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All Of A Sudden ... Can You Offer Any Advice


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Hi Hoping someone has some advice, Our 4 year old whippet has started wimpering and yelping from time to time, it started last night, he went out for his usual run and was fine no tumbles or accidents or carelessly knocking into other dogs whilst playing, came home and was fine ate his food and seems quite perky in himself, then about 9.30 he started whining very quitely (which I know they are famous for doing sometimes anyway from our other whippet, who does it if he is cold or uncomfortable!!) but I had a look at him and examined all the bits I could see but when i went to pick him up so i could put him on the sofa to check underneath him he screamed so loud. He is walking fine and still has his appetite, but every now and again, he is letting out a whimper. The one thing I have noticed he cant do is shake his head/coat, you know what dogs do when they are wet etc...... I am going to go up the vets when they open but wondered if anyone had experiencedthis before or could it maybe a pulled muscle?? Your thoughts are appreciated thanks x
Yes. My boy, Irie, had the same symptoms when he compressed his neck by running into an iron trailer chassis.

He would suddenly yell out - most disconcerting - and I couldn't move him without it causing him to cry out.

It took a few weeks for him to return to full health, but he suffered quite an impact.

It's probably the same as you suffering from a crick in your neck - very painful!

I hope it is nothing too serious in your lad's case ....... let us know what the vet thinks :thumbsup:

Good luck :luck: :luck: :luck:
Poor wee fellow!

I would take him to the vets to be on the safe side. Just in case he may have a twisted gut or bowel. This happens more commonly in sighthounds which is one reason that it is recommended that about an hour should seperate feeding from excersise. It is extremely painful and very dangerous.

It may be just a pulled muscle somewhere (whippets can be such whimps!) but it is not worth taking any chances.

Best of luck :luck:
It sounds like he has hurt his neck, I would take him to the vet because it can be so painful for them. At least you will find out for sure and they can give him some pain relief.

Good luck.
It sounds like he has hurt his neck, I would take him to the vet because it can be so painful for them. At least you will find out for sure and they can give him some pain relief.Good luck.
Thanks we have an appointment in a while, hopefully will be nothing too serious fingers crossed, but yes def want to get it checked out, he does seem fine in himself and gobbled his breakfast down this morning without a worry, and is now resting, but still crying every now and then.. thanks for replying will let you know what the vet says x
just got back from the vets, cant find anything obviously wrong with him, check all his vertabrae neck chest feet good all over check and he thinks that it is either a trapped nerve or just a strained muscle so bit relieved.....given us some pain killers for him and said to rest for the weekend then only gently strolls for a couple of we shall see thanks for your answers x

Thanks for letting us know

Better safe than sorry :huggles: from me
That's reassuring :thumbsup:

Hopefully it won't be long before he is back to normal again :D
My whippet Woody gets muscle adhesions in his neck which will suddenly cause him to be unable to shake his head, he will walk oddly and hold his head very stiffly. he can wake up in the night crying in pain and walking in tiny circles.

When you feel his neck it is very stiff and the muscles are rock hard when it is happening. We occasionally have to give him pain relief but we do massage his neck gently every day and that has improved the problem immensely.