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Advice Please - When Should I Neuter My Dog?

Our rescue vet advises that we do the bitches 12 weeks after a season. This is because the blood vessels are furthest away from the womb at this time of the cycle, so it makes it safer for the vet to do the op.

In Australia, it is matter of course to spay when a bitch is young and before the first season. As I undertsand it, everything is smaller so it is a slightly simpler op.

When asked we always advise people to ask their vet, as vets opinions differ on so many things. We always do for any dog what our vet advises, as we trust him. As far as I know we have never had any problems with this approach. We do not specialise in long dogs though. We get all sorts and sizes. :)
many thanks for all your advice, its been a great help. :huggles: