of 11 months old also RCH ONE MORE no body mentions this dog but to watch he is fantastic .DESSIES breeding also has to go back to a couple of great animals.....  so come on minge you dont even say what your 3 legged 1 eyed camels breed out of so how can you expect to sell your pups god only knows what they will look :D   :D   :D
hello Ronnie here, i cant believe how people were taken in by this JOKE, as i have two of dessie's pups myself. I and other owners know that dessie pups can run. I'm sure Arnie and Lucy would take it as a total joke. I really don't think this person was Slagging Dessie or Micky mouse off i think he was trying to state a fact of how good them and their pups are. As i was crawling about the floor in stiches when i was reading it. Even Kate who races them took it as a joke and were still as proud to own them as Arnie and Lucy are breeding them.


P.S i'm thinking of putting all my dogs in for the money coz i need it (ha ha ha ha ha)
:p   :p   :p ha ha ha, i can hear kipper and naz they are screaming with laughter ,so much so their nappies are soaked .he he he :D   :p   :D   :p
Harry here i think that the person who wrote this is spot on and they are trying to get a bit of crack going so can i order the one from Middlesex as i would really like to own a well bred bitch that can run and keep up with kippers worms as they are really fast megs been trying but they are just to fast for her.If i can have the one with its head missing it will be a real challenge for me to train.I look forward to hearing from you when they are ready not to late as i would like to win the Lord  Byron plate with it at an early age and prove you right ,THAT IS THIS YEAR NOT NEXT cheers Harry Boyd this is no FLUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :p   :p   :D   :D   :p   :p  :0  :0 Ps. if its no good my dad can have it he likes things slow at his age!!!!!!
Dont worry harry i'll keep you the Gender bender of the litter. I'll send it through the post 1st class. :D HA HA HA :p
Here is a new type of whippet racing for those who can't win the normal way.  The dogs start off at the lure and have to race to the traps and the one in the trap with the door closed first is the winner of the Baroness Minge trophy (p.s Doping is legal but the judge must be there when doped.) and a prize fee of 500,000 pestas. by the way the breeding of my three legged, 15 year old, one eyed bitch is Flying Minge crossed with What a Crack.  What a Crack is a racing champion in Zimbabwe.  I won last week with a time of 6.98 on 160 yard track of sand and mines.  What a Crack also won the US Masters in Whippet Racing.  Pups are priced at £2000 onward and that is a bargain for the amount of dope they've had.  P.S. THIS IS DEADLY SERIOUS AND HOPE SOMEONE REPLIES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!



:D   :D   :D   :D   :D
Well plonker you certainly have a well bred bitch in the Flying Minge.Ginger like its mother? How are the rest of the litter? as they all had special features due to line breeding particular only to that breed.I believe the one that showed most promise as a pup was a humpty back called quasy who set a few bells ringing when breaking the track record on its fist ever race at the Clangger open in South Africa, clocking a phenomenal time of 8-03 over 180yds up Table Mountain at that!!! Even at altitude it always gave 120 percent,people reading about this for the first time will think that its a tall story and possibly attribute it to Mr Kipling but readers i assure you that it is the gospel truth.Do the dogs in the Baroness Minge Trophy have to lock the trap door behind them or just close it? This is very important because that will take abit longer in training so please let me know.In so far as dope is concerned I think anyone reading this and taking it seriously is dope enough for the sport.Please reply soon, your turning into the highlight of the forum as we seem to have many other viewers but not many participants.Keep it up Minge! P.S Just had Richard and Judy on the phone and they would like you to appear and air your views. KIPPERxxxxxxxxx
Hello Minge Here I have  decided to place the flying minge in next weeks  big open at seaham. i rang Richard and Judy and they wanted me the same day as GMTV so they are just gonna come to seaham to see the flying minge  pick up the trophy. they will come with the diddy men know as their bodygaurds if anyone tries to pull Judy's  top off to see her boobs the bodygaurds will hit them with there tickling sticks. the boss of the diddy men you all know as little ronnie from carlisle.

On to the traps they have to be padlocked and the keys given to the owner  all this has to be done by the dog so you all better get training. anyone wanting to buy a pup out my 15 year old bitch i have one left it is white with tartan patches. i've called it right scottish gender benders name it's BEND DOWN AND FIL MACRACKEN. You will have to regester it with this name to run in the baroness minge trophy. so ring me quick on the CB good luck and happy racing

the Minge

P.S. I REVEAL ALL AT SEAHAM     :p   :p  :0
Hello ploker here so then where are you all. The ploker will  make an guest appearance at seaham tomorrow WATCH OUT for the strip tease at the finsh  of the racing done by BARON MINGE.     :D

Since i am comming to the lord byron you shall all be comming to the barroness minge trophy in two weeks time. i will have guest presenter of the trophies it will be the umpa lumpa men out of Charlie and the chocolate factory. see you tomorrow bye for now the plonker. :p   :p   :p