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All Irelands


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Disaster for me today. Weeks of training, my dog Ellie May in her first heat, was winning clearly until the lure clearly slowed down and you could see her trying to lift the lure. This slowed her up and she came third (She has never came thrid in her racing life).

Im glad it was caught on camera becuase the organisers would not admit fault and they wouldnt do re-runs.

I think Stormydog (John) feels the same way, complete disaster, for Colt, the lure was speeded up and was too fast ahead of the dogs.

To sum it up, the two fastest dogs didnt even make the final becuase of the Lure activity. :rant: :rant: :rant:

So disappointment all round today for the usual winners, becuase of very poor organisation other dogs were given a chance this year.

Congratulations to Rose (Miss Madam) with Tori, litter sister of Ellie May for winning the under 23 racing 4 years in a row!!

I would also like to congratulate Eamon (Steaky) on coming a very close second with Siva :thumbsup:
You'ld have thought the organizers would have got it right for this event.Sorry for you and John :( know this event meant alot to you both. Well done Rose on Toris win :thumbsup: Something to be said for four years on the trot with the same dog :thumbsup: :D Karen
frankie mate we were and i and the rest all know matt and seamus had a score to settle with me :- " shit did they settle it !

youre heat was a disgrace followed by a disgrace going the opposite way for me with the lure driven flat out down the dip and up over the top and behind the bale as colt stuffed all in sight...pops up and discovers lure is already wrapped up and put away for next heat .....100yds almost ahead !!

for a man whos drove lures for 20 years he made a right cock of this event.

you and i both know the 2 top dogs werent in the final.....the winner hasnt beat colt yet !! but hey....forget it mate :huggles:
:eek: oh no :unsure:

gutted for both of you that your day didnt bring the results for ya :(
Shambles is an understatement. Just after watching the video of the heats. Clearly Ellie May can be seen striking the lure with another dog, i think it was Jack, coming across the front of her to have a strike after her also. Colts heat...i have never witnessed the like of it before and it's all on video. I reckon the lure was stopped behind the bale of hay at the finish line with Colt having maybe up to 100 yards still to race to the finish line being also a distance in front of wonder he pulled of to the side as there was nothing to chase after. On both Ellie Mays and Colts heat it can plainly heard from spectators and the guy who was judging on the line during the race of the boobs that were made. As for the finals of the under's and over's it can be clearly seen on the video both Torri and Jack easing up before the finish line cos the lure had already stopped. If the final had have been any closer it may have cost someone the victory. The annoying thing is that the organisers were made aware of this before the start of the racing and chose to ignore it. Don't want to sound like a moan but sometimes they should take a look at things when it is common sense.

My heart goes out to Frankie and John as i must admit i don't agree with this no re-run rule.

Billy i hope Tara comes home sound and that her injury is not too serious.

A big WELL DONE to Martin Tucker on winning the whippet racing, super to see your travels and hard work and effort well rewarded.

Another WELL DONE to Rose with Torri on her 4th All Irelands...She looked impressive in her heat and i think your dad had her lead on after the final before the other dogs were even crossing the line.

WELL DONE to Ann with he still had to win no matter what was going on around him. He also got mixed up in the first heat with Ellie May but it must have just been his day as i believe there was a mix up also in the final and he had to come from behind.

And what about Streaky with Siva coming in second in the over 23" and that with her just over getting her toe removed.

A long and tiring day....also raging that there was no Man from Iman fudge at any of the stalls as its a traditional port of acll for me.
:thumbsup: So sorry to here about the race today, i'am sure that if the lure had been worked properly you would still hold the title. Anyway Frankie you can be proud of Ellie's Star today, the sister of Ellie May, she won the overs raceing at the

T.C.T Rally and

Mike knows she's not fit at the moment because if she was he was going to come

over to the All Ireland today. Don't loose heart, there is always next year. : Speak soon. thumbsup:
OK.Im just home this minute,and i would like to 2nd all that has been said so far.After everything that happened today,i think the N.D.T.L.C,have to take over this event.It actualy brought back old memories,of the time they did the dirty on me 7 years ago.When my bitch,(for all to see)

