The Most Dog Friendly Community Online
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Hello everyone !

I have 2 dogs, one German Shepherd named Kayler and a mongrel named Horacio.

We bought Kayler 10 years ago and found Horacio on the street, malnourished, wet and scared eight years ago.

I always liked dogs and I searched lot of information online to learn more and understand them better.

It occurred to me to make a mobile application and published it in the GooglePlay.

You can download it free from:

Has different tips, information and trivia that I seemed very interesting and wanted to share them with others.

Well, I hope you like it and any suggestion is welcome,

Big hug
Hi, I leave some facts that I found interesting about dogs that I included in the app PetTime:

- In Titanic traveled 12 dogs that belonged to first-class passengers.

Only three survived the tragedy, a pekingese and two pomerianas.

- Many dogs eat grass to vomit.

They do not vomit because they are 'purging', what actually happens is that when the dog swallows grass, grass causes itchy throat and irritates the digestive tract.

That itching and irritation causing the vomiting reflex.

- A puppy is born blind, deaf and toothless.

The perception of the pups during the first days is based solely on smell, which is present from birth.
