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Animal Cruelty In Spain *very Sensitive*

Funnily enough after I replied I had a feeling you would bring up Mally's tragedy, but I think you know I wasn't talking about that, but that fuels your point so fair enough, obviously whatever I say I will still be wrong so I'll stop now :thumbsup:
lesley if you think community spirit is based on being fluffy and nice then fine thats your opinion.but i dont have to agree with you.and personally i think its quite insulting to say that the people on this site are more interested in arguing that in being a community.i think youre missing out on all the things that have been done on this site to help both people and dogs in the say that im using mallys tragedy is quite right, i AM pointing you at that as its an excellent example of how folk on here pull together to help out.and if after replying you thought id use that to fuel my point then well all i can say is that the thought occurred to both of us then :thumbsup:
Just to put things in perspective. Apparently the beating of the German Shepherd was filmed by the vet. Federico Real in June 2004. Last week a number of Spanish television stations showed the video which resulted in an outcry with letters to the press and demands for more stringent laws. Warnings were issued that the video could hurt the sensibilities of members of the public. One newspaper on the internet ran an article asking readers to vote on the necessity to strengthen current legislation on animal cruelty. 97% voted in favour 3% considered there were important matters to attend to. Federico Real says he has received support from all over Galicia and the rest of Spain. So attitudes to cruelty to animals are changing and, hopefully, new legislation will be enacted.
This comment by Stephen Mason shows plainly the fact that by this video being brought to the attention of the public it has made the public more aware. 97% felt strongly enough to take the time out to vote in a poll regarding the need for current legislation to be improved. If this is what it takes to make changes then I have to say I'm all for it.

I remember being with my Mum in town one day and a huntingdon life science demo being on. I really didn't want to go over because I too find it too upsetting but looking back now, if I hadn't signed that petition then maybe changes in animal testing wouldn't of taken place.

I've just watched the video, I didn't want to but felt I should because of my comments. It is extremely upsetting but it makes you emotive enough to do something about it. Sometimes we have to look at the crappy things in life to realise how fortunate we really are and to help those that aren't as fortunate. If you don't want to hear / read about cruelty be it animal or human, DO something about it.

I'm now going to see if there's any online polls or anything I can do to help, I suggest others waste their time doing something slightly more positive too.
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Would it be possible to send a petition from the members of K9 to the Spanish Government?
~Sarah~ said:
Would it be possible to send a petition from the members of K9 to the Spanish Government?
I think so, I think you can make petitions online and it's probably possible to email it directly to the spanish embassy. I'll look into it.
i have just plucked up courage to watch that and i have to say im more then sickened!!!!!!!!!! sitting in floods of tears and chest pounding with rage!!!! :rant: :rant: thank you for putting the links on for help :thumbsup:

why did that poor dog not rip his face off!!!! this is the loyalty of the canine and it is our duty to help and get things changed so we never have to see anything like this again!!!!! :rant: :rant:

k9 has already shown its strength in varoius times of need and im sure we will all do it again!!!!

maybe if some took copies of this to travel companies offering spanish deals then they would have to take notice!!!! put posters up on their windows showing what goes on there in some parts!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant:
I've made a petition, when it goes live I'll add it on here. I have to add that it's been pointed out to me that this incident occured 2 years ago and the person concerned was fined £4000. It's also been pointed out to me that it's likely there has been changes already implicated and that it would be better to praise the Spanish Government for taking action with these individuals? I am no expert on current situations so for this reason I would appreciate it if people would give me feedback when it comes to composing a letter to accompany this petition, thats if members wish to go ahead with it anyway?
^^^^ thanks for the above, and for the addresses to write to (Spanish Embassies).

I agree with a petition but think it would also be helpful to write individual letters as well. I think, the more polite but firm letters they receive the better, giving our reasons why we will not visit their country whilst this sort of thing goes on etc etc (yet being positive about legal action where people committing cruelty have been brought to justice). Sometimes it's only when it hits people's wallet (ie Spain receiving less tourism revenue because the likes of us refuse to go to Spain on hol etc), that they are brought up short and really consider something.

This is a very raw version of what I am thinking, I mean it's only 7.50 am!! I'm up, and I've already walked the whipsters, but I'm not articulate yet!! (w00t) ... but that's my general idea.

This isn't just a rant against Spain, before anyone misunderstands me and thinks I'm anti-Spain, I am just deeply ashamed, saddened and angry when my fellow man, wherever he(/she) lives, commits acts of cruelty to animals or to other people.
There is now another scandal relating to over 100 horses valued at over 3,000,000 € owned by a man now in prison for his involvement in corrupt land deals in Marbella. These horses are described as "pura sangres" and I suppose they are the andalucian/arab breed bred by the gentlemen of Jerez. Apparently these animals have not been fed since the owner was imprisioned. Last night´s TV denied this story, reporting that only half a dozen is suffering from some disease. The Spanish embassies have been inundated with protests over bulls and the treatment of coursing greyhounds for years. I would not be surprised if these written protests go straight to the wastepaper basket. This summer has seen an important increase in tourism from Britain, Germany and France according to the latest published figures. British tourism increased by 2.5%. I would think that most people in Britain resent criticism by foreigners and this certainly applies to Spain. "Look how cruel you are sending ferrets down burrows after bunny rabbits who must suffer so much. It used to be "we have bullfights you have foxhunting". The picture painted by some that on Sundays Spanish families flock to bullfights with children is quite erroneous. I seem to remember that some years ago children were prohibited from attending bullfights, they certainly are in Cataluña. In fact, I believe the percentage of Spanish "aficionados" is quite small. Football attracts the mob. None of my wife´s family nor the people I worked with over the last 45 years attended bullfights except for an Irish colleague. Naturally these people resent some of the comments made on this thread. Please do some research before making ignorant statements. I do not think threatening the Spanish tourst industry will bring results. Perhaps contact with the Spanish Animal rRghts organizations would be a better approach. Cruelty to bulls and other animals in Spain takes place at local village "fiestas". These "fiestas" are attended by animal rights protesters whose voice is louder every day. Research bullfights on Google. You can also spend your summer holidays in Portugal or France but they too have bullfights. Hoping not to have trod on too many toes. Stephen
An additional thought. Perhaps making contact with British judges could be a possible way to make protests. The following well known judges are regular visitors: Frank Kane, Terence Nethercott, Terry Thorne and his wife. Kay Carter- Simms and Heather G. Wiles. Not too sure of the nationality ot the last two. These people should be able to make contact with the Spanish Kennel Club. I hope they do not refuse to visit us. Picking a fight with Juan Lado is not recommended. Many dog shows in Spain are held at the local bullring. Ask Terrey Thorne. Stephen
Why didnt the dog just bite him???

That was a horrific beating, that poor dog, but he never once retaliated and bit back

i wondered what happened to him :huggles:
whippet.kd said:
Why didnt the dog just bite him???
That was a horrific beating, that poor dog, but he never once retaliated and bit back

i wondered what happened to him  :huggles:


'in Spain a man beat his dog to death and burnt the corpse with petrol the man was filmed and reported to the police by a vet'
Can I just say.

1) I can't watch the clip, it's my choice not to but if it heightens awareness of a problem then good.

2) Well done to Wild Whippies for finding some practical ways of helping with a problem.

3) What Lesley says about arguments on K9 is quite correct, we all jump to the defence of animals, but elements of this forum are less than pleasant to other members of the human race at times :(

4) Lesley IS Fluffy and Nice and Kris IS Feisty and FAIR

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
2) Well done to Wild Whippies for finding some practical ways of helping with a problem.
TBH Joanna, from what I've been told since, my posts were pointless. (not due to Stephen Masons comments but private comments I have recieved) I don't know maybe they are but then I just wanted to try and do something that detracted from the bickering and was a bit more positive to those who were upset.

Lesley IS Fluffy and Nice and Kris IS Feisty and FAIR:thumbsup:   :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:
PMSL!! Can I be Wild and Wanton? :- "

TBH I can see both sides of the fence, these threads really are upsetting to read but then not looking could be perceived as ignorance? I really couldn't be critical of either view especially after watching the clip which is haunting me. :(
Just wanted to add that I think Stephen has the best insight into the current situation as he lives there. If you do come across anything worthwhile that members could assisst with please let us know. I think your comments about judges could be useful but I wouldn't want them to stop going to Spain as dog showing is probably a useful method of showing people the companionship a dog can bring.
masta said:
whippet.kd said:
Why didnt the dog just bite him???
That was a horrific beating, that poor dog, but he never once retaliated and bit back

i wondered what happened to him  :huggles:


'in Spain a man beat his dog to death and burnt the corpse with petrol the man was filmed and reported to the police by a vet'

Oh sorry didnt read the whole thread just watched the clip, didnt see the burning bit.......thats just so upsetting,

I still wonder why the dog didnt bit his way to freedom, poor little dog
TBH Joanna, from what I've been told since, my posts were pointless. (not due to Stephen Masons comments but private comments I have recieved) I don't know maybe they are but then I just wanted to try and do something that detracted from the bickering and was a bit more positive to those who were upset.
Sorry to hear that Jac...............................It is admirable that you spent time trying to do something practical. On another note, I am a member of the IFAW(International Fund for Animal Welfare). They often run campaigns in foreign climbs to stop barbaric practices, I am sure cases such as these do not escape the attention of larger animal welfare organisations.

Be as Wild and Wanton as you like Mrs :thumbsup:
The address of the Spanish Kennel Club is: La Real Sociedad Canina de España. Calle Lagasca, 16 , 28001 Madrid. tel: 91 426 49 60 fax: 91 435 28 95 and 91 435 11 13, e-mail: , Web

My advice would be to ´phone Frank Kane, T. Nethercott or T. Thorne just to test the temperature of the water. After all these three are highly regarded judges in Spain and must have good contacts with influencial members of the RSCE. After all I understand these judges and their Spanish hosts get together for very good lunches and dinners during their stay here and should have some input as to the most appropriate approach. Stephen
>TBH Joanna, from what I've been told since, my posts were pointless. (not due to Stephen Masons comments but private comments I have recieved) I don't know maybe they are but then I just wanted to try and do something that detracted from the bickering and was a bit more positive to those who were upset.

I don't think that your posts were worthless Jac. :thumbsup:

I'll just add to the links (it's at the bottom) by posting this one cross posted off the GIN Greyhounds In Need I hope that they will forgive me for doing so.

Going abroad this summer?;new initiative to help animals overseas

Don't Just Look Away...

Have you been on holiday and had a horrid time? Have some of the sights you’ve seen made you vow never to return. You probably know the scenario: hordes of sickly animals imploring for food. A dog almost throttled, chained up without water, or searching for an owner who has abandoned it and will never return. The drawn-out agonising death of a poisoned cat. The donkey hidden beneath an impossibly heavy load. The question has to be asked: Do you really want to spend your hard-earned cash in an area where strays/feral animals are treated like vermin? So called working animals neglected and abused? Experiences like these can literally ruin a holiday.

It is clear from the reports of tourists returning to the UK from overseas destinations that there is a very keen interest in animal welfare and related issues. One example: Lynda rescued a starving bitch and two puppies she found in a horrendous situation while holidaying in Crete. This story has a happy ending: wit the aid of a group of British & German animal lovers living in Crete, she was able to find them new homes in Germany. So many animals suffer in silence or die.

Says Lynda: “I firmly believe that holidaymakers hold a golden key. They can physically help by reporting cases plus, critically, their tourist £s can wield a big stick over tourist destination governments.” So horrified was Lynda she launched a campaign to raise awareness of animal cruelty called “Don’t Look Away”. “I thought it was apt as I was told by so many people that I should have just looked away!”

Lynda is just one of the many tourists returning to the UK with reports of horrendous maltreatment of animals. She was one person who did make a difference – and says: “We all can make a difference – the animals are helpless – we are not”.

It was this concept which prompted Suzy Gale – with the support of a number of prestigious UK-based animal welfare organisations - to create Animals Worldwide. Suzy works tirelessly to try to improve animal welfare and headed a feral cat neuter project, CROSSCATS, in Cyprus for several years.

She says: “Animals Worldwide has been established to assist in the worldwide endeavour to bring such cruelty to animals to an end. It seeks to build relationships with the tourist industry in order to harness the eyes, ears and energies of the holidaymaking and travelling public to identify both good and bad practice. With the co-operation of the tourist industry Animals Worldwide would like, when appropriate, to offer welfare friendly grading for resorts and hotels. We want caring tourists to enjoy their holidays, and to see strays, ferals and working animals receive the care and respect they deserve”.

CONTACT: Jennifer Pulling (Press Officer) – 07891117886

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