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>I was going to ask why the dog had why

To protect their stopper pads from injury when they go in on the lure when the ground is hard.
BeeJay said:
It doesn't always help when there is an affix because some breeders like Laguna re used names.  Then you have to be very careful or you get the wrong dogs in a pedigree.
Yes, having two Laguna Leaders was very confusing, I've often wondered about it! Does the KC allow that? What are the other doubles?
Sorry, deleted by mistake.

what i's wrote was.

The Kennel Club will allow the same name to be used twice (or more) but there MUST be 10 years between it being registerd.
Mark Roberts said:
The Kennel Club will allow the same name to be used twice (or more) but there MUST be 10 years between it being registerd.
Given that there seem to be quite a few whippet stud dogs around still on the job at 11 or 12, you could potentially have dogs with the same name siring pups at the same time :wacko:
Brace yourselves :D . Duplicate Laguna's. :)

3 of these

Laguna Ladybird

Laguna Lamelia

Laguna Linda

Laguna Linnet

Laguna Locknee

Laguna Lulu

2 of these

Laguna Lace

Laguna Lady Be Good

Laguna Lana

Laguna Lancella

Laguna Lancer

Laguna Landscape

Laguna Lark

Laguna Larryta

Laguna Lass

Laguna Latin Lover

Laguna Lattice

Laguna Laura

Laguna Lauretta

Laguna Lavender

Laguna Lavina

Laguna Lavinia

Laguna Leader

Laguna Leash

Laguna Legacy

Laguna Leo

Laguna Leonie

Laguna Lictor

Laguna Lightening

Laguna Lilac

Laguna Lilika

Laguna Linkella

Laguna Linwell

Laguna Lipstick

Laguna Lisobel

Laguna Lissa

Laguna Lively Lilt

Laguna Lockinvar

Laguna Lollipop

Laguna Lorgnette

Laguna Lorna

Laguna Louise

Laguna Louvette

Laguna Lucette

Laguna Lucinda

Laguna Lucky Lad

Laguna Lush

Laguna Lynette

Laguna Lyric

That's without the ones with just a letter change like Lavender and Lavendar.
BeeJay said:
Brace yourselves  :D .   Duplicate Laguna's.   :)
OMG! I suppose if you've been at it for over 40 years you might eventually run out of names, especially one beginning with L :wacko:
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I guess its no wonder that some of those Laguna name beginning with L have been repeated. Imagine having to think of new ones all the time :D

You've got some I haven't got Barbara and vice versa :wacko:

We won't even get into how many Blue Peters have been registered - :lol:

Ten years doesn't seem enough time between names to me. You would have thought they would have made it longer than that so that the first dog wouldn't still be alive when the name was re-used. Its 16 years with racing names registered with the WCRA and it can't be re-used at all if the dog was a champion.
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Now she's nearly in Wales, she should start using Welsh ones, no shortage of names and words beginning with Ll :lol: (Llian, Llyr, Lleu, Llwyd, and hundreds of really obscure ones in the Mabinogion (w00t) )
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>We won't even get into how many Blue Peters have been registered -

(w00t) No let's not go there. They are a nightmare. Then there's the Judy's. (w00t)
>Ten years doesn't seem enough time between names to me. You would have thought they would have made it longer than that so that the first dog wouldn't still be alive when the name was re-used. Its 16 years with racing names registered with the WCRA and it can't be re-used at all if the dog was a champion.

No it's not long enough is it. I'm sure that I can remember one dogs name that was used twice with a shorter gap than that. The first one had been exported and the name reused shortly afterwards. I can remembering thinking it's as if the breeder decided that the first dog was dead now it's not in this country it would have been about 7 or 8 years old when it's name was re-used. Of course maybe it had died. :(
BeeJay said:
>We won't even get into how many Blue Peters have been registered -
(w00t) No let's not go there.  They are a nightmare.  Then there's the Judy's. (w00t)

Oh Yeah! I've got 8 Judy's. Thats even more than the Blue Peters ! :lol:

I guess before the Kenel Club was computerised it must have been quite difficult to check on whether a name had been used before or not. :sweating: