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Advice Please - Poodle Cross Whippet

Absolutely. The poodle has an up-to-date clear eye score. It is Standards who are more prone to hip dysplasia.
I whole-heartedly agree with FeeFee - I'm sorry because I am going to come across as being very negative; my heart sinks at the numbers of dogs which never find homes (pedigree dogs or otherwise) and to deliberately breed crosses or mongrels (presumably without breed health checks, though I will happily apologise if the poodle has satisfactory health scores) just saddens me.

The rescue homes are full of unwanted dogs. I hope all goes well for your girl.
So there are pedigree dogs in rescue centres, Feefee and wilfred? By your argument nobody should be allowed to produce a single pup until we've cleared the backlog of unwanted adults. And we should start with those awful puppy farms in the UK and Ireland, that have sometimes up to 500 breeding (pedigree) bitches living dull lives in pens, rather than the home breeder producing one or two litters and taking full responsibilty for the offspring's fates as far as they possibly can? Just a thought. If nobody bred dogs, you wouldn't have any as part of your family, and how would it reflect our society if only pure pedigrees were allowed?
Ok, sticking my neck out here because I'm kinda speaking for others, but I'm guessing that maybe what really concerns those who are concerned is not that a litter is being pred per se, or even that it is a litter of crosses, but that we are struggling to see the value of this cross and so questioning how many homes will be found for the pups, given all the other crosses out there for folk to choose from. Yes, there are established breeds in existance that have their origin in a deliberate cross, but generally they have been of dogs that had clearly complimentary qualities. Even then I can see some might argue for a whippet poodle cross as having some value, e.g. as an agility dog, but the addition of saluki blood to the mix throws the whole thing off. Genuine question ... did you plan specifically for this particular cross, or did you start with a whippetxsaluki and then having decided to breed look for a stud, in which case what made you choose the poodle over say a beddlington terrier??
I once heard and this is probably idiotic :thumbsup: but back in the early 1970s poodle blood was introduced to bedlington lines to improve coat ? great debate this one :thumbsup:
When I saw this post days ago,,,though why :wacko: ,,maybe your in to agility etc,,and your breeding a new kind of dog for it. I hope you have a waiting list for the pups,,as like a lot have said,,loads of little pups waiting in the rescue's,,what are you going to advertise them as,,,lurcherdoodles or mix breeds :angry:

Dont realy see the point in breeding this litter,,but hey,,good luck with the wee ones,,hope all does go well and mum and pups live as just read a very sad story about a wee whippet mum die hours after giving birth :luck: :luck:
So there are pedigree dogs in rescue centres, Feefee and wilfred? By your argument nobody should be allowed to produce a single pup until we've cleared the backlog of unwanted adults. And we should start with those awful puppy farms in the UK and Ireland, that have sometimes up to 500 breeding (pedigree) bitches living dull lives in pens, rather than the home breeder producing one or two litters and taking full responsibilty for the offspring's fates as far as they possibly can? Just a thought. If nobody bred dogs, you wouldn't have any as part of your family, and how would it reflect our society if only pure pedigrees were allowed?
yes of course there are peds in rescue centres but id bet my bottom dollar that theres a helluva lot more crossbreeds or mongrels in those centres (this is based on my own experiences in rescue)the highest rated are usually staffy crosses.

and its ok saying im just an odd breeder having one or two litters but lets look at numbers here.if everyone with a bitch decided to breed the odd one or two litters and the people who bought pups out of those litters also decided theyd like to breed one or two litters then the rescues wouldnt be able to cope(they cant really cope now)ive nothing against peds or non peds come to that.but rather than trying to blaze a trail with some weird and ill thought out mix id far rather get a dog from a rescue that is on death row and turn that dogs life around by maybe turning it into a world class utility or obedience dog.or even just having fun with it competing at local events and making sure it had a great cant save every dog in rescue from death row but to the dog you do save you make a big difference.i just think all this time and effort you say youve put into the thought behind this mating would have been much better spent on getting a little mongrel from a rescue and investing all your efforts into giving it a good life.just my humble opinion :))

i often wonder if all those dogs sat on death row in rescues came from breeders who also thought theyd have just the odd litter and said theyd make sure they were responsible for the pups well being for the rest of their lives?they must have come from somewhere?
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My daughter came up with name paluki whoodles!! :wacko: They'll be whippet x poodles and that's it!

Thank you to Whirlybird on the other thread:

"we have a non ped whippet and bred her with a standard poodle ,she's fawn and white and the poodle apricot , but she had 5 black puppies ,, no probs with the size of pups at all.

the one we kept , blake 15 mths , is making a fine hunting dog , we're just starting him on coursing this year, not be fast enough for the whippet / greyhounds on straight racing

hope things go well for you

by the way they cast"

I disagree, Devo12, and my argument isn't as flawed as your punctuation ;) but you are clearly devoted to your breed and that's fine too.

I'm not comparing, of course, but for the sake of argument, may I recall Heinrich Essig's creation of Leonbergers as the obvious example of crossing to create something new? Man is responsible for the diversity of breeds out there and will continue to diversify and explore this area. It's in our nature.
My punctuation is no where as bad as your judgement, Essig took fifty years breeding up to 300 dogs a year and the Leonberger was mainly established by Karl Stadelmann and Otto Josenhans

Why would anyone use a poodle on a Salx apart from cashing in on the poodle cross syndrome
Ok, sticking my neck out here because I'm kinda speaking for others, but I'm guessing that maybe what really concerns those who are concerned is not that a litter is being pred per se, or even that it is a litter of crosses, but that we are struggling to see the value of this cross and so questioning how many homes will be found for the pups, given all the other crosses out there for folk to choose from. Yes, there are established breeds in existance that have their origin in a deliberate cross, but generally they have been of dogs that had clearly complimentary qualities. Even then I can see some might argue for a whippet poodle cross as having some value, e.g. as an agility dog, but the addition of saluki blood to the mix throws the whole thing off. Genuine question ... did you plan specifically for this particular cross, or did you start with a whippetxsaluki and then having decided to breed look for a stud, in which case what made you choose the poodle over say a beddlington terrier??
Meant to also ask how much saluki in the whippet x saluki :)
I've just had my saluki whippet mated with a poodle and would like to hear about anyone who owns or has known these crosses. I've selected for temperament, agility and intelligence and am hoping they will make great agility and assistance dogs (as well as being able to work as a lurcher). Would love a few quotes from people on how great this cross is (so far I've heard only enormous praise and love) or to be prepared for any possible down sides. Apologies if you saw this in the non-pedigree whippet breeders section. Was advised to move it here.
You cant sell them as whippet crosses simply cos they are not. They will be poodle crosses. They will have more poodle blood iin them than anything else as your bitch isnt pure whippet. So they could be lurcher x poodle but thats it! Good luck with them and i just hope that they all find forver homes, i have 2 dogs (pne that came from this site) that are rescues and they are lurchers breed for there job both have saluki in them and i would dread to think what the addition of a poodle would do do. You dog may be clever but even if she is 75% whippet 25% saluki she could throw a pup that is more like a saluki poodle cross or like a curly saluki etc etc
Congratulations to the whippet poodle cross who took 2nd place at the simulated coursing competition at the game fair a friend attended recently.