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Another New Lining

well shes just had her jab at the vets and been weighed and shes 5lb so still a little terror lol
:D :D So is she rulin the house then she mayb little but she got a lot ov attitude lol :- " wendy i bet u she's not ur friend after takin her 4 a nasty needle :angry:
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Thats why i wasnt there :p .She follwos me EVRYWHERE she can. also she likes gypsy skirts as you can see above... and fingers..... and dads ears...... and anything else she can chew! Lol she is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! Im soooo happy we have got her :p . Well untill she chews my fingers then i love her again!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:
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think shes getting on well with the big guys looks like boris is giving birth to her is this what they call a born again whippet
shes a cutie when i eventually seen her every time i went to look she wad asleep lol :- "
she was awake at 4 every morning you could have allways poped round then and done a bit off puppy sitting

shes even got paly with our shelby the old git and i was worred how the older guys would excpt her
:) She looks very happy Wendy and there will be no shortage of big dogs to lie under in the winter. Have fun and good :luck:
hi wendy, glad she,s settled well, suzie goes on tuesday to her new home, not looking forward to saying good bye to her, will be upsetting :(
I bet younwill realy miss suzie. but you can allways come and se indy.

She did her first blackpool trip tinight and cos we didnt get her a buggy we had to put her In dy bag
We have just had Indy weighed and iI dont think shes going to be a no limet. shes 7lb 9 oz ay 10 1/2 weeks dont think shes going to be he size of her mum
What a life she leads wendy lol you are a credit to the sport i have to say you and Tony are both lovely people and your dogs are treated second to none which is nice to see so i hope Indy does well for you cos you thoroughly deserve it (hope she gets the racing name you want as well lol)
jade scott said:
What a life she leads wendy lol you are a credit to the sport i have to say you and Tony are both lovely people and your dogs are treated second to none which is nice to see so i hope Indy does well for you cos you thoroughly deserve it (hope she gets the racing name you want as well lol)

I was realy supprised when i read this thank you very mutch from me and Tony dont think we do anything differnt with our dogs than most others do except my for my obsesion with collars some woman buy clothes and shoes i buy collars :lol:

If indy does well we will be realy pleased anyone who saw our face when we saw lacey run for the first time and heard her times will know we are allways supprised and will grin for years if Indy does well were still grinning from lacey. If she dosent do well or carnt race for any reson its no big beal she will still be our Indy and be loved and treeted just the same eather way :wub:
Why do you visit Blackpool Wendy with your dogs?

I've seen previous photos of you there..
we go all over with them blackpool morecombe fleetwood and loads of parks and and stuff but if i wont them to do lead walking manly we go blackpool cos the prom is wide enghe for us to all walk next to each other and when there tired tony stays in the van with them and alexs and me hit the shops :lol:

I also have a bad chest and and when im feeling a bit off colour I can walk better near the sea. wish we lived near I would be there every day.
Not many shops to hit in Morecambe eh?-bloody hell hole-Its 10 mins from where we live.

Steve has our dogs in Morecambe almost every day-

Often in Blackpool for the shops though--- like it there...

There are plenty of people in our sport who wouldnt keep a dog if it didnt make the grade so you are different and hardly anybody considers rescuing dogs so you are different and in a very good way :D
Thats cos your a star as well Karen lol Lets hope Fudge makes the grade for you this time... she must be good at something cos behaviour isnt her strong point lol
Happy Birthday to Ruby Indy Zac & Susie

Doesnt seem like 5 minutes ago me and dad were cleanin food, milk and god nows wot else off you

Lots Ov Luv Mammy (no. 2) xx xx xx