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Any Advice ...harley Has A Rash

Oh dear, poor Harley :eek: :huggles: Hope it heals well :luck:

What is it about Whippets, it never rains but it pours does it? They do appreciate all the sympathy though.
Poor poor Harley :huggles: hope his ear is better soon, and he can remove that embaressing bandge :b

Poor Joshy hope he recovers soon :huggles:

Lots of :huggles: to you all
Been back to vets this morning with Harley to have his bandages removed, Thankfully they say its healing well and a good job done on the sticthing, but now he has to contend with a buster collar, poor little mite, just can't get the hang of it, keeps hitting all the door frames :blink: , he has decided the best outcome was for mum to take a few days off work to smother him in sympathy and bones while he reclined on the lounger in the garden!!!!!!!!! :- "

Awww they have been in the wars :( hope they are feeling a bit better today :huggles: :luck: :huggles:
aaawww poor lamb,he looks so sad wearing his lamp shade bless him.

Glad his ear is healing.
Best wishes to Harley - hope hes better soon. :huggles: :luck:

Kobi has also had that rash too - it didnt last too long thank goodness.
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just a question on grass rash,millie as had a rash for three weeks now,she gets fresh ones every day,when they dry out ,her skin peels where the spots have been. does this sound like grass rash to anyone, she as never had it this bad before,so dont know if to take her to the vets.
Blaze would get the grass rash and her skin would peel too. I rubbed her well so the pustules burst (phew they stunk) and then smothered the insides of her legs in Sundacrem, everything dried up and she was pustule free within 2 days.
is it they get this rash all summer long then,because dont know what she will look like at the end of it,she looks really patchy and flaky just now,even just above her nose as change colour poor love .
Poor you, you've have had a time of it haven't you. Hope Harley is soon back to normal and Joshy is recovering well.

Do you think it was a rash or could Harley have got a few scratches first off, I ask because he has a bacterial infection similar to what Annie had a few weeks back.

She came back from a run and I noticed she had a few very minor scratches on her chest, just pink marks really and the skin wasn't broken, so I didn't think it was even worth putting acriflex on the area. After a few days I noticed that the marks were no better infact they looked much larger and slightly raised and dry looking too. Decided to get the vet to have a look and she thought it may have been a fungal infection, she put her on a course of antibiotics and I had to wash the area each day in a strong dilution of cotex. After a week of treatment her skin looked much better and soon completely healed. Now I've learnt never to ignore the tiniest scratches, I'm straight there with cotton wool balls, warm water and a tube of Acriflex at the first of a scratch. :D
sorry mazza,i just jumped in on this post as my millie is having the same problem as harvey,or so i thought it would be better than starting a topic the same.

any news on how harvey is doing with his rash.

her rash is not infected,it looks a little red but no more than when she as been laid on her chest. it does not bother her at all,ive use aloe vera,but does nothing for the skin at all.

will give it another week and if theirs no change a visit to the vets i think.
Once the rash is there it takes ages to go away and turns all dirty looking and scaby :(

Mine usually only get it the once a year and strangely enough this year they havent had it. It is usually caused by running thorugh wet grass.

I even bought a special suit for Shelley last year to try and combat it as it always happens in the middle of the show season
Jan Doherty said:
Once the rash is there it takes ages to go away and turns all dirty looking and scaby :( Mine usually only get it the once a year and strangely enough this year they havent had it. It is usually caused by running thorugh wet grass.

I even bought a special suit for Shelley last year to try and combat it as it always happens in the middle of the show season

thanks for that info,it must be their morning walk when they go crazy in the long grass and what with the morning dew,think the husband will have to keep them out of it.