,won her final by 12 or more length's,and was said to have not counted.On producing video evidence,a few minutes after the race, i was told what to do with the camera.A few minutes later,my wife who was videoing the racing,and who was at the time 8n1/2 month's pregnant,was accused of fidling the camera,and called a cheating fat b.....d,by the man who was doing the line.Incidently,the race, as far as he was concerned, was won by his mate.A few different people who got copies of the racing tapes of that day,also went to the organiser's home's with the tape's,where they were refused any explanation as to why i was banned.I admit,that when my wife was called that,i did flip the lid,an throw the rest of the trophies and the bags of meal that i won, at the organiser's.Today,they lifted in exess £2.000,from lurcher people.It was the biggest show ive seen in years,as far as number's of dog's go,and i think they could have done a bit more for the owner's,and exibitor's.I did notice a lot more ,and bigger n better trophie's in the terrier ring.They even had a great big perpetual shield.None for lurcher's though.And when there was maybe 30 odd dog's in the lurcher ring,there was maybe 6 in the terrier ring.Every class was filled,nose to tail.There was a class for kid,s,and then there was a class for ladie's.Then there was a class for dogs handled by gentlemen.And these consisted of everything from Yorkie's to whatever's.Then the lady who was judging these decided to show her own bloody pup,in the All Ireland lurcher puppy class,while her mate judged the flippin thing,and she won it,beating Alannah's Pyper pup,who took reserve.As far as im concerned,Pyper won it.My heart goes out to John,and Frankie,cause as Frankie say's,you put you're heart into getting them ready for this one,and it's all thrown back in you're face.What Frankie has'nt said here,is that his other dog,whistler,won his heat,impresively,and at the line in the final,everyone was stealing a length or 2,and as frankie was waiting for Matt, to tell them to get back in the line,the bloody lure take's off up the field,an Frankie's left holding his dog,at the start line.I did think that when these 2 went out,that the final was mine,as i told Darren last night on the phone to expect the unexpected.But in the next heat after John's,Tara come's home trailing her back left behind her.So that was the top 3 dog's in Ireland out.Will know in the morning what's up with Tara,as its another long drive in the morning.Well done to Rose.4in a row.Which leaves her up there with the elite.Snipe, Tarn,Maddy,Sky,and now Tori.Also a big well done to Martin tucker and Son,who travelled a hell of a distance,and won the Whippet racing,with there little 29 lb flying machine.Oh ,and ive got a cracking photo of big Ann,receiving her trophy for the over 23 racing championship,with a dog that she alway's show's in the under 23s.Very confusing this. Anyway,pic's to fallow.
billyboy45 said:
Then the lady who was judging these decided to show her own bloody pup,in the All Ireland lurcher puppy class,while her mate judged the flippin thing,and she won it,
Thts flippin rite, u no favourtism when u c it like, well done i got 3rd place in the pup class :thumbsup:

Any gd pics ??
dazgail said:
Shambles is an understatement. Just after watching the video of the heats. Clearly Ellie May can be seen striking the lure with another dog, i think it was Jack, coming across the front of her to have a strike after her also. Colts heat...i have never witnessed the like of it before and it's all on video. I reckon the lure was stopped behind the bale of hay at the finish line with Colt having maybe up to 100 yards still to race to the finish line being also a distance in front of wonder he pulled of to the side as there was nothing to chase after. On both Ellie Mays and Colts heat it can plainly heard from spectators and the guy who was judging on the line during the race of the boobs that were made. As for the finals of the under's and over's it can be clearly seen on the video both Torri and Jack easing up before the finish line cos the lure had already stopped. If the final had have been any closer it may have cost someone the victory. The annoying thing is that the organisers were made aware of this before the start of the racing and chose to ignore it. Don't want to sound like a moan but sometimes they should take a look at things when it is common sense. My heart goes out to Frankie and John as i must admit i don't agree with this no re-run rule.

Billy i hope Tara comes home sound and that her injury is not too serious.

A big WELL DONE to Martin Tucker on winning the whippet racing, super to see your travels and hard work and effort well rewarded.

Another WELL DONE to Rose with Torri on her 4th All Irelands...She looked impressive in her heat and i think your dad had her lead on after the final before the other dogs were even crossing the line.

WELL DONE to Ann with he still had to win no matter what was going on around him. He also got mixed up in the first heat with Ellie May but it must have just been his day as i believe there was a mix up also in the final and he had to come from behind.

And what about Streaky with Siva coming in second in the over 23" and that with her just over getting her toe removed.

