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3 Whippets Stolen

further descriptions of these dogs and photos of two of them have been posted on doglostDescriptions and pictures on DogLost website:




Facebook page:

I don't know whether this loss is posted on lurcherlink, sighthounds on line, greyhound gap, etc -- I'm sure crosspostings would be welcome, suggest link to the dogslost site for anyone who wants to make contact

I will check whether they are listed on alfieslostdogs site and whippet forum

I cross posted to greyhound gap as soon as I heard about the theft.
I'm with leslie on this one, what also beggars belief is none of the dogs are microchipped. I also hope the dogs are found safe and well SOON.
It costs just a tenner to microchip a dog. Much less than security camera's which obviously didn't do there job of detering the scum who stole the dogs..
The fact they weren't chipped struck me as well - I can't imagine not chipping my dogs (and nobody in their right minds would steal any of my motley crew), it seems such a basic precaution to take especially after having a dog stolen before.

Absolutely everything crossed that these dogs are found safe and home soon :luck:
Wow, I'm just shocked at some of the comments on here - particularly from people/persons who have been in the same shoes having had a dog stolen :( I certainly would have expected more understanding.

At the end of the day anyone in law enforcement will tell you that your property (be it house, car, land, whatever) is only truly secure as long as there isn't someone who wants what you have enough to do whatever it takes to get it. If someone wants to get in they will! Period. Security will only deter the opportunist.

You can take the best precautions and STILL be a victim. And the worst victimization of all is known as secondary victimisation - an example of which is 'blaming the victim'.

I have no idea of the people involved. That's irrelevant. I find the insensitivity appalling ESP from those who have been in their shoes.

Flame suit at the ready.
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Wow, I'm just shocked at some of the comments on here - particularly from people/persons who have been in the same shoes having had a dog stolen :( I certainly would have expected more understanding.
At the end of the day anyone in law enforcement will tell you that your property (be it house, car, land, whatever) is only truly secure as long as there isn't someone who wants what you have enough to do whatever it takes to get it. If someone wants to get in they will! Period. Security will only deter the opportunist.

You can take the best precautions and STILL be a victim. And the worst victimization of all is known as secondary victimisation - an example of which is 'blaming the victim'.

I have no idea of the people involved. That's irrelevant. I find the insensitivity appalling ESP from those who have been in their shoes.

Flame suit at the ready.
Well i can speak personally & say yes i have had dogs stolen ONCE , many years ago & beleive you me it will NEVER happen again cos they would have to kill me first & thats no joke.

When it's happened to you ONCE generally you become completely paranoid & OVER protective like i am.

To happen not ONCE not TWICE but THREE times & still not at the very least have your dogs chipped is not something i can not comprehend?

I only speak personally having been through this & knowing what's it like & beleive you me you make damn sure it NEVER happens again, but hey that just me.

I dont know the owner personally & do not wish to condemn, i am just stating my opinion & what i would do in the first circumstance. My sympathies as ever remain with the poor babies & hope they are found safe.
Wow, I'm just shocked at some of the comments on here - particularly from people/persons who have been in the same shoes having had a dog stolen :( I certainly would have expected more understanding.
At the end of the day anyone in law enforcement will tell you that your property (be it house, car, land, whatever) is only truly secure as long as there isn't someone who wants what you have enough to do whatever it takes to get it. If someone wants to get in they will! Period. Security will only deter the opportunist.

You can take the best precautions and STILL be a victim. And the worst victimization of all is known as secondary victimisation - an example of which is 'blaming the victim'.

I have no idea of the people involved. That's irrelevant. I find the insensitivity appalling ESP from those who have been in their shoes.

Flame suit at the ready.

sorry to hear about these poor dogs i hope they are found soon
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Hi All

Just to add my tenpenth, I lost a Whippet a while ago (she took fright when chased by 2 large dogs) Winnie was microchipped all details of her chip were updated when we moved house, when she was eventually found she was taken to the Main City Police station (sheffield), when I informed them that Win was chipped and why did they not scan her, we dont have a scanner was their reply

So sometimes having them chipped is no help,

I'm not being insensitive Wendy I am just being honest,people seem to be forgetting that these that these poor dogs are going through this again, we are supposed to protect them, and they have no ID to get home if found,???I'm sure the owner is very upset but having been there twice before like Nina says I would not let those dogs out of my sight, and yes I realise that theives will go to extremes if they want something badly enough but but what extremes will they go to for 3 whippets with no papers one of them being 12 years old? if it had been that difficult they would have given up not come back a 3rd time, theives are generally lazy opportunists, I am fortunate that this has not happened to me and pray that it never does but I also take some credit for the fact that I am very aware of their safety if not some what paranoid, and like I said even more so if it had happened before.
Hi All
Just to add my tenpenth, I lost a Whippet a while ago (she took fright when chased by 2 large dogs) Winnie was microchipped all details of her chip were updated when we moved house, when she was eventually found she was taken to the Main City Police station (sheffield), when I informed them that Win was chipped and why did they not scan her, we dont have a scanner was their reply

So sometimes having them chipped is no help,


Whilst i appreciate that this can & does happen it is a different situation to lose a dog to having one stolen. A main point would be if your dog was stolen & you found out where it was or who had it & you contacted the police how would you then prove the dog was yours?

Equally if the dog was later dumped or found MOST good vets WILL scan but without a chip how would the owner ever be found??

