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Another Injury

:wub: Aw, my lovely wounded girl... P8190086.JPG
Oh poor Josie :( she looks so sad in that last picture, the expression in her eyes says it all :(

Sending Josie lots of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: and hope she starts to feel better really soon :luck: :luck: :luck:
Poor Josie :( hope she heals really quickly Helen, she does look so sorry for herself, I'm not surprised :huggles: :huggles:
ah bless her! get well soon baby :huggles:

hope things go better for you now too :luck:
Awwww Josie. Somehow the white bandages look really stark. Hope they help you to heal really quickly. :huggles:
Just caught up with this - poor Josie and poor you, Helen - what a rough time you are all having :(

Glad to hear Josie is feeling happier though, she will heal up well, I'm sure. :thumbsup: :luck: :huggles:
~Helen~ said:
How silly, moving out to the countryside and having to take my dog to the park for exercise :lol:   :wacko:

Sorry to hear about Josie. So glad she's on the mend. :huggles:

Unless you have a very obedient dog (of which Fred and Stan are definitely not when put to the test :- " ), the countryside is probably one of the hardest places to find somewhere to walk your dog off lead for a good distance or to let it have a good run. It's all working land where you either need permission from the farmer to use the fields rather than just sticking to footpaths, or you are in danger of worrying livestock or damaging crops. Even on moorland, where you have the right to roam in certain areas, the myriad of sheep and nesting birds (grouse etc) prevent one from letting dogs off leads most of the time. If you do dare to, you usually get a tap on the shoulder from the boys in red (National Park Rangers) and back on the lead they have to go. I've had one farmer follow my progress across a very boggy field with a shot gun over his arm. (w00t) The best place for letting my two off the lead is our local town park or a National Trust park house and grounds not too far away. It's ironic as you say, but true. :wacko: I think you are very lucky if you live near common land which is used for grazing by larger livestock that can tolerate dogs off lead.

I chatted to some SARDA dog owners once (Search and Rescue dogs who work alongside Montain Rescue) and the way they train their dogs to ignore livestock is to continually distract them with something that is far more interesting when livestock are in the vicinity, so they learn to ignore them. This has to be done from puppyhood really. However, I've never seen a whippet as a SARDA dog. :- " They tend to be mainly collies, so their prey drive is a lot lower. I think once a dog learns to chase animals it's almost impossible to reverse this instinct.

Don't take it too hard can still have some good long walks....and the parks will be fine for those runs. :thumbsup:
Just an update :) Poor Josie is healing nicely with the wound on her back leg. She's still got a few stitches in, but the majority are out including the deep retaining sutures which were holding the muscle together :( and the vets really pleased with that wound.

The one at the front isn't doing quite so well. Some of the tissue has died, and is sloughing off. The flesh underneath looks pink and healthy, but we're going in to the vet's for daily dressings at the moment, because she has to have this special thick gel-foam pad on the wound. Poor girl. She's so brave.

Here's the back leg wound. Nothing to see at the front because she's still all strapped up with her special 'sling' in place (like a one-legged trouser made of tubigrip - ingenious!).

Gosh Josie, you really did it seriously didn't you, poor little girl :( :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Oh my god - that is a really big wound, you must have been terrified and no wonder poor little Josie looked so sorry for herself :(

I'm so glad its healing okay and hopefully the front will soon be improving too :luck:

How is she in herself? I hope she has perked up - I know the day Archie has his few little stitches even though he was coming round from a GA and could barely walk he still managed to suddenly gain the composure to chase a cat out the garden :blink: stoopid dog :wacko:

Lots and lots of :huggles: to the fallen angel ;)
Oh dear. I hope the front wound recovers. What are the options for skin which has necrosed Helen? Does it just reform or do they have options for grafting or similar?
that must have been horrendous when she returned to you, gaping open :(

looks like it's healing very well, the foam gel should be a good help on the front wound, has Josie perked up a bit yet ? Lola will be sympathetic I'm sure :D

:luck: :huggles: Josie, brave girl
Poor Josie. :( Her Injuries look awful. Glad she is now recovering. Give her bigs hugs :huggles: :huggles: from me
That looks really nasty Helen! :eek: :huggles: Hope she's well on the mend now! :thumbsup:
:( sounds awful for you and poor wee josie.

I know what you mean about the lead thing - i love nothing better than watching molly run about like a maddy, however, i can only do this in an enclosed field or park and i have to watch her like a hawk.

Hope you get her home soon.

OMIGOD! and I had a heart attack when Milo needed 6stiches! That's awful, I really hope the front leg starts healing better soon, best wishes to poorly sick Josie xxx