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Allergic lakeland


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Hi All,

I really hope someone is able to help, please. Over the course of a year or so my Lakeland has had exceptionally itchy skin...we've changed his diet and tried 101 different things and lately he has been on a course of steroids. To cut a long story short, he has now had a comprehensive allergy test which has revealed he is allergic to a whole wealth of things, so much so we are going to try him on a course of injections.

In the meantime, we have to change his food which I am encountering huge problems with. Basically, he is allergic to all grains/cereals except wheat, he is fine with all meats but allergic to potato and rice. I have tried searching the internet but really am not having any luck finding any suitable dried food. I spoke with the vet about giving him cooked, fresh vegetables but she advised that he would not get the right nutrients.

So, I wonder if anyone knows of any suitable dried food for him? Any help would be gratefully received.

Thank you so much.
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I have just this minute been told about a new food called 'Canagan'

He bought it for his cat who was experiencing similar issues to you and is having a good response from it?
Sounds like he would suit a raw diet. Does he have to eat dried food?
It can take anywhere from 4 weeks to three months before you see an affect from changing food.

Food allergies are not as common as vets would lead you to believe.

A simple raw diet would confirm that it is infact a food related allergy.

Allergies are a minefield and have been looking at them in some detail over the last 12 months.

It is very much trial an error and after all the trialing the only thing that has calmed my dog down is steriods.

She is on a tablet a day and seems to be much better. However my vet will not continue steriod treatment long term, so I am hoping the rest in itching and scratching will help her when she comes off the steriods.
Thanks All, banana, funnily enough I found Canigan yesterday but from reading reviews I've heard a few horror stories which has put me off (not that you should listen to everything you read online I know!).

cadac 21, I am in the same position as you as I have been advised not to continue with the steroids long term as my Lakeland also has epilepsy and takes epiphen and so it would be even worse in the long term. Perhaps you should investigate the allergy test which I have just had - it was extremely comprehensive and the subsequent injections are 70-80% successful apparently...we will see. However, I still have to change his food.

pippywhippet, I mentioned to the vet about preparing vegetables and meat for him myself but she doesn't think he would have the right nutrients - what is the concensus here please?
You'll find across the board that raw feeding is probably about 50.50 for and against. For every one person who feeds raw you'll find another who is against it.

The key is though plenty of dogs do very very well on raw and the biggest issue with raw is that most vets in the UK are against it, most likely for commercial reasons rather than health.

In regards to testing, I was told it had a very low sucess rate and given the age of my dog and what she's already been through decided to try another way.

I am tempted to have it done as she is insured.
I am sure you will find something in the Trophy Petfoods range. The company uses the best ingredients - no animal derivatives, and have foods to suits all dogs (and not tested on animals either!!)

Google it to find your local advisor, or contact the company direct. Certainly worth a try.
Hiya, Wafcol do ocean fish and corn or chicken and corn, was corn in the items he is allergic too? I think Burns do a turkey and vegetable food, I know how you feel my dog is allergic to pretty much everything aswell, although his main symptom is diarrhoea and weight loss, itchy skin during the summer, I can feed him on Wafcol Salmon and Potato or Burns Pork and Potato luckily he can eat potato.

I hear nothing but good things about the autoimmune injections from several people so I hope they sort out your dogs allergies. My boy is probably heading the same way in the future if his skin flares up again this summer.

Good Luck and let us know how you get on

oooh, go on spill the beans on canagan. I've not ready any bad reviews yet...

I've fed it to my (admittedley cast iron) dog, and he had no problems, but then he never does. The game variety has a fairly high protein content, which is what i mainly look for, it seemed like fairly good stuff.

If you have the time and freezer space i would suggest raw feeding, then you can control what goes in... Funny that its not wheat that your dog is allergic to, thats the one that gets the bad press!
Thank you all so much for the advice....I will have a look today into the recommendations you have given me and also have a really good look at raw feeding which I know absolutely nothing about at this stage! I'm willing to give anything a try really if it helps him.

Hanneroon, I just read that a number of people had seen their dogs having severe reactions to canagan but as I said, you can't really believe everything you read 100% and I know I'm being over paranoid with everything now! It is strange that literally the only cereal he is not allergic to is wheat because as you say, that is the one that gets the bad press so murphyrules, unfortunately the Wafcol is out but thank you for the recommendation....hopefully I will also see good results with the injections :- )
Have you tried i swear by this for so many skin conditions, iv'e recommended it to a lady who lives near me who has a rescue Beagle who had itchy skin costantly and within a few weeks it had made an immense difference, if you look at some of the before and after pictures they are courtesy of Many Tears Rescue which i have been to and worked at over several weekends, the Westie ex breeders come in looking like they have burns their skin is so bad, they use this treatment and it really does work.