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A Pictorial Record Of Our Day At Crufts

Hi Joanna

Great pics - it was a great day.

The Man in the Suit is my OH. I asked if a couple of pics could be taken of my dog as my camera let me down just when they went in the ring :rant:

I have sent you a PM in the hope that you can send me the others as they will be our only record of his time at Crufts :thumbsup:

Great pics - it was a great day :lol: It was the first time we had been and it was amazing.

:oops: You will probably realise I thought the pics were great and had a great day!!!

Didn't mean to write it twice!!!

Wow you all look like you had a fab time - really gutted i missed out on meeting you all!

and (w00t) OMG why can't i have a fab waste & bottom just like Jo's? :D
Well looked as if you all had a good time. :thumbsup: Thanks for the photos Joanna watched it on telly last night but was disapointed that they didn't show more lovely whippets. Well done Jo :cheers:

I'm definetly going to save up for next year.
Great photo's Joanna, next best thing to being there, looks like a great time was had by all.

Thanks Joanna :thumbsup:

Promoting dog food I think!!!!!!!!

And finally........

Lynne Yacoby Wright with her new potential boy champion!

2nd in his class, I think!

This was very dark, have tried to lighten it so don't know how it will look. Taken by OH of course! :wacko:
Great photos :thumbsup: Better than the Crufts TV coverage cos it's nearly all photos of Whips! :huggles:
Great pics , Jo , So much better than mine :( Thanks for putting the one of me and Amos on :huggles: . I wished I was slim too :clown: ,,but I like my snap too much :cheers: :thumbsup:
Excellent photos, thanks for sharing! :thumbsup:
What great shots- thanks heaps for sharing them with we whippet tragic's who could not be there. :(
Well,what can i say other than a huge thankyou to everyone for making my birthday such a special one. :thumbsup:

Here's a few photo's from yesterday's big event..........

Me & Fiona(zilloot)....the sad story of the haggis will follow later on a new thread!


Fiona & Hilary (Oliverpliers)


Caroline (Dessie)


Beth(Zephyr),who supplied the most delicious cakes :*


Joanna,Nigel & judy getting slowly pickled!! :cheers:


And again,but with Dawn,who looks as though she's already pickled (w00t) :lol:


John (Angus) who came all the way from Australia just to give Fiona some useful handling tips :wacko: ;)


And no wonder Fiona's looking rather pleased with herself!! :lol:

Here's the Supermodel all snuggy in her cage :wub:


and Poppy & Flyn wondering why they're shut in when they'd really like to help themselves to all that delicious food! :eek:

Joanna said:
A few K9'ers......oliverpliers, Zephyr, Dessie, Millie, me

That's not Zephyr, but the back of Lynda, her of the lurchers! :thumbsup:

Great photos, Joanna and Debs! Not sure about the one with me in it - do I look knackered and ever so slightly crazed? :wacko: :teehee: Not far from the truth there then! :- "

Me and Lynda had a lovely day, snogging dogs and shopping till we dropped - literally!! (w00t) It was fantastic meeting so many K9-ers and putting faces to names. :huggles: We're already planning next year's visit! :D
[Me and Lynda had a lovely day, snogging dogs and shopping till we dropped - literally!! (w00t) It was fantastic meeting so many K9-ers and putting faces to names. :huggles: We're already planning next year's visit! :D

Did you get to snog Russ????? :* :b :lol: