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3 X Sup Rch / Nch Little Bill

So sorry to hear this. Everything crossed for you all. :luck: little fella

Paul n Sue
So sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you, good luck Billy boy, let's hope the next news we hear will be good news.
Shocking news! :( Sincerely hope Bill recovers.

He may be small but the little chap has the heart of a lion, always enjoyed watching this dog coming into the finish as he's completely fearless! keep fighting Bill :luck: :luck: :luck:
Been round george and letts today to see billy there seems to be no improvement in him hes now gone off his food and drink wont even get up for a biscuit which is unlike billy so sad to see billy in this way its so unlike him fingers crossed for you billy xxx :(
O no, :( Come on Billy Boy keep fighting little lad :luck:
Have spoken to George & Lett several times today and they have said thank you to everyone for their kind words at this sad time.

Unfortunately Billy seems to have taken a turn for the worse today. He normally lives in the house but has decided he wants to lay in the shed on his blanket and won't get up - not even for a biscuit which is so unlike him. :(

George has rung the vet and he is going to the house to see Billy tomorrow but it is looking more and more likely he will be put to sleep so he has no more suffering.

Fingers & everything crossed for Billy
that's awful i do hope he gets better,poor lad,kenny chris dan,ash
:( Come on Billy, little boy we are all rooting for you to pull through :(
Only just seen this comeon Billy get to the winning line Les & Lynda :luck:
so sorry to hear this :(

thinking of you all, hope he keeps fighting :luck:
Dreadful news :( keeping everything crossed :luck: and thinking of you both at this worrying time
:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: all the best ,great little dog
Wish this wee dog all the best,,hope he's better in the morning :luck: :luck: :luck:
Pull throught Little Bill. Fingers crossed for you. xxx