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A Good Sound Solid Steamer

~Sorry to hear about poor Jill Kieth - I do hope shes on the mend asap.

and heres wishing her a [SIZE=21pt]Happy birthday [/SIZE] :cheers: and hope the well wishes cheer her up a bit. :huggles:
Poor Jill, she sounds very poorly indeed :( , have the vets suggested she goes on a drip, as she sounds very dehydrated?

Very best of luck with her. :luck: :luck: :luck:
[SIZE=21pt]HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jill[/SIZE] :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

:luck: Hope you are feeling better soon.
[SIZE=14pt]HAPPY BIRTHDAY JILL[/SIZE]hope you feel better really soon, sending lots of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Nicola said:
midlanderkeith said:
thanks for the advice, in fact thanks to all thats shown concern about my dog, but at the moment even though im running out of confidence with my vet i dont think it wise to put my dogs health in anyones hands other than a vet, the way im handling her well being at the moment is to try and keep her warm and comfortable, see that she gets the medication thats been given to me, warm drinks, this morning when i took her outside for a wee, i brought her back in sat her on my knee and had to rub her warm, then when i put her down, she just stands there real arched head hanging down, and just stands ther till i move her, ive even lost weight myself worrying about her.                                 keith

You're absolutely right as the vet recommends. I think both vets are right in that this is all a result of the antibiotics, which have upset her digestive system and caused the colitis.

I do hope her stomach lining settles down. It's probably inflammed which is causing her some pain/discomfort. The medication you are giving her should be helping her.

Good luck :luck: I really do feel for is such a distressing condition. :(

Absolutely, I couldn't agree more....I wasn't suggesting using anything instead of her current meds, only that complementary treatments can be useful alongside traditional meds, with vet's approval of course :thumbsup:

Has she got a little coat or jumper she could wear around the house to keep warm?

Poor little poppet, what a horrible way to spend her 1st birthday :(

She'll have to have an extra special belated birthday party when she's better :))

And Keith, don't go making yourself poorly with worry, easier said than done I know, but take care of yourself! :huggles:
aww poor Jill sounds so pitiful, do the vets say it will take time to get her stomach lining back ? Glad she's drinking now, but I agree it sounds like she's dehydrated and a small jumper may keep her heat in, if you don't know anyone with small kids you could get one from a 2nd hand shop for next to nothing.

Sending more :huggles: to Jill and you and your OH

:oops: it was late at night last time I wrote and their birthday isn't untill tomorrow, 28 th April, but lots of love to Jill even so :wub:
TC said:
Hello Keith,
I have only just read this thread as I thought it was about wooden steamer chairs for the garden  :b

I'm so sorry to hear how Jill has been suffering, and you worrying as well. I hope that she gets stronger as each day goes on  :luck:

No TC im on about stools not chairs

:- "
keith i have a dog jumper if you pm me your address ill wash it and send it for you? hope jill is on mend soon :huggles:
Tanya Docwra said:
keith i have a dog jumper if you pm me your address ill wash it and send it for you? hope jill is on mend soon  :huggles:
Awww, now thats most kind of u dear lady it really is, and i wont forget that, but she is well wrapped up i can assure you, :huggles: , now then while im here i will update on jill, poorly its as simple as that, shes done nowt but sleep, ok she eats a little now and drinks but it doesnt seem to be doing her any good she really is weak, unable to jump on my bed, and when i pick her up she winces, when she eats to she winces, and her poo just literally shoots from her, its really done my head in this weak just watching her shes nowt but spine and ribs, it will be a week tomorrow since she became ill, if it is colitis, how long is it before they start to recover, im due back at the vets in the morning, we will see, now then folks one thing i never mentioned, dunno why, but jills last meal was mince from tescos, frozen by me and thawed by me, afterwards she threw up never been right since, if i remember rightly a while ago my lady gave her mince and she did exactly the same, so in a way im now blaming myself for the condition jill is in, i dont want to appear to be a morbid get for im not, but i find myself jumping up in the night to see if shes still with me., shes a lovely member of my family and i honestly could not envisage life without her, there is no lenghts on gods earth i wouldnt go to to get her well again


what a terrible situation to be in, i wish jill luck in her fight to get well again

i really hope she comes through this...and :huggles: for yourself its not easy having a sick animal, you have to look after yourself as well...

