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All animals rescue and rehome essex


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Does anyone know anything about this rescue? Looking to rescue a dog, but they don't make contact by phone and only by email. Wants us to meet in services to meet the prospective new dog for our family. Does this sound okay? Any help would be appreciated
I would be suspicious of this, my experience has been that you meet at someone’s home or at the rescue centre (depends if the dog is being fostered) I would worry that these dogs may have been taken. Have they asked for a donation?
This doesn't sound great to me, when I went to my local rehoming centre they wanted to us to met the pets and then have a house visit as well, its wasn't as easy as we thought it might be! So this makes me question how much they care for the animals and a services isnt a relax place to be introduced to a dog :(
Yes, they did ask for a donation £150 on adoption form but £175 on the dogsblog website. I did a bit of investigating, there was no address or phone number for the rescue, so we bowed out. She put a sarky comment on her Facebook page about time waster. Do rescues have to be registered or can any old one set themselves up as a rescue and take people's money? I wonder where she us getting the digs, she has quite a few all photographed in the same room, sitting in a settee in a room in a house.
I have just joined this forum and want to express my concern about this person. We have been hoping to adopt another rescue dog and are looking for an older collie type dog - we have always owned rescue border collies. I came across All animals rehome and rescue last autumn. I had arranged to meet with this rescue woman at a service station on the M25 early December. I was a bit concerned as she expected me to take the dog home immediately but despite my concerns, my husband and I agreed to meet her at the garage midday on a Saturday. But unfortunately on the Friday I hurt my neck and was in pain on the following morning. I phoned my osteopath, hoping to get an emergency appointment with him early morning and we could then go on to meet with this person. But he could not see me until noon and I had no choice but to text this person and apologise I was unable to meet her at midday, hoping to rearrange. Sadly she went beserk, accused me of being a time waster, and she would contact all the local dog rescue centres, especially those involved with collie rescue and tell them not to have anything to do with me.

This has had a huge impact on me. We lost our last collie under very traumatic circumstances and because we are retired and lonely having endured the loss of our only child, we dearly want to adopt another dog for company. Our vet (Mark Carpenter) retired last year - a pity as he would have been horrfied, he always praised us for the way we cared for rescue dogs and rehabilitated them. To be accused of being a waste of time is very distressing and I feel unable to approach any of the smaller rescue centres now. Sorry for this post being so long.
There is absolutely no regulation on setting up a rescue. I have had negative dealings with a small rescue. The people running it were well meaning enough but, and this seems to be a common theme, had no real experience of dogs in general. They may have had a few rescue dogs themselves or fostered etc. Another theme seems to be that they love to be in the limelight :(
It is worrying. There should be some regulations. Years ago, I used to follow a dog rescue centre in Northampton - they mainly rescued collies and like the owner of the rescue centre I have posted about, gave the impression that all the dogs were kept in their own home. When our son's dog died, I looked them up again and discovered they had been raided by the RSPCA. The photos of the cages the dogs were kept in were shocking and the conditions were filthy. I agree, these people probably start of with good intentions.

And to feel free to spread untruths about would be adopters is unacceptable and very damaging. I could not believe how abusive she was. Safer to stay with the larger organisations.
With the number of dogs going missing, and with people like this around, it makes microchipping even more vital. I heard of a case recently, however, where the scum bags were dying the dog a different colour and had even removed the microchip of another. If they are charging the prices mentioned above then it makes dog stealing a lucrative business.
I have just been home checked this morning by a lady for this rescue site which I found through showing an interest in a dog on the dogsblog site. I have tried after the home check to find any contact details in general and an address but it seems there is no public place that they are based....all dogs are in foster homes.....?? So should I be concerned, not go forward in planning a meeting? From the sounds of it on here there is concern, I registered literally just now to make this enquiry and to see what is replied.
You really need to go on recommendations. If all the dogs are in foster homes why are they charging huge sums to take on a rescue? No dog should be "free" as this would encourage impulse buying but their is a middle ground. I have fostered, as I am sure have others, and it did not cost the rescue a penny. The only costs they incurred was the home checking which is usually done by volunteers.

If the dog is in foster can you go and visit the dog there? You could then get a feel of the situation. It would be best to meet the dog in familiar surroundings too.

See if they can give you some sort of professional to speak to as a recommendation. Just think how you would feel if they re homed a dog with you that really belonged to someone else and that person re claimed their dog at some time in the future?

Three dogs went missing recently from my local area. One was discovered to have been sold about fifty miles away. When the word "sold" is used by the police does it really mean "re homed to someone who paid over a donation". It was a lovely golden Cocker Spaniel and the family are devastated. I would doubt that you could sell a middle aged cocker spaniel so it probably was "re homed" with a donation taken.

There really needs to be some sort of regulation of these "rescue" people.
I agree with your insightful comments and my concerns are very much the same. I foster german shepards and the way the charity/rescue works is very different to what appears to be common practice for this 'all animals rescue site'. I am glad I tried to find out more details and in doing so stumbled across this site. Always good to share concerns and maybe then something can be done about certain rescue sites which don't ring true compared to legitimate charities whose only remit is to protect and find genuine loving homes.
I would never recommend anyone to rescue from this person after the damaging experience we had.  Like the rescue centre in Northampton the wpman gave the impression all the dogs were in her own home but no one is allowed to know her address or visit dogs there.  She told me she had 17 dogs - where does she keep them all? And none of them are fostered.  I have since only looked at reputable sites like Blue Cross and the Dog's Trust and hope we are now about to adopt a dog from another known and trusted centre.    No one should be expected to meet with a dog at a motorway service station and take if home straight away. Unfair on the dog as much as anything.  No one should be subject to abuse or false accusations as we were, simply because we had to try and rearrange a meeting.
I want to add, for anyone looking to adopt in the U-S, reputable rescues here PAY for the care of their fosters - food, bowls, leash, vet care, etc, are all provided by the rescue org, which should be a properly-registered 501-3c non-profit with a tax-exempt status.

The fosters' only tasks are to provide a loving home, walk the dog, exercise & play with them, & notify the rescue if there are any symptoms of illness - Also, if there are problem behaviors, contact the rescue ASAP. // They may need to place the dog with a more-experienced foster or a trainer, for B-Mod, then once their behavior improves & they are considered adoptable, any willing foster can provide their temporary home.

I note this because a certain woman on the Eastern seaboard has been under Federal investigation for possible trafficking in dogs - she lists her 'adoptable' dogs on CraigsList regularly, has dumped many dogs that stayed on the 'adoptable' list for too-long or who developed health issues that would be costly to treat [multiple videos of dogs being abandoned at night, caught on CC-TV], she has allegedly sold dogs to known dog-fighters, both as prospective fighters & as 'bait dogs', & she has been investigated in 5 different states for varying offenses re abandonment, 'dog trafficking' [sales while registered as a non-profit], & more.

She consistently persuades good-hearted but ignorant people to foster her available dogs AND SPEND THEIR OWN MONEY to feed, vaccinate, de-worm, etc; THEY pay for vet care, she doesn't reimburse them. // This is absolutely not the approved standard, here - the rescue is the owner of record, & as such, is obliged to provide medical care, food, etc, or reimburse the fosters for any reasonable costs.
Obv, if a foster decided to buy a custom-made hardwood four-poster with a memory-foam mattress for their fostered darling... that's not 'reasonable', that's a personal choice, & the rescue would not be required to repay the foster.   :D

I had dealings with her several times; she doesn't even like dogs, nor does she know anything about dog behavior - from what i saw & heard, this is entirely a profit-making enterprise under the guise of 'charitable organization' & 'homeless pets'.

One incident especially shocked me  -- i was at the home of a woman who'd called me for help with her adult dog, & much to my surprise, SHE WAS FOSTERING for this disreputable "rescue"; her dog's issues were the direct result of life with 8 un-housebroken puppies, who slept in a crate in the living room.  :eek:
The stunning part?... While i was there, the woman herself came by - incredibly, she lived 2 doors away;  the pups had arrived with diarrhea, were never seen by a vet, & the sloppy stools had stopped in 48-hours, which was 3-days before.  She instructed the foster to give the pups FISH antibiotics - even tho they had no Dx, & had shown zero symptoms in the past 3 days.

Not only was that very risky - but acting as a vet without a license to practice is a highly-prosecutable offense. // I called the state vet's office, but so far as i know, she was not charged or arrested.

If U get bad vibes from the rescue, i'd go elsewhere - behavioral support by phone or e-mail, a lifelong willingness to take the dog back, & no bum's rush to "take the dog home NOW" are all traits of reputable rescues & shelters.  They want their dogs to have a home for life, & if anything happens to the adopter [death, disability, serious injury or illness, lost job, etc] that render the dog homeless or at risk, they will take the dog back.
 - terry
Hi, I had a really positive experience with this rescue, found them most helpful even when we ran hours late for our dog meet and greet due to the motorway. I agree the greet is a little strange at the motorway services but I wonder if there is anywhere better near to the dartford crossing, maybe not in that area. I can totally understand why the lady wouldn't wish to have members of the general public at her home, especially if there were disappointed applicants involved. There adoption fees are very similar to other rescues I approached. My experience was very different to the above lady's comments, after our initial meet and greet all animals rescue and rehome kept my dog for three weeks until she was fit to travel regarding vaccines, they forwarded pictures of her to me in those three weeks and never asked for the donation until the collection day. When I went to register my new dog her microchip etc and her history were all as I'd been told. A totally positive experience. :):):)
Hi, I had a really positive experience with this rescue, found them most helpful even when we ran hours late for our dog meet and greet due to the motorway. I agree the greet is a little strange at the motorway services but I wonder if there is anywhere better near to the dartford crossing, maybe not in that area. I can totally understand why the lady wouldn't wish to have members of the general public at her home, especially if there were disappointed applicants involved. There adoption fees are very similar to other rescues I approached. My experience was very different to the above lady's comments, after our initial meet and greet all animals rescue and rehome kept my dog for three weeks until she was fit to travel regarding vaccines, they forwarded pictures of her to me in those three weeks and never asked for the donation until the collection day. When I went to register my new dog her microchip etc and her history were all as I'd been told. A totally positive experience. :):):)
Great news! :)
@lurcher _lover Im really glad you had such a great outcome . However meeting and accepting a dog from a meet in motorway services goes against all current advice for potential new owners or adopters.
If the lady doesn't want people at her home maybe she should be looking for business premises.

BTW this is a really old thread thats been dug up .