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as anyone had acupuncture,ive just started a course today and im in more pain than what i was in. :(

wasnt keen on the precedure either,my muscles where going crazy while the needles where in. :(

my next treatment is on monday and im dreading it now :(

anyone else felt the same as me and did it do you any good by the end of your treatment.
I've had accupuncture twice, once on an operation scar and once on my back trish and I would recommend it to anybody, usually after the treatment it did feel worse for a short while after and made me very tired that day but over all fantastic a few treatments and no pain whatsoever :thumbsup:

My doctor does mine if I need it but I haven't needed it since, stick with it, it really worked for me, hope it does for you :huggles:
Not had it myself but my dad swears by it (he has problems with his knee). I'll have to ask him about it but it must've been alright in the end cos my dad is a right wimp so he wouldn't do anything like that unless if it really worked :lol:
im having the treatment for my back, shoulder and elbow,and some of the needles where fine it was one in my back and the one she put below my thumb that was the worst,its the physio therapist thats doing it for me.

how many treatments did you need lesley,shes booked me three so far.
Ive also had about six courses of acupuncture on my neck and shoulder Trish a couple of years ago....I found it quite effective I must didnt solve the problem totally but helped a great deal with the pain. :)
Sounds like you've had the same treatment as I did for neck pain. They put needles in my thumb too and the muscle spasms were really painful. It turned out I had a trapped medial nerve (runs from your neck to your index finger) so might be why it did'nt work for me? I'd still stick with it though as it was physio that sorted me out in the end. Good luck Trish :luck:
My daughter & me have to have acupuncture for whiplash after our car crash :( not looking forward to it!
i've had accupuncture and found it really helpful, my osteopath does mine, though i think it works better for some people than others, i've never found it painful.

my mum had pain and stiffness in her shoulder so i recomended she go to him, she was very scepticle about it and said it was all a load of mumbo jumbo, so when he put a needle in her shin she thought he was taking the mick (w00t) ...half an hour later she had full range and next to no pain, she's 100% converted now :D
trish g said:
im having the treatment for my back, shoulder and elbow,and some of the needles where fine it was one in my back and the one she put below my thumb that was the worst,its the physio therapist thats doing it for many treatments did you need lesley,shes booked me three so far.

I about 4 treatments Trish, not more than that its a few years ago now and I've never had any trouble since, i had a needle between my index finger and my thumb on the webbed part, that was fine unless I moved my fingers (w00t) then it hurt, so I learnt to keep it very still :sweating:

I am a right wimp but I'd have it done again if I needed it :thumbsup:

Its a strange concept isn't it, I was very sceptical before I had it done, and I found it very strange the feeling of tiredness from having pins stuck in me :unsure:
ive had it for my wrist with repetitive strain injury(too much time on the pc!)and i also had it last year for my back which i was in agony with.they put mneedles into my back then wired it up and gave me electric shocks and it did work.painful at the time but wonderful afterwards :thumbsup:
kris said:
ive had it for my wrist with repetitive strain injury(too much time on the pc!)and i also had it last year for my back which i was in agony with.they put mneedles into my back then wired it up and gave me electric shocks and it did work.painful at the time but wonderful afterwards :thumbsup:

I didn't have the electric shocks (w00t) :sweating:
its like a tens machine which has a dial on so they can give you more electricity till you squeal and say thats it thats as high as i can stand it,then they leave it switched on for a few mins and thats it.i actually could get up off the couch in the docs and walk out whereas before i had to be carried in cos i couldnt walk,any movement gave terrible pain.i was on morphine for it but it didnt do anything but the acupuncture did :thumbsup:
i had my acupuncture on friday and must say i feel worse than what i did before,talk about aches and pains its even hard to move both arms never mind the one that was giving me grief :(

hopefully it will start to get better,at lwast before my second dose on monday :sweating: :wacko:
Trish certainly dosnt work does take a few least in my case anyways. :) Im sure you will feel some relief eventually, although I must admit I saw an osteopath too...
I know how you feel Trish and sometimes after a seesion I thought it's hurting more now than it did before :eek: but I think thats normal and the long term benifits for me were worth it, I couldn't do anything for long without getting back ache and sometimes I would be so miserable because my back would kill :(

No back ache now :thumbsup:

I am getting a lot of pain in one of my knees it may be artheritis(sp)but if it carries on I will go see my doc and get her to stick some pins in me :D
*Lesley* said:
I know how you feel Trish and sometimes after a seesion I thought it's hurting more now than it did before :eek:   but I think thats normal and the long term benifits for me were worth it, I couldn't do anything for long without getting back ache and sometimes I would be so miserable because my back would kill :(
No back ache now :thumbsup:

I am getting a lot of pain in one of my knees it may be artheritis(sp)but if it carries on I will go see my doc and get her to stick some pins in me :D

i have wear and tear in my knees but dont think they can do much about it apart from giving exercises which was no good for me,so now i know what i can do and how best to do things without me putting too much pressure on my knees.
it sounds like torture to me (w00t) but i hope it works for you :thumbsup:
Hope you are feeling better soon Trish :)
well went for my 2nd appointment this morning with a lot of apprehension :( and my physio asked how i got on and i told her how bad the pains got over the weekend,so she didnt want to give me a 2nd treatment so now ive got to go back to the doctors and take it from there,wonder if i will ever be pain free :(