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We hope little Lima is doing ok :luck: :luck: Every thing crossed for him
keeping everything crossed for lima. :luck: :luck: :luck: when will something be done about these awful dogs and their owners who dont seem to care what destruction and mayhem they cause? :(
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Thank you all for your kind words and your well wishes. He is back with us today, ($700 later), But no matter there isn't anything I wouldnt do for a member of my family.

The Kid who owned the dog accepts full responsibilty but seems a lil hesitant to want to cover the vet bills ( this accident was reported to the local Humane society, and the dog owner's liability act places full responsibility on him)

Here is a brief story about what occured.

At around 4 pm, i usually greet a couple of friends at the park adjacent to my house for a lil play and walk. Turns out, this kid(who has been warned about his dog's grownling before), had his dog off the leash in a children's schoolyard playground, but was not bothering any of the other dogs at the moment. That is, until he saw my dog, headed straight for him (I guess It must be a testosterone thing(non-neutered) and decided to attack with his full might.

Thank heavens my lil one is a tough cookie because he fought him off long enough for his owner to...get this....beat him off with a chain over the head (and we wonder y dogs get this way...) the end result, a 2 inch laceration on his neck (right to the muscle) and a cut to the inner thigh and side. (The vet said he missed an artery my millimetres)

right now i am talking to a few people in regards to having damages awarded to me by the responsible party, I just hope his dog isnt' harmed due to this new legislation we have here in Ontario Canada.

Thanks all again for your kindness.

Will post pics when I can, promise

glad your little one is back home with you and seems to be recovering. :thumbsup: i hope you get all your vet fees and damages from this person who by the sounds of it should not be allowed to own a dog anyway.maybe this will bring home to him the responsibilities of ownership :angry:
OMG (w00t) poor you & lima :( .I hope he recovers both mentally & physically from this dreadful trauma.

It makes me so bloody mad when i here of these awful incidences :rant: .

Ihad a similar thing happen a few years ago when a black labrador attacked my whippet Dylan for absolutely no reason,fortunately,he had a coat on at the time,so luckily only had severe bruising on his side,i ended up with a puncture wound in the back of my knee!Poor Dylan never did recover mentally from the shock & died a year later from kydney failure due to severe stress.He was only 7 1/2 years old.

Give Lima lots of :huggles: from me & i wish you both well :luck:
Glad to hear Lima has pulled through. Hope he makes a fully recovery and returns to the happy little dog you once knew :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Glad to here Lima has improved.

Over here in the UK in the nineties problems with Pitbull terriers was becoming so rife that legislation was brought in that all Dog/Bitch had to be castrated (they would then die out naturally in theory)and Muzzled at all times any caught without a muzzle to this day can be destroyed.

I remember once as a boy seeing a pitbull terrier casually walk up to a friends pet grasp its neck and not let go willingly(Alot of kicking and punching by the owners of the dogs) until the pet dog was near death.

Granted they are not all like this but if you get a bad one thats a very powerfull dog bred for one thing(Destruction).

Glad to hear Lima is on the road to recovery :luck:
:eek: Poor Lima :eek:

Im glad he is going to be fine :) ,,,I am scared stiff of Staffies now as one went for my 3 and Nemo (6months at the time) slipped his collar and the staffie took off after him, but the pup could run a bit and got home to me :)) .

All dog's should be kept on a lead, till your at a safe place to be let off. Most owners are good but some dont give a toss :rant:
Glad to hear Lima is recovering from this very traumatic ordeal for you both :thumbsup: :luck: :luck:

My old whippet Chip was attacked by a Staffy X and need 17 stitches, 4 ribs wired/pinned and had a punctured lung. He did survive but was never the same dog :( alas he is now at Rainbow Bridge.

I waited with baited breath to hear your Good News :cheers: for Lima :huggles:
So relieved to read Lima is home. :luck: for his full recovery mentally as well as pysically. :huggles: