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Advice Please


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I'm a little concerned, and I'm hoping that this is just a normal thing that all dogs do.

Mysti and Tascha were rough playing in the living room, my friend had just arrived, and they were totally over excited, I was just getting up to put them in their crate to *calm down* for 5 mins, when Mysti turned really nastily for Tascha, Tascha backed away, but Mysti kept going after Tascha. This has all taken just a second or so.

I don't know if I have reacted in the right way or not, shock had made my actions swift and without thought, but I yelled and smacked Mysti on the bum, not hard, but hard enough for her to feel it.

Both dogs backed down, and they were put to bed.

They seem to be getting on fine again now, have been rough playing again etc, with no more episodes.

The thing I need to know is, is this normal? Will I expect it to happen again? Did I react in the wrong way? If so, what is the *right* way to act?

I'm just worried right now, it would break my heart to part with either of my pups, they're my babies.
When our dogs go for a walk Holly whippet sometimes really lays in to Diesel, our EBT! needless to say he just totally ignores her, but i still dont like her doing it, I usaully find its when shes really running as i think the excitement goes to her head a little :teehee: I usaully call her straight back to heel and she comes running back no probs but i can hardley tell her off when she comes back :unsure: Im hoping she will get out of it when shes older, :b

In your case if it happened in the house i would most defianatley smack her bum and tell her off so i think you did right there. :))

Again it sounds like an excitement issue with yours too as you said you had visitors and shes got excited.
I would agree there Andrea I think they were probably over excited and possibly a little jealous as in 'not you :angry: me, type of thing' a lot of it is a dominance thing with them I think, it has happened here too on the odd occasion, I think you did the right thing letting them know it's not on and I am sure they will be fine :thumbsup:

Mine do that also when out running Whippynit thats why their collars are battered (w00t)
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In my opinion you did the right thing Andrea too :thumbsup: My two get really carried away especially out walking/running that should be :lol: then Oscar really lays into Kobi and runs off when I try to tell him off - he thinks its a big game (w00t)

In the house too if I let them get away with it - when they charge in from the garden do the wall of death round the sofa then chase each other back onto the garden like 'bats out of hell' :blink: Drives you nuts sometimes.
After reading the above posts im relieved to know its not just mine that are like that then !!!!!!! :cheers: (w00t) :thumbsup:
Hope it's just a one off Andrea, probably just over excitment.

Dont worry Andrea, it sounds perfectly normal, although I can imagine it was a shock to see for the first time.

It is a bit of a shock going from one dog to two (or more (w00t) ) but they can normally work things out between themselves. It will happen again over something.

If my lot get carried away over anything I muscle in and tell them all that I am the biggest bitch in the house and they all disperse to seperate beds etc. All best friends again in no time at all.

What you did was right, stopped it, and then just forget about it and so (hopefully) will they.

They get on well 99% of the time so no need to worry I think :)
oakmoorehill said:
Owen and a whippet
:oops: Don't know whats wrong with my pc it keeps posting things incomplete meant to say

Owen and Merlin a whippet I once had escaped from the garden over a 6 foot fence Owen came when called but not before they ran across a main road.Fortinately the traffic stopped in time. Merlin would go to neither OH or myself but luckily Ben came down the road just in time and managed to get Merlin to go to him.

I went to them to put a lead on Merlin but Owen went for himI picked Merlin up but Owen bithis back leg OH came and rescued Merlin and they were both taken inside after thanking the car drivers obviously.

2 minutes later they were licking each others wounds nothing serious thankfully and were best of friends

This incident was put down to excitment from escaping and they were best of friends again almost immediatly
Oh I m very relieved to read all these posts. I have a greyhound/saluki he has beenwith use 12 months. last week I gota beautiful whippet/saluki from Lancaster dogs home. She is very timid and extemely scared of people, they think she is a gypsy dog. She is 12mths and has now being spayed, chipped and vaccinated. We have called her Milly.

She has settled into the home well, still wont come to anyonebut trots around followig Jake like a shadow. She does not seem to know how to play, Jake runs up bites her ear, legs etc but she just bears her teeth and yelps!!!!!!!!!! Oh its horrible I too get cross with Jake and quietly tell him NO. But are thet playing again like the iniyial post I have not had 2 dogs before and want to know is this normal. Jake even does it when she is on the long lead and he is running free. It is as if he is frustrated and wants her to chase and play with him. Which I am sure she will do in time as the do get on.

Has anyone advice how I can help them both? :D

Shaz said:
Oh I m very relieved to read all these posts. I have a greyhound/saluki he has beenwith use 12 months.  last week I gota beautiful whippet/saluki from Lancaster dogs home. She is very timid and extemely scared of people, they think she is a gypsy dog. She is 12mths and has now being spayed, chipped and vaccinated.  We have called her Milly.She has settled into the home well, still wont come to anyonebut trots around followig Jake like a shadow.  She does not seem to know how to play, Jake runs up bites her ear, legs etc but she just bears her teeth and yelps!!!!!!!!!! Oh its horrible I too get cross with Jake and quietly tell him NO.  But are thet playing again like the iniyial post I have not had 2 dogs before and want to know is this normal.  Jake even does it when she is on the long lead and he is running free.  It is as if he is frustrated and wants her to chase and play with him.  Which I am sure she will do in time as the do get on.

Has anyone advice how I can help them both? :D


I remember when not long after we had Spot, We were visiting the mother-in-law, and Brewster and Spot were playing quite roughly.

Our first Whippet from the JR Whippet rescue, Skippy, was sitting on the sofa, observing all the rucus, and must have decided that he had had enough! One quick sharp woof--thats all, and Brewster and Spot immediately stopped the play-fight and laid down peacefully!--Never seen anything like it before or since!--Wish I could have that effect!