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Hi everyone, so we are still no better off with the allergy situation and we feel we have thought of everything it could be so i just want to treat it now to keep bowie as comfy as possible. It must be horrible feeling itchy all the time!! We are going back to the vets again tomorrow, hes there every other week! Hes on apoquell at the minute but they arent working as well even though we are washing bowie regular as advised by vet to keep allergens down on his fur. Does anyone use the standard 10mg antihistamines for their dog. We were advised the 4mg ones by vet but bowie weighs 26kg ao not aure if thats high enough as other dog owners weve met just use the standard ones with their dogs who have allergies and dont seem to have all the problems weve had. Any info much appreciated x
We dont know Violet. We have changed his food 4 times, binned a duck feather quilt and got a hypoallergenic one because he sleeps on the bed with us, he gets bathed alot as advised by vets. We juat dont know, everytime we think weve worked out what it is, it turns out not to be
Dogs metabolise antihistamines differently from humans so his weight isn't a direct factor for increasing dosage. I have antihistamines in my first aid kit for emergencies, I will check the dosage I have and post later.
You have mentioned that you have changed his food 4 times, have you considered a raw diet ?
I have the 4g portion.
''Bites , Stings , Hives & Allergies -
Piriton Tablets and Syrup, the syrup works much faster than tablets so always worth having in the cupboard , this product is safe to use and the tablets can be bought in bulk . Piriton is what your vet uses and has been tried and trusted for over 50 years so if while using Piriton your dog needs medical attention he knows exactly what ingredient's (Chlorphenamine maleate 4 mg. Other ingredients: Lactose, maize starch, yellow iron oxide (E172), magnesium stearate and water) he is dealing with . Cheaper own brands are available however the strength and type of the ingredients can differ and some are not suitable for dogs .
Dosage 1 tablet twice a day 3 if required , 10ml of syrup = 1 4mg tablet , don't get caught out have some ready at all times xx
Piriton for Dogs: The Correct Dosage and How Often?
Piriton, used as an allergy remedy for your pet, is available in both tablet and liquid form. It is important to check with your vet not only in order to administer the correct dosage but also to check their will be no negative reactions with other medications.
This is important with Piriton. The tablets usually come in 4mg which is equivalent to 10ml of the syrup. Proper dosage depends on a number of different factors including the size, weight and breed of your dog and the severity of the reaction. but in general, 1/2 a 4mg tablet or 5ml is prescribed for smaller breeds, while 1-2 tablets or 10-20ml of liquid can be administered to larger dogs.
This dose can be given up to three times daily if required. While Piriton tablets for dogs can be used in the long term, it is advisable to use only until the condition clears up or, in the case of seasonal allergies, as long as is needed.
- written by AnnaStrowger DaleChapman of BDR - Bulldog Rescue and Rehoming UK''

My friend emailed me this info from the bulldog rescue page, it maybe of help. But I would still double check with your vet first as it says...;)
Just posted this in another thread but whilst we were finding the cause for Yianni's allergy we helped him with Essential dog dermal scratch spray and one of the reasons we added their brand to our site, all natural with no steroids as the vet was continually giving him steroids which can be bad for dogs in long term use. We would remove different things we thought might be causing it then stop using the spray to see if his itching disappeared until we eventually discovered he was allergic to chicken.

Essential Dog Dermal Scratch Spray For Dogs
My dog is 4 now and has been very itchy since she was a pup. She’s been under a skin specialist for nearly all that time. She has been in apoquel and had immunotherapy injection every month. A year ago, a friend recommended oil of evening primrose which worked wonders for her mum’s jack Russell. It’s also worked wonder for my dog too! I also give her milled flaxseed too so she has her omegas 3 and 6.
She now hardly ever has apoquel and doesn’t need her injections. She is rarely itchy - touch wood
I’ve also stopped paying a fortune for vets shampoo which didn’t really make any difference and now use oatmeal shampoo by propooch.
The oil of evening primrose took about 2/3 months to kick in.
It’s worth a try, it’s the best thing I ever did.
Good luck.
Thanks so much for this info!
Weve recently changed to raw diet which is also meant to help and fingers crossed he already doesnt seem as itchy but i may be counting chickens before they hatch. I was going to try cod liver oil but ill get oil of evening primrose instead. Thanks very much. Sounds like vets tried everything with you that they have tried with us although i must admit that the shampoo the vet has given us this time also seems to help a little. Fingers crossed we are getting there with these allergies! It must feel awful to be itchy constantly.
Thanks so much for this info!
Weve recently changed to raw diet which is also meant to help and fingers crossed he already doesnt seem as itchy but i may be counting chickens before they hatch. I was going to try cod liver oil but ill get oil of evening primrose instead. Thanks very much. Sounds like vets tried everything with you that they have tried with us although i must admit that the shampoo the vet has given us this time also seems to help a little. Fingers crossed we are getting there with these allergies! It must feel awful to be itchy constantly.
My dog is also on a raw diet and has been since a pup because as well as the itchy thing, she also had diahorrea. I’ve discovered that any fish or fish oil makes her itchy so I have to inspect treats etc to make sure they don’t contain salmon oil which is a very common additive.
Glad for you that you’re making a bit of head way. Your dog is beautiful :)
Thanks so much for this info!
Weve recently changed to raw diet which is also meant to help and fingers crossed he already doesnt seem as itchy but i may be counting chickens before they hatch. I was going to try cod liver oil but ill get oil of evening primrose instead. Thanks very much. Sounds like vets tried everything with you that they have tried with us although i must admit that the shampoo the vet has given us this time also seems to help a little. Fingers crossed we are getting there with these allergies! It must feel awful to be itchy constantly.
Forgot to mention, I get oil of evening primrose capsules from Savers or Wilkinson’s and give two a day. It’s much cheaper than buying the dog one.
Thats really good to know about the fish oils because we are currently on the raw food course where they add different raw ingredients each week and see if there are any reactions so they know and we can tailor his food specific for him. I know they add fish in week 7 of this so he gets the omega oils course so i will bare in mind and watch for any signs of itching.
Thanks for the info on the oil of ebening primrose. I used to suffer so bad with eczema as a child and used to cut the capsule open and rub it on the eczema, just never thouhgt of it for bowie.
I know im probably biased but he is a handsome dog, i agree haha.
My dog is also on a raw diet and has been since a pup because as well as the itchy thing, she also had diahorrea. I’ve discovered that any fish or fish oil makes her itchy so I have to inspect treats etc to make sure they don’t contain salmon oil which is a very common additive.
Glad for you that you’re making a bit of head way. Your dog is beautiful :)

