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Advise Needed


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ok iv been pondering getting another dog puppy ,but my ollie is fine when girls are brought into our home and wouldnt hurt a hair on there heads and when we got ollie we already had blue ,but they used to have there fair share of disagreements ,hes also quiet agressive to other dogs we meet not bitches hes fine with them just the dogs he runs around them in circles as if hes protecting his girls from them ,now my worrie is would he be ok if a boy pup came into our pack ? because as some of you know once i have a dog i fall pretty quick for them and would hate to be in a situation were few weeks after getting a dog pup we were having issues with ollie and the pup and me having to give up the pup wich would totaly break my heart ,he is fine with other dogs as long as he meets them out and away from the girls but as soon as he is back home and with the girl he would go nuts again .....but i wonder if he would be the same with a pup ? any advise gratfully recieved :thumbsup:
if you were going to have a problem with Ollie and a dog pup, it would be once the pup became sexually mature, could be up to 9-12 months old, so it'll be a while down the road...if it was me, I wouldn't go for the dog pup, as you have a happy household now, be a shame to upset the equilibrium!!
if you were going to have a problem with Ollie and a dog pup, it would be once the pup became sexually mature, could be up to 9-12 months old, so it'll be a while down the road...if it was me, I wouldn't go for the dog pup, as you have a happy household now, be a shame to upset the equilibrium!!
yeh thats what i was thinking to clair because i think he only tolerated blue because he was with us first but they did used to have a few disagreements but blue was rather large whippet i wouldnt fancey an iggys chances with my ollie to be honest just thought id get some advise anyway .... :(
if you were going to have a problem with Ollie and a dog pup, it would be once the pup became sexually mature, could be up to 9-12 months old, so it'll be a while down the road...if it was me, I wouldn't go for the dog pup, as you have a happy household now, be a shame to upset the equilibrium!!
yeh thats what i was thinking to clair because i think he only tolerated blue because he was with us first but they did used to have a few disagreements but blue was rather large whippet i wouldnt fancey an iggys chances with my ollie to be honest just thought id get some advise anyway .... :(
it is only my opinion though Nicky, I can see why you are tempted!!
i am clair hes so nice but i have to think with my head and not my heart this time, your advise is good advise and what i was thinking aswell although maybe we can find a way around it i duno ....maybe ollie will like him if hes time to grow on him before he reaches maturity :teehee: arrggg so much to think about :sweating:
It's very difficult to make that sort of decision, isn't it, Nicky? I suppose because you can't say for sure until the new pup is mature and also the size difference will be a worry for you too :unsure:

I tend to agree with Clair, although I have introduced Timothy to my pack without any problem with Irie (but Irie is castrated and is bottom of the pack anyway!!)

If you do take this boy on as well, you may have to be watching them 24/7 when Ollie is around with him ....... maybe ask yourself "do you really want to have to live like that?" ........... and I know you, once you have him, you won't want to part with him and your life could become very difficult, hunni.

You're like me ........ you would give a home to every iggy, whippet and lurcher that you see given half the chance :blink: and sometimes we have to let our heads rule our hearts :huggles: xx
I have never had a proble introduing any pups hereeven when i had 3 big big lads i could introdce any pup dog or bitch. Aslong as they grew up here Boris was fine with them even though he was a greyhound he never had a problem with lurcher or whippet mail pups and was fine with any adult mails that were not dominat and i found boys settled easyer you new within minets of lads were ok or not were bitches would play cool for a few days before they argued.

I ahve ususly had at least 3 lads here plus bitches both entire and spayed with no problems. the one time if your going to get problems is when your bitches come in season thats the time if any boys will fight. personly for a quiet life i would pic another bitch with the pack you have allready. good luck with what ever you pic
My boys are fine like Wendy's with boys that grow up in the house. I could have a male puppy and they would be ok there is no way I would take on an older male.

Bandit came to us as an older dog when we already had Owen and we had some quite major squabbles they have settled down now they are both older. It was always when bitches were due in season but now they don't bother. William was always bottom of the pack so he was no problem in fact the whippet bitches tended to bully him and he never realisedhe was so big and could stop it he was no problem with the mlae whippets.

If I knew I had a male with issues about other males I would think very seriously before upsetting the apple cart and introducing another male especially something as small as an iggie. Would you be able to keep them seperate when you weren't with them if Ollie did take a disliking to the other male.
Even when Archie first arrived Oscar still growled even though it was his own son, they all get along fine now

three male un castrated dogs together....odd spat over mainly food or snacks, but nothing major. Supervised Nicky Im sure

those first few weeks would be the crucial ones...and they should become friends.

I wouldnt worry introducing a puppy....but would never consider a fully grown adult male... :thumbsup:
My whippet Badger and my whipX Bryn would both have issues with an adult male and Badger won't tolerate them when he's out but he has always been fine accepting puppies ( although he will definitely tell them off if they annoy him which has resulted in the odd bitten ear.)
Probably not what you really want to hear, but I've just very sadly had to rehome one of my whippet boys. Baja is 28 months old and Marley is 16 months. Up until recently they had been fine, but over the last 8 weeks or so they started having little squabbles. Nothing major, but increasing in intensity every time it happened until I'm sure they would have had a full on fight. They also became obsessive about cocking their legs on absolutely everything, competing to mark their territory. Two weeks ago they had quite a big squabble over nothing in particular and I made the heartbreaking decision to let Marley go :( Fortunately a friend of a friend was desperately seeking a young adult whippet and it seemed fate that he was meant to be with them. He totally fell in love with the husband and has bonded very strongly with him already. However, there is a huge hole left in our family and a week and a half down the line I'm still calling Marley in from the garden :unsure: I personally wouldn't risk bringing another male into my home again. They would be fine when the pup is still young, but as he matures the trouble will start. Good luck with whatever you decide to do xx