Does she sleep in the same room as you or down stairs it may make you feel better if she was by the side of your bed and she may take comfort having you so close...

I was going to offer a jumper too, but you have it covered so to speak

All the best
Kim and Tilly said:
what a terrible situation to be in, i wish jill luck in her fight to get well again i really hope she comes through this...and  :huggles: for yourself its not easy having a sick animal, you have to look after yourself as well...

Does she sleep in the same room as you or down stairs it may make you feel better if she was by the side of your bed and she may take comfort having you so close...

I was going to offer a jumper too, but you have it covered so to speak

All the best

Hi Kim, she has slept in my room from day one, on a chair at the side of my bed, wouldnt have it any other way, when we get ready for bed, i just say come on bed time and up she goes, thanks for the coat offer, but really ive seen to that

:huggles: keith
keith im not sure if this will help but vitalin make a complete feed for colitis sufferers, lamb and rice sensitive diet, i use it for the igs as they are prone to it, if you ring them they will send you a decent size sample? have their details if you wish me to pass them on to you :thumbsup:
Tanya Docwra said:
keith im not sure if this will help but vitalin make a complete feed for colitis sufferers, lamb and rice sensitive diet, i use it for the igs as they are prone to it, if you ring them they will send you a decent size sample? have their details if you wish me to pass them on to you  :thumbsup:
Outs worth a try tanya, im just a bit reluctant to chop and change her food so to speak if you understand what im saying, but yes details please, ta

Don't change her diet around while her stomach is still so upset though. :unsure: The lining needs to settle down again and start digesting the food, so sticking to what the vet has advised is best.

Stan started to get better after a week. I got so worried , I didn't think he'd recover. I almost cried with frustration whenever I gave him a tiny bit of food, and 15 mins later out it shot the other end, with the poor chap struggling to wobble outside in time.

It may not have been the mince. I've given my two antibiotic drops for their eyes before and it gave them the runs :eek: . Some dogs can have an adverse reaction to some antibiotics.
Keith, don't even think about blaming yourself, it could be any number of things that brought on Jill's condition.

You're right not to chop & change her food about, she just needs to be on the blandest stuff possible (white rice & chicken or white fish...what does your vet suggest?), and plenty of water.

Recovery can take a while unfortunately, but they're all different like us, and they can often surprise us with their resilience. You might just find that you have to watch what she eats more than before when she's better, as colitis has a habit of recurring from time to time.

I bet little Jill couldn't have a better nurse than you Keith, just make sure you keep up your own strength & take care :huggles: :huggles:
Poor Jill :( What a worrying time for you all :( All best wishes & hope Jill starts to feel a lot better soon :luck: :luck:
*Caz* said:
Poor Jill :( What a worrying time for you all :( All best wishes & hope Jill starts to feel a lot better soon :luck:   :luck:
Not long been back from the vets, he gave her a good going over and says she is responding to his medication at last, and says she is less dehydrated, i could tell she was a little better when i woke up this morning with her attitude, anyway down she went for a jimmy riddle, didnt do a poo which is strange for her, i made her a warm drink, milky water and sugar she walloped it, i put her outside when i got back from the vets, she did a poo and i was really pleased to ogle it cos although it wasnt solid, its getting there, the vet hasnt given me anything else for her to take and told me to carry on with what ive got.


1 k in weight she has lost

Great news Keith, she seems to be on the road to recovery, dont worry about the weight loss she"ll soon put that on when she back to her old self. :thumbsup:
I'm so glad to hear she's on the mend Keith :D She's one very lucky whippy to have a bloke so devoted to her x
She's on the mend. :cheers: Continue as you have been doing, as vet recommends.

So glad she's starting to recover. :thumbsup: