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Amazing Grace X Oscars Pride

both litters are lovely , gotta say really like the black one. Our litter's keeping us busy don't know how you do 2 :thumbsup:
pups looking great not long now

hayley cant wait lol shes doing my head in about him

he is her first racing dog hope hes as good as mam and dad if not better

weve put both litters together in the kitchen now they are 5 and 4 weeks what a bloody racket :( :D noisy little buggers now especialy gary farmers lol
i think we need a picture of them all together bet they r gorgeous :wub:
2 babies gone to homes today riley has gone to jimmy and shell good luck with him and jasper to paul and hailey good luck also hope they have settled ok :luck:
awww kool, if i hear a puppy crying n howling in the middle of the night ill know where my complaints goin haha :lol: :lol:
it took seconds for jasper to settle in, ragging his new bed all over the living room, that fur on his igloo,,,,,BAD IDEA :D
good luck to all the owners all in there homes now

missing my m8 dexter allready ;)