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A Good Weight


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We are new to whippets and we have recently got a 4 year old dog.He is 22 inches tall so could anyone advise a good weight for him Thanks Tony and Deb
My dog is 21 inches and 10 month - but I havnt weighed him lately ... Im sure someone on K9 will know more about dogs weights than me - sorry.
Archie is 21 inches to the shoulder, he is show bred and a bit over-weight, ideally he should be 30-32lbs. I would say some-where around the 33- 37lb if he is show bred, but bone structure makes quite a difference. Post a photo, and a quick glance from experienced members will tell you if he's over or under weight. Ideally you should be able to just see pin bones and rib cage :thumbsup:
The `pin` bones are like our hip bones . Thats if you didnt know 8) Put a pictuer on for us to see your new boy i and Welcome to K9

Jackie and the [SIZE=14pt]MULCAIR WHIPPETS[/SIZE]
Beau is 22.5 (w00t) He weighs 15kg (33lb) He look's spot on weight wise :thumbsup:
Another gauge is if you can see the "top" three vertebrae on the curve of his topline and no more then this is usually about right. IF you can see more than these three then he is likely to be underweight and if you can't see them at all then he's on the chubby side. :D
I also go for the three spine knobs being visible. But only in the dogs I am showing. Everone else gets a little extra covering, in case of accident or illness. The little extra can mean the spine knobs are all covered, but before the bum dimple shows.

I had been dieting Maudie (10 y.o.) and she was down from 13.6 kg to 12.8 (she is about 18.5 inches), just about right for her, when she was diagnosed with closed pyo and had an emergency spay last week. Luckily she only went off her food for one night.


Ten (20 months) is 21" & Blue (7months) is 21`.5", they both weigh 32lb. I think blue being show bred will fill out a bit yet though.

Would love to see a pic of your new whippie, Emma :D
aslan said:
Another gauge is if you can see the "top" three vertebrae on the curve of his topline and no more then this is usually about right.  IF you can see more than these three then he is likely to be underweight and if you can't see them at all then he's on the chubby side.  :D
Barkis said:
I also go for the three spine knobs being visible.
That is how I also check whether a whippet is underweight, overweight or just right weight. Actually I weigh mine only when it is time for their worming, and I need to know their exact weight.
Thanks everyone you have been very helpful, when we have learnt how to post pics will let you meet Blaze who it seems is about wright.
Joanna said:
Ideally you should be able to just see pin bones and rib cage :thumbsup:
Sorry, have to disagree, you should be able to feel ribs and pin bones but

I think if you can actually see the ribs and (especially) pin bones the dog is too thin. But that is just my personal opinion!!
Have to say I agree with dessie - I though that too when I read it, you can only just about see my two's pinbones if the sun is shining in the right direction :blink: but you can most definitely feel them. I think if you can see all their ribs and pin bones they need a bit more weight on them. Obviously these are general guidelines and not for specific purposes eg racers etc