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Advice, tips etc for rehoming Bullmastiff


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We have the opportunity to rehome an 11 month old Bullmastiff. The reason is a marital break up and the original breeder is have the dog back for rehoming. I will be assessing the dogs suitability for us when we see him. However in the meantime what can be expected from a dog this age? in terms of it being able to settle into a new home new routine etc. Are dogs this age still trainable and pliable as far as training goes. As far as I know and this information is from the current owner via the breeder. He's friendly with other dogs and people, but not had any formal puppy training in a class type setting. Not had many car journeys so that might be an issue. Recall described as 8/10 unless he sees a Squirrel. Thanks in advance.
Dogs are trainable at pretty much any age - the time critical things are the puppy socialisation window that closes at 16 weeks.

With any rehome, it's a good idea if you can negotiate a trial period. That would let you see any issues.
I think with any age you have to decide if you are ready to commit to that dog and accept any challenges that come your way ....
At least you know where he has come from ;)
He's an adolescent - they can push boundaries and lead you to despair. This isn't a reason not to adopt him of course... you just need to be aware that if he does seem challenging this isn't because it's too late, or that he's naturally a wild one, just that he's going through a normal stage of development.
Ive adopted several dogs at around a year and I find it perfect...
Theyve grown out of the daft puppy stuff, the biting and peeing on the rugs but young enough to accept change.

George is 18 months and hes doing really well hes accepted a new diet and routine and we are starting to get a few basic commands established. This after 7 weeks. Of course every dog is different and it does depend on your expectations you cant expect perfection overnight but if you are willing to work and give them time theres no reason that adopting a dog at a year old should be a major problem.
It's a great age to adopt! And the ones I've known have been pretty laid-back. Of course the change in circumstances will be a bit of a shock to a young dog as it is to a puppy. But you're well clued up with the big dog/ big puppy world so I'm sure you could offer a really great home. Such a fine thing to do! Good luck.
8/10 recall at 11 months is outstanding. At this age 3/10 would be pretty darn good in my books....
Anyway, I think this will probably be madness for a little while, but a lot of fun too.
All my dogs of all ages have been adopted and they adjust and learn . The eldest was about 11. Positive reinforcement is the way to go .