That's interesting because ive found that adding salmon oil to my allergic dogs food has really helped her skin!
Just shows how different they can be and it could be ANYTHING they're allergic to!

By the way @Bowie2016 you said he sleeps in bed with you, I was advised by my vet to keep my allergic dog out of our room and in her own bed as our skin particles and what not could irritate her. Regular bathing is a must along with rinsing or rubbing down (with doggy wipes, hypoallergenic of course!) after walks, doing these things really help my dog!
Aww yes he does and i dont think he would sleep anywhere else, he doesnt even really sit by himself. hes such a loving dog he likes to lie on us and be by us all the time for cuddles. I do change the bedding daily so i would think akin particles would be a minimum do you think?

We do bathe him alot to keep the allergens down, he has malaseb (i think its called) at the minute too which seems to help.

His allergies really dont seem as bad as they have been and hopefully we are getting there with them.
Thats really good to know about the fish oils because we are currently on the raw food course where they add different raw ingredients each week and see if there are any reactions so they know and we can tailor his food specific for him. I know they add fish in week 7 of this so he gets the omega oils course so i will bare in mind and watch for any signs of itching.
Thanks for the info on the oil of ebening primrose. I used to suffer so bad with eczema as a child and used to cut the capsule open and rub it on the eczema, just never thouhgt of it for bowie.
I know im probably biased but he is a handsome dog, i agree haha.
Oh interesting! Let us know how he progresses. At one point, the skin specialist put her on a analagenic diet which consisted of just kibble made from feathers! She couldn’t have anything else but this. She was on it for 2 whole months. Felt so sorry for her.
It made no difference to her itchiness though.

re the shared bed:
If U don't already have one, I'd buy a MITE-PROOF mattress-cover that zips on. // Vacuum both sides of the mattress, 1st, very thoroughly, paying special attn to crevices & seams or folds. Use the hand-held attachments, the skinny crevice tool is especially helpful. [It's blade-shaped, with a very narrow slot for the opening.]
Then slide the cover on, & zip it shut. There are also zip-on mite-proof covers for PILLOWS, which also reduces dust-mite popns; wash the pillowcases at least 1x / week, & dry them in a dryer with the sheets, not on a clothesline [the heat of the dryer will dessicate any surviving mites.]

Dust-mites are common allergenic irritants for humans & non-humans; reducing the amount of wall-to-wall carpet, replacing it with sealed floors and WASHABLE area-rugs, & reducing the upholstered furniture in the house, also cuts dust-mite numbers. // Allergies very rarely exist as singletons; they come in clusters. Folks with one allergy usually develop more, as long as they live; some add one every few months, some add 3 or 4 in a single burst, then nothing more for a while.

If U have an HVAC duct system in the house, I'd mount a HEPA filter on the whole-house air return; the best is made by 3M, it's the ULTRETE. They cost anywhere from $8 to $15-usa, depending on size, & last 90-days.
Every 3-mos, replace it religiously; put the due-date on the white frame of the fiter, where U can see it, &
TAPE ALL THE WAY around the filter, don't just slip it into the frame; the tape forces all the air to go thru the filter, not slide around it, into the intake, & out into the vents.
HEPA filters remove pollen, auto-exhaust, metal oxides, dander, & even viruses, when they're high quality, & the ULTRETE is very-high quality. It will not overload the intake motor, either - air-flow is excellent.

- terry

Thanks Terry.
The only place carpeted in the house are the stairs, the rest is wooden floor or tiles. I have leather couches and i hoover everyday plus bedding is changed daily and i always use the dryer, i dont have a washing line.
Ill have a look out for the dust mite matress cover, all i have at the moment is just a matress protector.

Did the vet ask U about doing an elimination diet?
A single-protein that the dog hasn't eaten B4, such as canned cold-water fish, rabbit, 'roo, venison, etc, plus a carb-source & a mineral / vitamin base?

It takes a minimum of 3-weeks to see the results of a diet change - U can't frequently swap proteins & other ingredients, as it screws-up the elimination diet hopelessly. :( U have to WAIT, & introduce individual items, one by one, & WAIT after each one... for another 3 to 4-weeks, before U decide that the dog's doing fine with the new item, & U can safely introduce *one* more new item, then wait another 21 to 30-days, etc.

Every time a particular item proves to be a problem, U go back to square one, DELETE that item, wait 3 to 4 solid weeks for the reaction to fade entirely, long-after any visible effects are gone, & cautiously introduce another new item.
Elimination diets are a PITA - but time-consuming tho they are, & frustrating, they are also the best way of finding what the dog is reacting to. :--}

- terry