A long and tiring day....also raging that there was no Man from Iman fudge at any of the stalls as its a traditional port of acll for me.

For a man who has nothing racing at the minute,i have never seen someone so annoyed at what was a circus come to town.Because this was the laugh of the century,as far as organised racing goes.One thing i noticed about Darren today,was that although he has nothing runnin,his heart was going up that field with a certain couple of dog's today.You worked youreself into a right old frenzy,mate.I see now why you arent married yet Darren.You're still a few sandwiches off a picnic mate.
howling good time said:
billyboy45 said:
Then the lady who was judging these decided to show her own bloody pup,in the All Ireland lurcher puppy class,while her mate judged the flippin thing,and she won it,
Thts flippin rite, u no favourtism when u c it like, well done i got 3rd place in the pup class :thumbsup:

Any gd pics ??

Gona work on em now,as it will take a few hour's.But as i cant sleep anyway,so i'll do a bit of work on the photo's.Have none of the pup's though,as i was in the line up with youreself and the judge,(WITH HER PUP).
And i thought we had a shitty weekend. It sounds like a proper ball's up.

We had planned to come with our young dogs next year, but after reading all the post about the amateur organisation with the racing its definately OFF.

After saying this, well done to all the winners

billyboy45 said:

For a man who has nothing racing at the minute,i have never seen someone so annoyed at what was a circus come to town.Because this was the laugh of the century,as far as organised racing goes.One thing i noticed about Darren today,was that although he has nothing runnin,his heart was going up that field with a certain couple of dog's today.You worked youreself into a right old frenzy,mate.I see now why you arent married yet Darren.You're still a few sandwiches off a picnic mate.

I got so worked up because i was standing beside the bales of hay at the finish line beside the lure with a birds eye view and could see the lure come up and stop when there was such a vast distance for the leading dog to race and then some people made the comment that the dog just went unsighted. Colt didn't go unsighted, there was no lure to chase. Also when i had a a quick look at the video to see if it was caught on camera there was no way i was backing down. Thankfully common sense prevailed and people were able to see it for themselves. Driving the lure can be very difficult at times depending on the length and nature of the running surface but surely thats when you have re-runs for situations like this.

But anyway i had an enjoyable day and it was great to see friends who i havn't seen in a while and to meet new people.

Incidently before the race Seamus said that he would love others to run the racing as he's getting too old for maybe here's an opportunity for some people to step in.

I have always stated that i think Seamus and Matts shows were some of the best i have went to over the years with very few mishaps. Yesterday was just an exception....just disappointed for the dogs and their owners who lost out and that we didn't get to see the final that we were all looking forward to. :cheers:
I totaly agree with you about somebody taking over Darren.One thing that has stuck in my head is the fact that Seamus always had to ask what dog won each heat.I mean,every time a race was over,he had to ask which dog won.And they all had a big number on the racing jacket's they were wearing.Maybe his eye's ave gone,and that's why he could'nt see the lure.If you do as i done,and get down on all four's in the middle of that big dip,(which is approximtely 10 yds in length,and over 3 feet deep in the centre,you would see exactly what the dog,s seen,when they were in the middle of it.(NOTHING)So when Colt and co,were in there and the lure so far in front of them,THEY CAME OUT SEEIN NOTHING,AND HAD'NT A CLUE WHAT WAS GOING ON.No wonder he went across the field looking for it. Tara's Racing carear is over Darren.Gracillies is torn bad,at the bottom end,and im gutted mate,as i had put a lot of work into her in the last 3 week;s as she was unfit before at Florencecourt.She had improved 7 or 8 length;s from her last race.But that's life mate,and you have to take the fall's.John and Frankie will have their day before the year's out.And thats what they deserve,after all the hard work.I think Tori ran a blinder yesterday,the best ive seen from her in fact,and would liked to have seen her and wee Earnie get it on,as i was very impressed with the little pocket rocket.Hope to see you all soon. ...Billy...
one thing about lurcher racing if they cant win fair there is many ways to cheat,again yesterday i had my fair share of barging dogs and especially when the owners and clubs know the dogs barge,anyway we beat em all again : :cheers: mark, and now there is no unders to touch these dogs down here as the only one that they all had hopes for, are 2, were blown out of the water on saturday and sunday and thats racin only, as they save em for the racin after mine had done everything else and to win by 15 lenghs (w00t)
Have to agree with all the comments so far, was quite a shambles of a day, those stupid classes at the start and i wasn't over impressed by the judge, he wasn't watching for the dogs movement as they were lead away and was very quick running his hands over some dogs, although what really annoyed me was that he totally discounted Siva cause she's had a toe removed - it was as if he decided to disqualify her. To go from Reserve All Ireland Champion 2006, qualify for this years NL&RC championship to not even being placed in a class takes some explaining. He did pick some fine dogs in the end that fully deserved to win but i also saw him placing dogs in some classes that had visible faults.

As for the racing, i was standing at the dip when the whippets and unders were running, in quite a few of the heats the lure was slowed and the dogs were striking at it, some were even coursing it as it moved across the track - Seamus is usually spot on with the lure, maybe the dip was catching him out as well as i'm sure he would have been unsighted for a couple of seconds.

I was well pleased with Siva getting 2nd in the racing, even if it was by default, i'm sure if Storm and Ellie May hadn't been cheated out of the final Siva wouldn't have had a look in. I was also surprised at Frankie holding Whistler up in the final - two dogs made a bit of a false start but heir owners held on to them and pulled them back - it was a bit confusing at the time but i just kept my eye on the lure. I was sure to point out to the show judge who was at the finish line that Siva can still run pretty well on her 3 toes and asked him if he would disqualify her from the racing as well!!

Well done to Rose and Tori for their 4th All Ireland in a row, lets hope you can set a new record next year.
billyboy45 said:
OK.Im just home this minute,and i would like to 2nd all that has been said so far.After everything that happened today,i think the N.D.T.L.C,have to take over this event.It actualy brought back old memories,of the time they did the dirty on me 7 years ago.When my bitch,(for all to see),won her final by 12 or more length's,and was said to have not counted.On producing video evidence,a few minutes after the race, i was told what to do with the camera.A few minutes later,my wife who was videoing the racing,and who was at the time 8n1/2 month's pregnant,was accused of fidling the camera,and called a cheating fat b.....d,by the man who was doing the line.Incidently,the race, as far as he was concerned, was won by his mate.A few different people who got copies of the racing tapes of that day,also went to the organiser's home's with the tape's,where they were refused any explanation as to why i was banned.I admit,that when my wife was called that,i did flip the lid,an throw the rest of the trophies and the bags of meal that i won, at the organiser's.Today,they lifted in exess £2.000,from lurcher people.It was the biggest show ive seen in years,as far as number's of dog's go,and i think they could have done  a bit more for the owner's,and exibitor's.I did notice a lot more ,and bigger n better trophie's in the terrier ring.They even had a great big perpetual shield.None for lurcher's though.And when there was maybe 30 odd dog's in the lurcher ring,there was maybe 6 in the terrier ring.Every class was filled,nose to tail.There was a class for kid,s,and then there was a class for ladie's.Then there was a class for dogs handled by gentlemen.And these consisted of everything from Yorkie's to whatever's.Then the lady who was judging these decided to show her own bloody pup,in the All Ireland lurcher puppy class,while her mate judged the flippin thing,and she won it,beating Alannah's Pyper pup,who took reserve.As far as im concerned,Pyper won it.My  heart goes out to John,and Frankie,cause as Frankie say's,you put you're heart into getting them ready for this one,and it's all thrown back in you're face.What Frankie has'nt said here,is that his other dog,whistler,won his heat,impresively,and at the line in the final,everyone was stealing a length or 2,and as frankie was waiting for Matt, to tell them to get back in the line,the bloody lure take's off up the field,an Frankie's left holding his dog,at the start line.I did think that when these 2 went out,that the final was mine,as i told Darren last night on the phone to expect the unexpected.But in the next heat after John's,Tara come's home trailing her back left behind her.So that was the top 3 dog's in Ireland out.Will know in the morning what's up with Tara,as its another long drive in the morning.Well done to Rose.4in a row.Which leaves her up there with the elite.Snipe, Tarn,Maddy,Sky,and now Tori.Also a big well done to Martin tucker and Son,who travelled a hell of a distance,and won the Whippet racing,with there little 29 lb flying machine.Oh ,and ive got a cracking photo of big Ann,receiving her trophy for the over 23 racing championship,with a dog that she alway's show's in the under 23s.Very confusing this.  Anyway,pic's to fallow.
