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Another Thickie Question

Yes thats right :thumbsup: ......I think there's a need for racing clubs to make allowences for the slightly larger Whip, as we are PEDIGREE Whippet racing clubs after all :D
Strike Whippets said:
Yes thats right  :thumbsup:   ......I think there's a need for racing clubs to make allowences for the slightly larger Whip, as we are PEDIGREE Whippet racing clubs after all  :D
Excellent, right gonna make a huge effort to get Archie cleared. I feel sure he will finish trap training this week, and can start trialing with another dog the next time. Is it three clear trials before a passport is granted?
Joanna said:
Strike Whippets said:
Yes thats right  :thumbsup:   ......I think there's a need for racing clubs to make allowences for the slightly larger Whip, as we are PEDIGREE Whippet racing clubs after all  :D
Excellent, right gonna make a huge effort to get Archie cleared. I feel sure he will finish trap training this week, and can start trialing with another dog the next time. Is it three clear trials before a passport is granted?

No Joanna it's not......The pasport is for open and Championship races which unfortunately Archie and co are too big for ....BUT they WILL most definately be able to race in our oversize weight group at South Cotswolds once cleared ... As my ever lovely wife Hannah has said ... :thumbsup: .

We have wanted to do this since we took over South Cotswolds in 2003 but have only had Beejays Bean cleared to race so come on all you oversized pedies get your arses down to South Cots on Sunday 6th for your chance to get your whippie up and racing .......... :eek: :thumbsup:
ChrisBishop said:
Joanna said:
Strike Whippets said:
Yes thats right  :thumbsup:   ......I think there's a need for racing clubs to make allowences for the slightly larger Whip, as we are PEDIGREE Whippet racing clubs after all  :D
Excellent, right gonna make a huge effort to get Archie cleared. I feel sure he will finish trap training this week, and can start trialing with another dog the next time. Is it three clear trials before a passport is granted?

No Joanna it's not......The pasport is for open and Championship races which unfortunately Archie and co are too big for ....BUT they WILL most definately be able to race in our oversize weight group at South Cotswolds once cleared ... As my ever lovely wife Hannah has said ... :thumbsup: .

We have wanted to do this since we took over South Cotswolds in 2003 but have only had Beejays Bean cleared to race so come on all you oversized pedies get your arses down to South Cots on Sunday 6th for your chance to get your whippie up and racing .......... :eek: :thumbsup:

Rest assured my fat arse will be there! :D
There are no height or weight limits in the ped section of the BWRA's north west open neither are there any limits for the tsunami appeal meet both at W/houghton next month (Feb). If your dogs have bend experience bring them up.

Terry Smith
Terry & Sheila Smith said:
There are no height or weight limits in the ped section of the BWRA's north west open neither are there any limits for the tsunami appeal meet both at W/houghton next month (Feb). If your dogs have bend experience bring them up.
Terry Smith

Shame it's a bit far from rural Glos, and we don't bend yet :D Good luck with your event though........sounnds like great fun. May-be Hannah and Chris could do a straight charity event (w00t)
Whats happened Joanna (w00t) I go away for a couple of weeks come back and your talking weight limits, trialing, trap training and race passports and Archie is on a diet :unsure:

And I'm sure but I still don't believe it :eek: on another post you said my NEXT!!!! whippet is going to be a little race bred one :eek: this racing must be REALLY!!! addictive :D


Has there been a thread about what "clearing" actually means - what do we have to do? (I thought I'd put that question here seeing as it's a thread for thickies - like me :- " )
BeeJay said:
However sometimes if the dog has been watched whilst trialling over a period of weeks being both overtaken and overtaking safely and it clearly will not interfere then the formal clearing trials can be over looked and the dog is put into the racing proper to clear there.

Nearly right :thumbsup: but not quite true. The formal clearing trials are not overlooked at all. If there aren't enough spare dogs for seperate clearing trials and the clearing dog has already been seen to be "clean" then sometimes the dog will be put into a race and the racing dogs used to help clear the dog. The race becomes the formal clearing trial for that dog. It will still be watched during the race to make sure it is clean, just as in a normal clearing trial.

