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7 Weeks Pregnant

you can print a pik of lacey off if you want no problem. lacey has no milk through yet and i wasnt expecting any till shes ready for delivering. we just weighend lacey in an ikea bag :lol: nothing ever bothers her shes put on 10lb shes 37lb with 10 days to go so thats 4.5 -5kg ish shes put on so is about the same as your bitch
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I hadnt thought of doing the cristals to guss the pups i will have a go with lacey after havent done in for a few yearsas everyone has scans now to tell what baby there having
We got a scan at 4 weeks and the vet said there was deff 4 pups but he suspected there may be more, plus the fact he thinks she's too small when infact she isnt would lead me to think there may be more aswell.

Going for a scan on thursday because the vet was worried, and worried us too.
once the pups are born and on there feet I would look for a good greyhound vet in your ariea. they know what there doing with sighthounds what anathetics to use and the differnces they have to other breeds.
fallenangel said:
once the pups are born and on there feet I would look for a good greyhound vet in your ariea. they know what there doing with sighthounds what anathetics to use and the differnces  they have to other breeds.
Yes I may just do that!

I assumed the vet would know what he was talking abut, i mean if it had been a human and was told they were too small and risking the baby and they were wrong you could sue! :p

I will take the pics to the vet and show him, maybe suggest he takes a catch up course on whippet/greyhound anatomy lol
some vets depending on were they are never come across greyhounds and whippets and dont know there litte odosses. lots of genral vets who have sightound come in will do a bit of catch up with them. theres lots of advice on here about anatheticsect wormers flea treetments to mention to your vet ypu will fined so much on this site you can train him up yourself :lol: :lol: :lol:
I will do!

He is a good vet but has the nack of making you feel terribly guilty lol!

I will see how it all goes on Thursday and let you know what he says.
Just back from the vets, who seemed to do some back peddling and said that Pippa is perfectly fine, and didnt charge me for the appointment!

Me thinks maybe he looked it up and realised he was wrong perhapse.

Well im glad now that everything is ok!

I can stop worrying and get on with being excited for the birth!

P.S Saw pippa's pups wriggling in her belly today, it looked like they were having a barny!
I am so glad you can now relaxs and enjoy the rest of her pregnacy and birth. I think most of us on here go to greyhound vets or vets with a good knolwg of sighthounds becoues this dogs are differnt from other breed in a lot of things. you may fined now you vet does some studing about whippets.
i do hope so, and as he realy changed his tune when we came back in it seems to me he has read up and realised he was wrong!