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Advice on what this could be.

Pippins mum

New Member
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Hi. Im new to forum. Yesterday i discovered this on my dogs paw.
He’s going to the vets tomorrow. However, i am looking for reassurance this isnt the start of Alabama rot.
My dog is a shih tzu and very fluffy. Yesterday he got wet. I couldnt see it when he was dry.
Im worried because the caravan site i was on was muddy all over. I couldnt avoid it.
I did clean and dry his paws but im still worried
Hope someone can put my mind at ease.
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I'm sorry, we aren't vets and even a qualified vet would not diagnose without examination. At least it isn't open. Always best to get lumps and bumps checked out though, try to get some sleep tonight and don't torture yourself with Google.
Thank you. I appreciate your advice and agree, just like us humans all lumps and bumps need checking.
It doesn’t seem to bother him and he’s eating and drinking normal. But it needs attention.
This Alabama rot is making me a little over protective and making me panick at the slighest little thing
Hi. Im new to forum. Yesterday i discovered this on my dogs paw.
He’s going to the vets tomorrow. However, i am looking for reassurance this isnt the start of Alabama rot.
My dog is a shih tzu and very fluffy. Yesterday he got wet. I couldnt see it when he was dry.
Im worried because the caravan site i was on was muddy all over. I couldnt avoid it.
I did clean and dry his paws but im still worried
Hope someone can put my mind at ease.

I wish we could - I'm sure you're worried sick. It's still a very very rare disease though.

Please let us know what the vet says tomorrow.
My dog had a similar-looking lump which was a harmless cyst. Obviously your dog's lump could be something completely different, but hopefully that will help you feel a little better till you can get it checked by a vet.
Thank you. Someone else said the same.
He’s not in pain with it or distressed but i still need it treated.
Will keep you posted
I recommend not to google it this will come up as all sorts of things... Speak to your vet and they can do lots of tests, I cannot diagnose over a picture if I was to feel it then maybe I can help but if your at the vets tomorrow they can help. From the picture it doesn't look like Alabama rot but you never know fingers and paws crossed for tomorrow.
I’m hoping it’s nothing serious - please keep us updated @Pippins mum