Actually, thats probably what Beejay meant. :D
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now i'm all confused... :eek: Did I miss a post?
No I took my reply to you off. :) Someone who knows about the subject will reply properly without saying the wrong things and thus misleading you which will be better. :thumbsup:
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From what I can understand as a thickie Helen, you have a trial with another dog or dogs. Your dog must not do any barging or naughty interfering. If it is a good dog, and runs straight down the track after the lure a few times, it can be cleared. I think this is quite a good thickie answer and the absolute limit of my knowledge! :))

Yes Jones.........Where have you been? I am an almost reformed character. I have given up smoking, take regular excercise and enjoy racing my whippet.

(I also go to bible class twice a day and have a lace-making group come to my home every-evening to discuss lace-making and the bible. I bake 144 cakes after lace making and give them to the homeless, then there is just enough time to study theology notes before retiring at 9 pm. :p :p :p :p :lol: )
Hi Barbara, I appreciate that each club is diifferent but I tend to agree with Judy.

Ooooop north we're running special meetings to pass dogs over the winter. But during the season I have in the past put uncleared dogs into races and used these as proving trials. In these instances the dogs have been watched, at the traps, at half way, and at the finish. I tend to like to make sure the dog is safe and do the trials over a couple of weeks (makes me Mr Popular :b ) but at the end of the day I want to pass a safe dog.


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Scott Frodsham said:
BeeJay said:
>Nearly right  but not quite true.
Judy do you realise that you sound like a stuffy school marm correcting someone's homework rather than an adult replying to another adult? ;)

>The formal clearing trials are not overlooked at all.

All I can say is that you run your dogs at different clubs to myself.  So maybe you have different experiences?  

Now you may not choose to believe me but I know what I know.  I'm speaking from experience.

I think of formal clearing trials as a series of practical tests which have a formal assessment structure.  ie assessors stood alongside the tracks, the other dogs being handicapped in a way which will achieve a desired outcome.  In short it's fake racing designed to test a dog to see how it will react to things like being overtaken.

I have experienced a different kind of 'clearing'.  One where a dog that is well known and has been observed over several weeks of trialling with another dog or who is known to take part in a different kind of dog sport such as coursing or lure coursing where dogs run unmuzzled.  Those dogs are then put into the racing proper.  No one stands trackside to get a clear view of how the dog is running.  If it interfere's then it is treated as any other interferring dog.  It's not handicapped to try to achieve overtaking or being overtaken.  In short it is not treated as being special when compared to the other dogs running.  As long as it doesn't interfere then it never goes through any kind of structured clearing process.


Hi Barbara, I appreciate that each club is diifferent but I tend to agree with Judy.

Ooooop north we're running special meetings to pass dogs over the winter. But during the season I have in the past put uncleared dogs into races and used these as proving trials. In these instances the dogs have been watched, at the traps, at half way, and at the finish. I tend to like to make sure the dog is safe and do the trials over a couple of weeks (makes me Mr Popular :b ) but at the end of the day I want to pass a safe dog.



What qualifies a person to be an assessor out of interest, and is there paper-work etc to show your dog is passed?
Hi Joanna,

I'm racing manager at the NPWRC. There are no formal qualifications, it's basically common sense. For a dog to be cleared for racing it needs to pass and be passed. What I usually do is set up 'mock' handicapped races that will test the dog, usually we then have 2 members at the traps, 2 at half way and 2 at the finish! Once I'm happy that the dog is safe I can then allow it to race at club level and sign it's passport (if applicalble). I may possibly be over zealous with this, but at the end of the day if I pass a dog that then goes on to be a problem then it not only reflects badly upon myself but also the club! :b


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To save confusion Joanna and Helen it would probably be better if when you come up on Sunday, nice and early before we get too busy ,Hannah ,Myself or Julia will be more than happy to explain to you about the clearing process .This will take place over a couple of weeks to make sure that Archie is not going to be a danger to himself or other dogs on the track... :thumbsup:

...I have read the previous posts re Clearing dogs for racing and I have to say that yes it does differ in some clubs but i would like to add that ALL affiliated WCRA clubs have set procedures in clearing dogs and your racing manager / club secretary should be able to put you straight ... o:)