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A Bit About Yourself And Dogs

Hello its Ronnie from Carlisle, my wife is linda  i have two lasses Kate (who races the dogs) and Haley, i also have two lads Terry and Darren (they dont come racing)

well i have five dogs and kate has  one of her own, they are:

Clever cleo, Red warrior, Mr cool, Snow fire, and Ice warrior (kates dog).

charlie (ice warrior) was attacked by another dog last october so he is unable to race again. he never really had any luck on the track ( with injuries) so not alot of people seen him run. all the other dogs are doing well. hope to see you all in the near future good luck for the sason ahead.
Hi Ronnie I remember your dog Snow Fire he gave my big dog a great race last year at Carlisle last year we think he will have a very good season this year.
hi ronnie im not sure if its you im thinking of did mr cool win his heat at the lord byron plate 2year ago im sure it was you i ran against with my bitch smurffete in the 36 scratch final sadly she was killed in a bend race later that year im not sure it is you look forward to your reply ....                                     gary
Hi its kate from carlisle i have been racing for quite a few years now but i had been racing my dads dogs. i got my own dog two years ago for christmas he is Ice Warrior he never really got much out of his racing career due to injuries, but last october he was attacked by a staffodshire bull terrier so he will not race again. so im taking the dogs off my dad and  you will all see me racing:

Red warrior(Dream Warrior / Red Dwalf) he races at about 40lb

Mr Cool (Micky mouse / Dessie) he races at about 32+lb

Snowfire (Micky mouse / Dessie) he races at about 30lb but got runner up at the champs back in august. so we hope to do a bit better this comming season. I love going away to the scottish derby and it will be even better now the english derby is a lot nearer. hope to see you all around the country once i have finished the Animal care course i am doing at the present time. Good luck for the season a head and the rest of the great years a head   :D  looking forward to hearing from you all bye for now kate (lilly)
hi everyone,  pat/pete here just afew lines about us,         we have two grown up kids and three grandchildren, plus    8 dogs upto date. they include  sup rch  fancy free, rch tiny toon,  roxanne, feel free, rift, two 10mth old pups out of malls greyhound/micks mystery and last but not least  millie (PINTSIZE) out of gary and denise's Supreme Vet,  rch blue goblin / sup rch mickey mouse .we race up and down the country and enjoy  every minute of it.         we train our pups at our local tracks  blidworth  and manton where everyone is only too pleased to help you.      see you all soon.... .        pat/pete               :p
Hi Pat/pete,

              Nice to see youve joined k9, Hope to see you at Manton soon with your new pups when you come we still have a bit of prize money for you from last year.

see you soon

sadie (one of karens twins)
Hi there plonker this is your moment of fame perhaps you will let us into a few of your secrets about yourself and your training methods and it will possibly help us all into understanding our dogs a little better  i have no doubt that a wrinkle of your experience will be treasured by us all and make a vast difference to the way racing is conducted in the future.Also i bet you have some advice on breeding you would like to share please reply soon :D   :D   :D KIPPER  xxxxxxx
Hi, I'm Carol, married to Steve, live at Newark Notts, originally from Wales. I have two Whippets Smartie (Fawn and White partie) and Peter (Fawn and White trim). We all love walking in Yorkshire and the Peak district (if it's fine, hate the rain, the boys refuse to go anywhere if it's raining!!). May show the boys but they are pets first and foremost. Also have a horse called Charlie he's a 15.2 Chestnut gelding, who also hates the rain. Used to have a whippet cross called Shane he was 18 when he died and he was the best dog you could wish for, in fact he thought he was human!!. :)
Hey Bryony here, :D   :D   :D   :D

just to say a few lines about myself, Im 17, live in St. Neots with my mum and my dad lives in Stevenage with the dogs my dad Phil has been racing whippets or greyhounds for a few years now.  We've got 2 bitches and a pup. Little Folly (Mickey MouseXHocus Pocus) Last Despair who we were given when Katie (little folly got injured as a pup:0 ), and a 9 week old pup called Suzie(blue brindle) :p   :p   :p the rest of the litter have just gone to their racing homes:(   :(   :(  [sob].  

look forward to your reply ....      Bryony
Well as there seems to be a few new names around  at the moment ,i thought this subject better get back on the top of the pile .This will give  the new membersthe  chance to add a little. Also whilst on this site Mr Bill Grass took his new pup out of kipper and crystal bay home to Manchester this week,  i would like to wish him lots of fun firstly,  luck ,and success  He is looking for a lure if any one has one for sale, i will give his tel number if you reply as i dont know it of hand all the very best Bill and welcome back to whippet racing looking forward to racing with you at Lancaster in the very near future  steve

:p   :p   :D
Hi, Im to all this, but have had plenty of help and advice from many people on here. Rory is my 1st whippet, and it's a big learning curve at the moment, he has so much energy I'm having difficulty keeping up, and I ain't that unfit  ???

