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Another New Lining

congradulations wendy your a mam,

3 girls

1 boy

Maddie went into labour herself early hours and waters broke at 8 a.m the labour stopped so Maddie was took in and had a c-section, mother and pups are fine

(w00t) (w00t) :thumbsup: :cheers: :D :D :D :cheers: :wub: :thumbsup: :D :cheers: :wub: :thumbsup: (w00t) (w00t)
Yippee......Wendy im so pleased for you...i've even shed a little tear. :'(

Can imagine your house is lively at the mo :thumbsup:

Well worth the wait or what? What you gonna call her then?

Oooh its all exciting (w00t)
Her name has been unanamaly decied its Indy for independance day whitch is today :D :D :cheers: :wub: :thumbsup: :cheers: :D :wub: :thumbsup: :cheers: :D

someone came up with the name in chat last night so who ever it was thanks
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just got back from the vets with maddie, she has one lovely white/parti coloured dog and 3 bitch,s fawn with white markings, maddie and pups doing fine
I wonder who it was? :- " :thumbsup:

Edited to say can i be godmother then?

Hope Maddi doesnt feel too groggy, Well Done Girl :huggles:
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:huggles: :b :cheers: :huggles: :b :cheers:

been over while maddy's had her pups there all beautiful

what happened 2 the last picture because it hasnt downloaded for me
i,m having trouble with them

sorry, i,ll sort it out
lets see what happens

bitch 1

take no notice of these photos i think debbies hit the bottle since we left