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trish g said:
well went for my 2nd appointment this morning with a lot of apprehension  :( and my physio asked how i got on and i told her how bad the pains got over the weekend,so she didnt want to give me a 2nd treatment so now ive got to go back to the doctors and take it from there,wonder if i will ever be pain free :(
Hope you get sorted soon Trish, good luck at the doctors :thumbsup:
Only just read this post....had it a few years ago cos I have ankloysing spondilitis but it didn't make much difference. Then again I am a wimp when it comes to needles so I didn't finish the course.Maybe if I had I would have felt some relief. Hope you feel better soon Trish :thumbsup: :huggles:
I once had ultra sound treatment on my ankle (achilese tendon)sp it was done at hospital by the physio and lasted about 8 weeks once a week that was really good too, maybe you could ask the doc about that trish I don't know if they do it for all parts of the body. :unsure:

I've just realised I must sound like a wreck :lol: the ankle was years ago because the lack of fluid between my foot and ankle was making my bones rub together, and the accupuncture was on the scar after I had my gallbladder removed, I was in pain for weeks with that, but the reason I had to have it on my back is when I had the op the anethesist gave me an epidural jab in my back for the after pain and went into my muscle by accident (w00t) so it gave me bad back pain for a long time :sweating:

No pain anywhere now though :thumbsup:
my osteo has this little machine that uses an electrical pulse on the accu pressure points instead of the needle, great if you not so good with needles :thumbsup: