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agm proposals

Wether Greyhounds, either as studs or dams have any part or not in whippet breeding is a matter of opinion but I think the vast majority of non-pedigree whippet racers acknowledge the important part that the greyhound has played in the breed. Pedigree whippets are "pure" and free of greyhound blood and those who wish to have greyhound free breeding are entitled to own and race KC pedigree whippets. If you want to race non-pedigree dogs then you will have to accept the greyhound influence - and thats how its always been with the non-pedigrees as any study of the parentage of current dogs will show. Greyhound studs played a part in the early years of track whippets and much of the current breeding goes back to such offspring.


As to what constitutes a lurcher it would seem everyone has a slightly different take on the topic, but most "experts" ( Walsh, Plummer et al ) and most "lurcher "owners would not define a lurcher as any dog crossed with a greyhound; a pekenese or rottweiler cross greyhound would not be considered a lurcher.

There has always been a cap on the size of No Limit dogs in straight racing because whippet traps will not allow the very large dogs to run as they will not fit the trap. The problem on the bends is that greyhound traps are used, hence greyhounds or similar size greyhound types will be able to run. Racers are entitled to have an opinion as to wether these larger dogs should compete with the smaller 40lb+ dogs or not. Personaly I think it should be left upto the scratch racers to decide wether to leave things as they are or not.

As far as breeding is concerned it doesn`t matter if the dog or bitch is the greyhound as they both contribut equal number of chromasones/genes to the offspring. Breeders consider that dam lines are more important and this may be because the female gamete "egg" is responsible for the offsprings cytoplasm and organelles wether the offspring are male or female.

Gary, wether you like it or not most whippet people would not consider Come on Ernie as a whippet. A scratch racer, yes but a whippet, no. Look at the breeding of Miss Ellie and her size and type; she was predominantly greyhound by breeding and was not a handicap racer. You cannot expect to breed whippet type dogs by crossing such a bitch with a greyhound stud but No Limit scratch dogs. If you go on to breed smaller dogs by using small whippet studs then others will consider these to be whippets.

It is not permissable to make anonymous comments directed at individuals on this forum. It is better if people are known to all. Previous history of this forum shows that anonymous posters become known to all eventually anyway.
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Good morning to you Mr Farmer, my name is Tracey if you look back at the original statement I have not insulted your's or anybody else's dog's, merely stated my opinion to which I am entitled. The dog's I own at the present time are as follow's, Rbch Biondi 24lb, Rch/Nch Breeze 20lb, Open winner Georgio 21lb and last but not the least Rbch Believe 22lb. I have also had a 30lb bitch named Parti-doll who was bred out of the GHD Russian Doll, who was twice runner up bend champion to the great Cheeky Madam and Morticia, she also won Supreme Dave Flea Mclelland bend open at 30lb plus open weight class's at 40lb and no limit. :c
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We were wondering who you were...Is it the folks with Believe who has the twisted toe??? At the bends last week???

Dear Mr Taylor

I think your letter dated 18 October was excellent, to the point and unbiased. In my defence I would like to point out I am not trying to race against the smaller whippet. I have bred a dog to compete with the top class no limit dogs, many that have as much greyhound influence as mine if not more. While running in the no limit I have made many new friends and had many a good day out and have spent a lot of time and money. After many years of competing I now have a dog capable of winning. Now all I hear is ban the no limit dogs, get rid of them.

Then the next thing I hear from an annonymous writer is that Ernie should not be allowed to run because of his greyhound influence, wouldn't most people try and defend their dog? Yes I may have sounded a bit aggressive but it is the thought of having all of my hard work come to an end by a certain group of people who don't even race against me.


P.S. To Tracey - I do hope my spelling is up to your standard and I agree you was just stating your opinion, when you don't put your name I automatically assumed you was having a direct slur at me and my dog. Hope to see you at the championships where we can put this all behind us and enjoy the racing.

P.P.S. You don't have to watch Ernie if you don't want! :p :D
CANT MISS HIM GARY,LOL :p :p :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 ??? ??? ??? ??? ;) ;) ;)
hia gaz, u keep saying all u hear is ban big dogs ,get rid of them ,well i think its a very small number of people who want this if any ,and the odd ones who do dont even run scratch dogs. there is a good suport from most people regarding scratch dogs, including myself i have a big 40 pouind bitch and the rest are 16 17 and 20 pounders , gonna be busy next season man ;)