I live in Grays (Essex) with my wife Michelle, who is most certainly NOT an Essex girl   :)  She's actually from Northumberland....

I have met Sheila Webb and some of the people from Thurrock Whippet Racing club (they trial their dogs within 10mins walk of my house) and Rory will be going there when he's old enough.

RealMadYid for those who know indicates I'm a big Spurs fan and I dream they too will be like Real Madrid   :)



My name Samantha Chase and my husband is Joe.  We live in Canada, north of Toronto.  I have a son, Rory, who is 21 and living at University right now.   I've been in Whippets for about 25 years.  We have three adults, the boys - Caleb who is 2 1/2 years old, Erik who is 1 1/2 years and our girl Brie who is 3 years.  We lost our old girl Britta just before Brie was born, she was 15 and I still miss her a lot!  We also have a litter of puppies right now who are 10 weeks old and are all very "enthusiastic" about life in general - lol!  We will be keeping a girl from this litter - Molly, who's photo is on the website.  We are involved in showing to a certain extent, but since racing came to Canada in 1996, showing really takes a back seat.  We also love lure coursing and try to go as often as we can.  The closest race meets are still 3 hours away, but it's worth it!

Welcome to the list and it's nice to get to know everyone a bit more.

Best Wishes

ok so maybe i got a little sidetracked and forgot to tell you all about me   :p

i'm 15 and i live near doncaster, i have one dog, she is called connors lass and is bred from a dog in wick called selim cool(laid back x cassie cool) and out of an unraced bitch (also from wick who is believed to have some ancestry towards cheeky anne) She is my first ever dog so i threw myself in at the deep end and decided "lets race her too"   :D !!! i have only raced since we got kerri but i used to come and watch for about a year on and off before that. i am enjoying racing my dog and i want another (so it's addictive) i want a big black bitch (cos i have a name and everything picked for her) maybe one day i'll get my dream dog (bet thats what we all say   ;)   :p   :D  )

                     l8r.  ???
It sure is addictive fleesh, i have eight up to now, no moreeeeeeeeeeeeeee i keep saying, but when a little pup comes along that is good breeding WHAT DO U DO lol always room for one more eyyyyyy
hi my name is peter my other half is michelle we own jack one jack two jack,back show three among others that do not race ie two gray hounds we have been racing togther for about 15 years and just started to go open racen again which we are loveing every min of it meeting old friends and makeing new ones see you all soon at the opens
;)  Hi my name is bill and i live with my partner pat we have six grown up sons and daughters between us and four grand children. I used to race whipetts in the late sixtys and early seventys with steve boyd amongst other people I went to gin pit the other week and was surprised to see a couple of faces from the past namely graham cooper and george hartley it was good to chat about old times I have just purchased a pup from steve boyd the breeding is KIPPER + CRYSTAL BAY I also have two labradors a bitch called abbey and a dog called jack you will probaby see me at most tracks when my pup has finished his injections I have been to quite a few all ready. Hope to see you all soon
hi everybody i am Jade scott my dog is nch southern scott, tigger is my only dog and unfortunaltly will probably be my only dog. i am 15 and live way down south compared to all you lot (hampshire), my dad is peter scott the loud scottish bloke that im usually seen with. i have only been racing for just over a year but my dad and grandad used to race pedigrees in the 80's. :)
start the new year off in fine form and tell the world about yourself here on k9 the site with a difference tell all your likes about whippet racing and all your dislikes start some new threads and make lots of new friends whilst adding your views and it might help make a difference who knows ?????go on try it !!!!!!! Do they use kickboards abroad what sort of floors do the traps in france? ---canada ?-have tell us please finaly happy new year to all those in different countries from us all here in the U.K.
Hi,this is Peter Scott, known as Scotty, I race with my daughter Jade, our dog is N.Ch

Southern Scott, bred out of Cracked It X Alabama, I have raced on and of since 19-70

mostly with the peds, boy could they show us how to run an open or what!. We had quite a good first yeat with Tigger pet name, last year but missed out at the BWRA straights when his name sake tigger won the 30lb class. we hope to be going to mostof the big events this year including scotland, lets hope this year we go home with what we arrive with, good luck to all racers and there dogs this year.
Hi,My name is Ian Grand and I have just reached the big 50.I raced whippets on and off from being a schoolboy.I live up in the North East which in years gone by,was a real hot bed,with virtually every mining village having its own track.I have just bought a show type whippet as a pet and didn`t realise that the racing fraternity is still going strong albeit it seems mostly open racing as opposed to club.So if there are any decent racing pups around this area,I may just be tempted into getting the old muzzle and racing colours out of mothballs and buying myself a companion for my little bitch.(the pup that is not my wife)and before you all start accusing me of being a chauvinist pig,I was only JOKING there