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Am I on the right track?


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Our Dexter has just turned 1 Week today. It will be another 7 or so weeks before we get to bring him home. He is a Chihuahua puppy. During this time we are:

Within the next couple of weeks we will be going to our vet to get a vaccination list with prices and possibly be able to book Dexter's first appointment.(he has been our long time vet and a good one).

We have already got a crate. We plan on using it during the night, safe times, and when we can't be there. The longest he will be in there is night time with exception of going out to potty. I don't work so there will plenty of time for him to be out an about. We also have his bed, front carry dog backpack. We just have the small stuff to get now. Toys, blankie, tooth paste / brush. We already have a harness and leash.

We have been refreshing ourselves with puppy training videos ( it's been 20 years since we have had a puppy).

Are we on the right track so far? Do you have any suggestions at this time or questions I should ask?

We are beyond excited. He was the only one in his litter and mommy is doing very good at protecting him and from what I know once the teeth start coming she starts weaning her pups.
Is there anything I should be mindful of because he is only puppy. I do know that there are a couple more Chihuahuas in the home. They are spoiled little Chihuahuas lol. Very well taken care of. So I believe although Dexter is on pup mom had he will have socialization from the other dogs as well when he is a bit older. Right now he is still in a private area of the home with just mom.

Sorry for the long post just wanted to check with other puppy owners.
Nice! Long 7 weeks, I am sure :)

I would also check the rooms and remove electric cords he can reach and chew.
I wouldn't use a toothbrush from the start - it's easier to get them used to the sensation of teeth being cleaned if you use a piece of rough weave cloth over your finger first - like muslin or the cleaning cloths on a roll.

If you haven't already, look for Kikopup on YouTube - she is excellent.
Gen up on chi-specific socialisation. We've all met chis who are 'socially challenged', to put it politely ;) There's a fine balance between letting any friendly dog, twenty times the size, bowl up and introduce themselves, possibly in a boisterous fashion, and being overprotective - scooping pup up and turning away every tome another dog glances at him. I'm not an expert at all on this, but I know a chi owner who could be quite a fishwife when 'advising' other owners not to let their dog to come bouncing up to hers. As a result, she has two confident chis who are happy to interact with the 'right' big dog and don't feel the need to pretend that they're a direwolf in disguise.
Thank you , yes a soft cloth to start with teeth. Around here you get a whole set but will use a cloth to start and slowly work up to tooth brush.
I am full aware of big dog small body. We had a Chihuahua who lived to be 20 yrs old.
I want to have Dexter confident in himself when he is around other dogs regardless of size but not barky. Will it take time yes. Worth the time absolutely! I don't want over confident but I want him to socialize with all dogs without fear teeth showing and barking non stop. Our gizzy girl never cared she kept on walking and paid no mind.

My goal for walking( after all vaccinations are done and vet gives the ok) is to walk if Dexter starts to bark turn the other way and walk for a few steps turn back and continue in the original direction. I don't mind sniff and greets. I know what trails around here are more suitable for Dexter and which ones have uncontrollable unleashed large dogs( yes there is that one group that he owners have to wrap the leash around trees and themselves to keep control of the dogs) won't be hitting that trail anytime soon. But we live in an area where there are at least 5 different places and 1 is very dog safe and all.dogs that we have met in the past 2 years are friendly and controlled on and off leash

Thank you for the heads up for kikopup will check it out today and start saving videos.
Look up how to teach a solo pup "bite inhibition". One with siblings quickly learns to modify their bite so it doesn't hurt (as much!!) A single pup doesn't learn this from his littermates and has to rely solely on Mum teaching him. All pups are mouthy but one that hasn't learned to inhibit their bite is going to be painful.

You may be lucky but it's as well to be prepared!
Are we on the right track so far?

Sounds like you’ve got it covered.
You could always while away the 7 weeks by making the most of your ‘puppy-free’ days: a weekend away, impromptu days out (no dog-sitter required). And lie-ins…definitely lie-ins:D
I have puppy proofed the house. I will.also look into solo inhibition. Good idea. I didn't think of that one.

Ah free time before puppy. Funny you should mention it. We are planning a couple day trips that are a ways off and a sleepover with a couple grandkids that we don't see but a couple times a year.
There is a new book that is getting some good reviews. I haven't read it but a few people are rating it highly - Easy Peasy Puppy Squeezy.