Nothing is fool proof we all know BUT any precaution has to be better than none, surely.
All I can say is I hope my dogs are never stolen, the main reason being for the dogs sake but the other is many would blame the owner by the looks of it
All I can say is I hope my dogs are never stolen, the main reason being for the dogs sake but the other is many would blame the owner by the looks of it
Only if it happened again and again! but as you can see you would still get help with finding it because to most people on here if they were honest the dogs are the main priority here, and I as much as anyone hope with all my heart they are found safe and well.
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All I can say is I hope my dogs are never stolen, the main reason being for the dogs sake but the other is many would blame the owner by the looks of it
Only if it happened again and again! but as you can see you would still get help with finding it because to most people on here if they were honest the dogs are the main priority here, and I as much as anyone hope with all my heart they are found safe and well.

This is why I much prefer animals to people
All I can say is I hope my dogs are never stolen, the main reason being for the dogs sake but the other is many would blame the owner by the looks of it
Only if it happened again and again! but as you can see you would still get help with finding it because to most people on here if they were honest the dogs are the main priority here, and I as much as anyone hope with all my heart they are found safe and well.

This is why I much prefer animals to people
You and me both that why people should take special care of them because they can't do it themselves :thumbsup:
Having your dog microchiped WILL NOT STOP YOUR DOG BEING STOLEN (mine are BTW)

These dogs were not in the kennels from which they were stolen from before but ones which ajoin the house !

In the words of the police, " it would only be of benefit if these dog were microchiped when they were found ! These theives were INTENT on getting to these dogs and taking what they could "

I will repeat these scumbags went to great lengths to find these dogs and unless you have been to the owners house and seen the layout ONLY then would you see what lengths they went to !

Actually someone could break in to my house with a lot less effort than these theives went to and take my microchipped dogs !
I can only say when my dogs were taken my friends were invaluable to me, they knew what my dogs meant to me & were out with me 24-7 searching until they were found.

I would do the same for ANYONE in the same situation as i know the devastation it causes.

I can only say i learnt a great lesson by this & would NEVER EVER leave a dog in any kind of a vulnerable situaition again, until it happens to you, you really dont think such cruel people exist but once it does it changes your life.

Whilst i'm sure everyone is aware having your dog microchipped does NOT prevent them being stolen, most dogs that are stolen are later on either passed on, sold, dumped or held to ransom & this is where a chip helps to get the dog back to the rightful owner.

The only thing that can stop your dog being stolen quite frankly is YOUR protection, vigilance & safe guarding at all times & it's not easy, especially if its not happened to you or you dont know about dog theft.
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Hi All
Just to add my tenpenth, I lost a Whippet a while ago (she took fright when chased by 2 large dogs) Winnie was microchipped all details of her chip were updated when we moved house, when she was eventually found she was taken to the Main City Police station (sheffield), when I informed them that Win was chipped and why did they not scan her, we dont have a scanner was their reply

So sometimes having them chipped is no help,


Whilst i appreciate that this can & does happen it is a different situation to lose a dog to having one stolen. A main point would be if your dog was stolen & you found out where it was or who had it & you contacted the police how would you then prove the dog was yours?

Equally if the dog was later dumped or found MOST good vets WILL scan but without a chip how would the owner ever be found??

Nothing is fool proof we all know BUT any precaution has to be better than none, surely.

If in this case, if one or all of these dogs were found then i would more than happy to give a dna sample from my Evie to have it annalised to prove parentage cos it could be her mum or dad or auntie. . . . of which i have papers for !
Hi All
Just to add my tenpenth, I lost a Whippet a while ago (she took fright when chased by 2 large dogs) Winnie was microchipped all details of her chip were updated when we moved house, when she was eventually found she was taken to the Main City Police station (sheffield), when I informed them that Win was chipped and why did they not scan her, we dont have a scanner was their reply

So sometimes having them chipped is no help,


Whilst i appreciate that this can & does happen it is a different situation to lose a dog to having one stolen. A main point would be if your dog was stolen & you found out where it was or who had it & you contacted the police how would you then prove the dog was yours?

Equally if the dog was later dumped or found MOST good vets WILL scan but without a chip how would the owner ever be found??

Nothing is fool proof we all know BUT any precaution has to be better than none, surely.

If in this case, if one or all of these dogs were found then i would more than happy to give a dna sample from my Evie to have it annalised to prove parentage cos it could be her mum or dad or auntie. . . . of which i have papers for !
If you knew who had the dogs this would maybe be a solution ........

But my point being if they were dumped or found or sold on & were taken to a vet & scanned & no chip was found how the hell would they know who to contact??

How could you give a dna sample as no one would know to contact you?

Anyway it's a bit like locking the stable door AFTER the horse has bolted, the dogs are NOT chipped so it's pointless arguing the cause now.

I have no axes to grind & dont know the folk involved & just wish i lived nearer as i would be the first to offer help & be out there looking for them.

I think we all just hope these poor mites are found & that if they are lucky enough to get home a 3rd time there is NEVER a 4th time.
I hope that the poor dogs are found soon, atleast if they are used to being kennelled they will not find it such a shock if they are being kept outside, mine would persish on the spot. However, we are responsible for the health and well being of any animal in our care, and it does seem increadible that they could be stolen 3 times. If the dogs are kept on a busy road and therefore visable, unfortunately it does seem as if they are a more likely target. Not the owners fault that they are being targetted by theives, certainly not the dogs either, and they rely on us. If that were me, they would be inside, and then atleast not so visable, alarms, cctv, guard dog, etc too. CCTV is clearly ineffective so hopefully the whole situation will be re-thought if these dogs make it home a 3rd time. personally, I'd rather move home or if that was not possible re-home the dogs than risk this a 4th time.
I AGREE WITH TRACY, mine RE CHIPPED BUT the way people are slagging the owner is sickenig she has been very seriously ill of late and i dont see why you should have to move house etc as your only letting this scum who stole the dogs win
also if its travellers the police will do f89kj all as they never do to scared!