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Kim and Tilly said:
I guess im really naughty then cause Tilly has a bowl of Greyhound dry food in her bowl and she grazes all day...... :- " well unless she is in her cage
She seems fit and healthy (she is only 10 months old) perhaps i should start giving her two meals a day?? :b

no you do exactly what you think is right for you and your dogs!

if they are heathly and happy and it works for you then do it :thumbsup:
~whitecross whippets~ said:
Kim and Tilly said:
I guess im really naughty then cause Tilly has a bowl of Greyhound dry food in her bowl and she grazes all day...... :- " well unless she is in her cage
She seems fit and healthy (she is only 10 months old) perhaps i should start giving her two meals a day?? :b

no you do exactly what you think is right for you and your dogs!

if they are heathly and happy and it works for you then do it :thumbsup:

Yes she its not to bad then :thumbsup:

Just so much advice sometimes you havent a clue :unsure: :wacko: :sweating:
I agree, feed your dog how it suits both you and your dog! :thumbsup: Having an extremely fussy eater who will not eat when he is hungry (contray to what a lot of people say ;) ), you learn how and when to feed to make sure your dog is eating a good diet :)
>I also have a problem with some of this person's claims. The well known fact is that most carnivores do first of all eat contents of their prey's stomach = predigested vegetable matter. Cooked veggies are the closest most of us can get.

That was what I always thought until two months ago. Apparently research doesn't back that up. There was a discussion about raw feeding on a list that I'm on just before Christmas. One of the people on there is very into feeding raw. He put a lot of documentation on the list which 'proves' that wild dogs go for muscle meat first. Given the choice of 'better' meat they don't eat the stomach and it's contents. They will only eat it if they are desparate.

His take on 'natural' feeding from his years of in depth research is that dogs should be fed meat with bones and nowt else.

It was interesting because most of us on the list have dogs that choose to eat berries and other fruit and some will steal veggies. Most dogs eat grass but I've been told by my vet not for nutrition but to act as a barrier to wrap around bones if they chuck them up.
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Kim you might find that you can't browse feed now that you have another dog. Only time will tell.
We actually have one of our whippets who I have to feed twice a day.For some reason only known onto herself she will not eat all her bowl in one sitting like the rest. :( They all get fed first thing in the morning (except the pups who graze at the moment only because thats what suits) I set their dishes down she will only eat about half of it,and I used to just always leave it for about 10mins then lift it and she got nothing until the next day when she just ate the same amount and walked away,but then I noticed that after a while she was losing weight, now this went on for months as I refused to "give in" to her but eventually I had to do something because she just continued to lose more & more weight until I was actually getting very worried about her.So to get more weight on her we tried feeding her again at tea time and lo & behold she finished the rest from breakfast time :)) So that is how she is now fed as it works and she is in fantastic condition!

Incidently so are all the others who get fed only once and they pups who graze!! So I definitely think that you should feed your dog/dogs whichever way suits both them and you :thumbsup:
just for the record.....over the last 15 years i have fed my dogs hills(grazing) and would have never considered anything else at all....ive then gone on to natural predone dry and wet dog food food twice a day....then onto veg/cooked chicken and rice/potato or wholemeal bread twice a day and now i feed them RAW rabbit and chicken (ARGHHHH!!!) with wholemeal mixer and veg once a day!!! (against my vet!)and if someone had said i would be feeding any dog of mine on raw food i would have said they were mad (w00t) my point is is that it just goes to show that all you just need is the ability to have faith in yourself to feed whatever you think your particular dog needs at that time ! :thumbsup:
It's very interesting reading everyone's feeding regimes.

I was feeding all five of my adult dogs once per day but the vet advised me to feed two meals instead.

He said that the one big meal meant that the dogs could not possibly absorb all the nutrition from the food before it passed through their system but by feeding two meals they were able to absorb more.

He also said that just like humans their blood sugar levels can fluctuate and by feeding once a day,by the time they get to the next meal time their blood sugar can be extremely low.

I agree with what he said and my dogs seem happier and livelier now and i have to say i'm happier too because they've all blossomed :b
BeeJay said:
>I also have a problem with some of this person's claims. The well known fact is that most carnivores do first of all eat contents of their prey's stomach = predigested vegetable matter. Cooked veggies are the closest most of us can get.
That was what I always thought until two months ago.  Apparently research doesn't back that up.  There was a discussion about raw feeding on a list that I'm on just before Christmas.  One of the people on there is very into feeding raw.  He put a lot of documentation on the list which 'proves' that wild dogs go for muscle meat first.  Given the choice of 'better' meat they don't eat the stomach and it's contents.  They will only eat it if they are desparate.

His take on 'natural' feeding from his years of in depth research is that dogs should be fed meat with bones and nowt else.

It was interesting because most of us on the list have dogs that choose to eat berries and other fruit and some will steal veggies.  Most dogs eat grass but I've been told by my vet not for nutrition but to act as a barrier to wrap around bones if they chuck them up.

There is always some new research, however this new theory is not supported by my own experience; when living in the country we had time to time a sheep or goat killed by foxes or stray dogs and it was always the abdomen ripped open and the insides were eaten. Not that I would ever study the carcasses closely, but I cannot recall a leg being chewed off. All our animals always had names and were very tame so it was a very upsetting sight. :( :x

The thing is that domestic dogs have not been eating their "natural" diet almost as long as humans. Dogs became dependant on humans at the time we still lived in caves and as we changed our diet so did our dogs. When man stopped routinely hunt, meat became bit of a luxury and it would not likely been fed to the dogs very often. At least in Europe.
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